What QAnon the Right Wing Cult is All About


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Jan 11, 2008


Nov 11, 2007
Here is another article which indicates that things are not going "quite' as well as the DELSIONAL "Q'Anon agent thinks they are.

I would compare Trump and his campaign to a pitcher who starts the game and who gives up five runs in the first inning, has not retired one batter and who then

totally loses it totally by walking or hitting the next five who follow before being mercifully pulled from the game.

Re: moving the convention, well imo the best place to move it would be to to one of the bathrooms in his home and appropriately and symbolically

next to one of his toilets if not in it!! lol


New member
Jan 11, 2008


This dumb fuck named savage was turning 60 years old and he had done nothing but FAIL in life to meet a woman/wife. Anyone shocked that no woman would want to be with this scumbag? Probably not. He has to go to a foreign Country to buy a woman willing to spread her legs for a green card. Finally, success!

Now he is 75 and a full time internet troll. He has a wife who most likely feels like nothing but a prisoner in her own home and she has an old ass husband who sits on the internet every day trolling people with non stop hypocrisy

On top of that he was banned at 2 other forums because everybody hated his guts and he didn't have a single friend at either forum. Not one

Now the scumbag is here pumping his totally biased agenda and already everybody fuckin hates the guy.

What a shitty fuckin life this asshole lives

And this guy has noooooo fuckin idea what a real christian is. He doesn’t qualify and neither does his whore. Real Christians do not tell others to suck cock and they do not constantly talk about HATING people. And if they really had a Christian wife, she would agree with what I just said. If she justified that stuff, she is a whore, not a Christian.

There are religious hypocrites and real people of faith. savage is a religious hypocrite. He is that piece of shit that thinks he can say he is Christian and that alone gives him free will to say and act any way he wants. No that makes you a religious hypocrite

Those that talk the talk and walk the walk. Those are true people of faith

You hate people every day and post it, and tell others to suck cock? You are nothing but an embarrassment to real Christians. You are also a scumbag and a piece of shit HYPOCRITE.


Hate, hate, hate, and more hatred from this Un-American piece of shit hypocrite. The only Christian in the world that spends his whole day spewing hatred i guess. You keep doing it and i will keep making positive posts in support of our President and the greatest Country in the World

Bring it you old shitbag. All day every day. You keep trying to get your hate speech out and I will continue to slam pictures and memes up your ass at a high rate of speed

I have your old disgusting whore buying ass back peddling every day all day. You spend more time trying to defend yourself than you do anything else. It is fun hammering the truth up your ass.

Hypocrite scumbag. Your whore deserves so much better

New member
Jan 11, 2008
I guess the whore and the son spend another day on the sidelines while the 75 year old hate filled lunatic pounds the keyboard again all day

At this point the whore is nothing more than a roommate and the son is a stimulus check

pretty sad

Nov 11, 2007
I am going to respond to the last two posts, which are usual BOLD FACED LIES in the Right Wing Cult Thread in posts 1801 and 1802 in a slightly

different manner.

Namely I am going to take just one post today from that thread which was made over two months, which will show those who don't know already

what this delusional group of composed of.

I chose an older one rather than a newer one because over two months have gone and to remind people who have been following

his thread what has transpired since then in terms of those predictions, namely ZERO, ZILCH, NADA, NOTHING

Those who are new to the thread can and will get something out of it even if they haven't followed the thread buy pay attention to it

moving forward.

You will see more posts like this as time moves on.

I deliberately chose am choosing earlier dates rather than later so that the entity on the other end couldn't say more time is needed.

Anyways, here is post 52 from that thread on March 24.

"Looking Glass"

"As the end of the virus nears it will conclude with the rise of the TRUTH.

The truth will occur on a global stage.

There will be no room for question when it comes to the people.

No one will ever again question who's responsible for, coordinated, involved in, or ANYTHING that has happened or been considered a "conspiracy theory" EVER AGAIN!

This includes some of the most controversial topics like JFK, Oklahoma City, Whitewater, 9/11, ISIS, Mandalay Bay, Pizzagate and more.

It will be a "MIC DROP"!

A New Earth blossoms
Unity, Peace, Love, Compassion, Healing
We are spiritual beings having human experiences

The Age of Aquarius is the Golden Age of progress and prosperity based on spiritual values, honesty and truth."

Ok first of all notice the vague use of the word "truth" in line one and the end of the Virus.

What is the truth and when is the end of the virus exactly? is-simply what the agent of the QAnons determines them to be

by their undefined criterion?

Whatever the "truth" is, he says we are supposed to see it on a global stage.

Again the question what "truth' was revealed on a global stage and when exactly when was it revealed?

He says there will be no room for question when this nebulous/cryptic "Truth" comes to pass.

Again exactly what was imminent on March 24 of imminent and how was it revealed, when and to whom?

And the we are told no one will ever question as to who is responsible for/ coordinated, etc these

alleged conspiracy things EVER AGAIN-yeah right!!

Then we get some examples of this, all totally UNPROVEN if not debunked.

And then we get the cliched word he has used a FAILED zillion times "MIC DROP!" to try to say how shocking all of this stuff will be when

revealed, which was supposed to be by what turned out to be FOUR SEPARATE AND DISTINCT DATES or at least imminent.

Then he closes with his New Earth crap which consists of universal unity, peace, love, compassion,


Further, We are told we are all spiritual being, blah, blah-WE ARE ONE!!

Check the tv, radio, newspaper internet, media and even Fox and you decide if "WE ARE ONE yet!!

This is just the tip of the iceberg regarding all of the other ton of BULLSHIT/"Q"ULLSHIT

which has been tossed around since the date of the post and for that matter when the thread started on 3/18 and

for the last three years when this zombie group started.

When questioned about all of these flawed predictions which never come to pass, all we get is that

100% of them have come true rather than 0%, and that the QAnons have the (for lack of a better word) "gift"

to see that all of which they have claimed to have predictedhas come 100% true,, and that the

rest of us mere mortals simply do not see it yet but we will as soon as we evolve to their 'superior" level. lol

If you read the thread in its entirety, you will see that many times when the agent makes an UNPROVEN accusation

or tries to claim he and the QAnons have been right, he will try to poison the well by saying such

things as "the clues/evidence are there;" "Look all around you." This or that is IMMINENT and on and on and on.

In actuality the only REAL thing he can point to (if that) is the Flynn matter/ ObamaGate, which Barr

has stated he won't get involved with, etc.

From my point of view. the only thing ''proven" is that the Agent has PROVEN nothing and simply hopes that by

blowing smoke up people asses every day, that that will get the job done.

That's enough for right now.

Expect more of this kind of exposure on occasion in the days, weeks and months ahead.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Yet another example of why this racist hypocrite named savage is such a scumbag

He starts a thread (politics forum) titled put your money where you mouth is. Somebody says okay and challenges him to a wager for MONEY, just as this scumbag stated in the title of the thread

Did he accept the wager? No, he ran like the yellow bellied COWARD he is

The poster said "Talk is cheap" and he wasn't kidding. This fuckin scumbag proved that yet again

You can buy whores but you can't back your big fuckin mouth up with money can you? No, not even after YOU put the challenge out

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