Welcome to the Poly Forum. One piece of advice, you are trying to hard. ...Good luck.
Thanks, but I have actually been at the Rx for along time. Probably predate most of you even though my join date says Sept 2004.
Think I started late 2002 or early 2003. If some of you remember, there was some kind of a server crash or something like it back in the spring of 2004. Effected the whole site. Did their best to recover everything but I know some of the content in some forums was lost.
# of us lost our personal post histories, post counts and join date info so some of that was just reset.
I just pick my spots here and come and go. Don't waste time on those who choose to engage me with the politics of personal destruction, my time is too valuable. Briefly sunk to that level during the reign of Doc Mercer face)(*^%