<TABLE class=tborder id=post5556883 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 1px solid">
07-16-2008, 05:22 PM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 1px solid" align=right> #
23 </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 0px solid" width=175>
Keef<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_5556883", true); </SCRIPT>
RX Junior
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Southern California
Posts: 17
</TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_5556883 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid"><!-- icon and title -->
<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->I once made work and the pursuit of money the number 1 priority. Who doesn't want a boat load of money to do whatever they want. Thing is, most will never get the kind of money to live like the rich and famous and blindly, I think sometimes that's what leads us to put the more important things in life aside. I used to think that way. Tried working up the corporate ladder and made it as far as a director type. Made good money, kids went to private school, wife always drove a new car, I always had a new car, traveled a bit...then all of a sudden, wife leaves me. It was a lesson that smacked me across the face. I first thought how ungrateful and spolied she is. then realized that my family really had no husband/father. I always had time for the big things like holidays, even things like the kids activities, baseball, softball, etc. So, I was around, but somehow absent. Luckily, they were back with me after an extremely short time. Luckily, I realized that working 15 hour days/weekends etc to get a promotion that increased income 12k-15k was not worth it. I'm so glad I can talk to my wife and kids now. Before, all I really was getting was updates on how they were doing. We no longer have brand new cars but I know what my kids like, dislike, how to annoy them, their favorite hiding places etc.
What really gets me is that I can recall working my tail off and wanting to prove myself to certain people in the work place in order to demonstrate my value. Now moving on from these jobs, I know that those people mean nothing to me. Will most likely never see them again and yet at the time, working hard for them was worth putting spending time at home off. I still work, and still have to perform, only I now realize that my boss means nothing to me. Next level up from my next to no resposibility position is about 8k more a year. What's that, 100 bucks a week after taxes? Not worth it. I know this isn't for everyone.
I think that if you have a solid financial/business plan that gets you to your goal of where you want to be financially in a relatively short period of time, that's great. But if it is going to take you the rest of your working career, seems like a lot to give up. As with everything, to each his own.
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Great post.