What QAnon the Right Wing Cult is All About


Nov 11, 2007
I just checked the other thread, and as usual there is nothing new to report other than to add three more posts to the growing number in that

misnamed thread which have ZERO to do with the title of the thread either directly or indirectly.

To use the terminology of a lazy weatherman who lives in the middle of the desert where sometimes the weather doesn't change for days or even weeks or

months, "No change."

Here is the update list of those posts beginning with post 1236 where these types of irrelevant bs really started to pop quickly like popcorn does

in a microwave over once it starts popping.

posts 1236, 1240, 1243, 1244, 1246, 1248, 1249, 1250, 1251, 1257, 1259, 1260, 1267, 1293, 1294,301, 1302, 1305, 1306,

1307, 1310, 1314, 1315, 1316, 1317,
318, 1320, 1335, 1350, 1352, 1356, 1357, 1358, 1359, 1365, 1366, 1367, 1368, 1371, 1374, 1388, 1389, 1390,

1391, 1392, 1393, 1394, 1395, 1397, 1398,
1399, 1400, 1401, 1403, 1404, 1406, 1407, 1409, 1417, 1420, 1424, 1440, 1441,

1446, 1447, 1448, 1449. 1455, 1457, 1459.

What I find interesting and telling is that in reality it was I rather than the author of the Important Virus Update Thread who started

the QAnon CULT Thread, because lets face it, that is all his thread is about no matter how hard he tries to just to say it is not.

I suggest that you decide for yourself if the real intent/theme of the thread and the connotation is about "Important Virus Update" or something else..

For now the only other comment is and I have said this before at least by implication:

What I still don't get is if any or all of these conspiracy theories, accusations and finger pointing of democrats are actually true, then I am a bit confused

based on the predictions which accompany it.

I mean if what they claim to be true and the people involved are going to be brought to justice IMMINENTLY either by the legal system or by God himself,

then what is the point of continuing this each day with the same folks and more added?

Should we simnply take all which is stated by this group and the author of this thread as "the coming attractions" "coming to a theater near you,"

and thus to let us know what to expect OR is the purpose more sinister, ie to get people so angry so as to not wait for the legal system or God

to deal with these "evil" folks and take the law into their onw hands and deal with folks like the Clintons, obama, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet,

Dr. Fauci, etc. in their own quicker means??

At the very least it is something to consider.

Back later.

This post will be repeated once and only once sometime during the day for those who are/were not able to see this due

to blocking attempts to try to stifle my take.

New member
Jan 11, 2008

Nov 11, 2007
One other thing for now;

I am pretty sure that QAnon and its author in the other thread will EVENTUALLY be right about someone and that the latter will be brought to justice.

Based on my own ideas and from I have read and seen, the most likely would be Hillary Clnton.

Imo though it would have to do with something along the lines of illegal financial contributions, rather than child trafficking nonsense, etc.

Anyways the point is and using a comparison, when these QAnon folks finally get one right, they will crow about it until "the cows come home,"

and will make it sound like they are and have "ALWAYS" been "RIGHT" with their accusations and assessments, even though around 99% plus

of their finger pointing at noted democrats and subsequent predictions have failed big time have failed to come true in the past-for sure you won't

hear that mentioned!

Sound familiar but you can't put your finger exactly how/why??

Well lets just say that this same kind of modus operandi happens all of the time with scamdicappers, who lose big time week after the week for their clients,

with their plays especially the big plays, and then finally get lucky and hit a big play and/or have a VERY RARE winning week.

It goes without saying that they will focus 100% ad nauseam on the big play which won ONLY and NEVER once even indirectly allude to the fact of how many

big plays/losing weeks they had prior to this and their overall record.

The most obvious inclusion/reference which comes to mind is with the person/service I know the best through documentation as I have pointed out

for too many years to count overall and beginning this year in this Forum is Phil Steele/Northcoast.

I think the point is well made here as it applies to the other thread and the FAR RIGHT WING CULT he represents in this thread/forum.

Nov 11, 2007
It appears that the delusional spokesDEVIL for QAnon at the other thread is getting bored and just wrote what follows below.

Just because I am silent in no way means that I believe Dr. Fauci is guilty of anything-imo until/if/when actually proven by a court of law and/or GOD himself,

I will regard what he says about Dr. Fauci as just more paranoid/delusional bs and another of the zillion FAILED predictions hat QAnon is known for beginning in 2017.

Wake me up when Dr. Fauci is thrown in jail and/or zapped by God on the spot for the world to see. lol

And yes to be clear at this juncture imo I do regard Dr. Fauci as much as a legitimate candidate for Man of the Year as anyone else!!

"One member here calls Fauci "Man of the Year."

It's interesting that in light of recent developments and posts here this person has virtually gone silent!

TRUTH always shows itself!

TRUTH always silences the haters!

Haters include self-proclaimed advocates of Satan!"​


Nov 11, 2007
Also for anyone who hasn't read post 1 yet which states what the RIGHT WING/DELUSIONAL/FAILED CONSPIRATORIAL CULT is all about, here again

is the link which tells you all you need to know.


Also check out post 68 and links if you want to see their "success" rate with their predictions, or more aptly

put, their "success" rate in FAILED predictions. lol

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