One last time for now:
And since the author of the other thread as well as some others want to glorify Trump as some kind of deity/"Perfect Being,"
I strongly suggest that you folks out there consider this re: his "few shortcomings."
1)18000 plus documented lies during his tenure.
2) Documented racism for his total adult life.
3)Narcissism of the highest degree.
4) Severe arrogance, rudeness and a total condescending attitude that he is right about everything.
5) Groping of women in the past and a terrible attitude toward them in general("Grab them by the pussy")as well as procuring services of prostitutes
like Stormy Daniels when married.
6) Believing that he right about everything, and that he knows more than in this case the most highly respected doctors and epidemiologists.
7) Never admitting he is wrong about anything and always blaming someone else for his shortcomings and mistakes.
8) Making decisions that are based primarily on getting re-elected.
9) As I posted earlier today, showing no compassion for anyone who has lost loved ones during the Coronavirus Crisis.
10) Total disgusting behavior at his press conferences where he puts down reporters especially females who dare to ask a relevant question or worse
criticize him about anything.
I could go on forever, but imo the picture is quite clear here as to why overall he totally FAILS as a human being!!