what mod is getting off freezing up my computer


New member
Sep 21, 2004
next time in charlotte be hick enough to call me scumbag to my face

answer your own damn phone and dont send a child to cover for your dead beat ass

New member
Jul 20, 2000

I did not get my room comped the guy at the hotel said my avg bet was 72$ and did not play but 4 hrs. played alot longer than that.I played longer than that at a 100 min table.

sea was low on cash so we put in together twice. 200 each.

I lose. then sea went to the table.he got up good and I was ready for bed so I told him dont worry about splitting just give me my post up he did and thought that was the end of that.

me and sea hung out in vegas.the guy could not keep up with his own chips, money or betting slips.he had me keep up with it for him.he lose all his money on the dice table and cussed out the man running the game and invited him out to fight.ask FRANK)I loaned him money till he had 800 wired to him all they could afford.
sea bragged how he stiffed this person and that person.and owed everybody includeing his mother(75k) more than 465k total and was broke.
the only people that I was around beside at the party was sea most of the time and frank just before the party in the sports book and after the party at the bar. teddy was at the bar with some other posters breifly.oh yeah me dante and up and out walked around downtown for awhile.

??2 my local did not golf bets props and his limit on preseason went down to 1k

sea says let me hook you up. account with apex small for golf and props.

sea says lay some action with my local if you want that way I know I get all your plays and the right amount.

never a limit problem with how much I wanted to bet .I had a bad run and the beginning of the season. and paid off on monday depositing into his mother bank account.after collecting the secound time the weekend came around.he promised me at the beginning he would book all my plays and not hold any action because I new he could not afford to pay me.anyhow he started acting funny.telling me that he could not get down over 250 before it was 2k.I told him just forget it and I would collect the money I had won on weekday games that monday.please finish out the weekend he said.you held the bets didn't you.sea says no I swear, I just think we are due.I played the 250 bets.my local knows all the guys it char and checked if he layed any money. he had not all week.found this out sunday evening.I called and told him he broke his promise and I was not playing him a dime.
he calls apex and he canacles a bet that I had with them.that pissed me off itold them if he has control over my account he can pay it.
pat calls me I talk to him he says he dont blame me about the other money but I made the bets a apex and should pay them I agree and tell him I will send the money the next day.
the next thing I know sea is on the phone threating to kill me and my family.

he has continue to call threating and cussing anyone that answers the phone

seas even said the first week I won the scam was over and he would ruin me on the forums and would collect if he did not kill me first

their is the real story


no problem

New member
Sep 21, 2004
any you are a lying son of a bitch

you wouldnt even answer the phone
face the truth

you bet 50 a game
you are a 1 man company
you didnt go to ecu
you didnt play football for them
you went bankrupt
you owe everybody
you dont have any yeeth
you live in a shack
your are inbred

any time you get to charlotte look me up
hell i will pay for the bus

New member
Sep 21, 2004
you damn right i cancelled your losing bet on the bears against minn

you see <einstein> after you hung up on me and told me that to cosider you a stiff like rod.... your exact words btw
and would come to the phone when i called back you coward

i had enough brains to know you were going to stiff apex also
they didnt want to cancel the bet but when i said i wouldnt stand for it... it got cancelled

twist it all you want
laughing at you is well worth the money i got stiffed for

New member
Sep 21, 2004
hick compare the following with your fabrication

I met panther in Vegas after talking to him several times on the phone.
we got along great and gambled and drank together most of the trip.
back home I went as far as to set him up with a small credit line offshore at a book I have done business with.
the first week he plays a handful of games at 200-300 each and loses around 500 to me, which I had laid off since I no longer book games.
he loses 997 to the offshore and since he doesn't have a net teller account he deposits the money in a bank account and I send them the money net teller and pay off here for him.

the second week he doesn't reach the settle figure offshore but increases his games to 16 total. 6 on sat . one for 500, one for 200 and the rest for 300. he loses 200 sat. no big deal
Sunday he plays 10 games . 1 for 400, 5 for 300, 3 for 200, 1 for 100.
he loses 1390 on Sunday making his total 1590.
he had 1560 in my bank account on Monday before 2.
the 30 was overlooked , no big deal.

this week started off with a split for 300 each on thurs and friday.
then on sat he has 12 games for 500 each.
I have been doing business with my local for 6 years and he makes up his own golf and nascar lines, I have a settle figure with him and we square up like clock work on tuesdays, never a problem in 6 years.
his golf and nascar lines alone are worth the running around to pay off promptly when I have to.i cant lose this out for anything. period.
I lay these off and am questioned what I am doing because I never bet that many games. panther loses 550 on sat making him -580 going to sunday. all laid off.

sunday he calls and wants 7 games for 500 on the 1 o'clock kicks.
I have slept on this and am already over my settle figure with my local.after thinking about it I realize that if these blow I am looking at coming up with a large figure with my local on tuesday. I don't feel comfortable with this and tell panther I can get him down 250 a game on his 7 games. he goes 1-5-1 . at 4 he wants 4 more games.
2-8-1 for the day ..-1750 with some 1/2 point buys -2330 week
no big deal.

at 7:30 he wants to bet the entire figure on the bears. I say what
yea I want to <let it ride> on the bears he says. I tell him 500 max
because thats all can get down for him because i am already over my settle figure with my local and my local is accomadating me even though
i am over my settle figure.Panther goes into a tirade about paying me all this money. That he isnt going to pay and hangs up.Before it dawns on me he has hung up i call back and he want come to the phone.First
he didnt pay me anything i paid off for him.
then it dawns on me he will use this as an excuse not to pay.
I call offshore and he is down 800 and change with his balance bet on the bears. I tell the head guy that I know I am responsible for the 800 but not the outstanding bet. he cancels the outstanding bet

so I am stuck decent dollars now and learned a valuable lesson
here is a guy that I defended and actually like, shove it up my ass for a for 3153 dollars.

plain and simple he took a shot at me and i am now out of pocket
i did this strictly out of friendship and had it shoved up my ass

these are the facts and when he comes on and challenges them i am sure he will have an excuse for stiffing me.
i just want to make sure everybody knows the facts and hope they dont get screwed like i did.

New member
Jul 20, 2000
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by seaurchin2217:
you are a lying sack of shit

i wish i could owe 465k you dumb ****

if i was a swindler i will say one thing..
your dumb hick inbred ass would be an easy mark<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

465k is what you bragged about stiffing people for.

as I saw you as a freind.you thought of me as a easy mark

New member
Jul 20, 2000
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by seaurchin2217:
next time in charlotte be hick enough to call me scumbag to my face

answer your own damn phone and dont send a child to cover for your dead beat ass<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

oh your inviteing me out like the man running the dice game

how many childern do you threaten to kill each year???

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
Hey Padther,
stay iff teh boozee dumass. Take care the $ you owe Sea. I'm sure your daughther loves growing up with a drunk hick daddy that cant even cover his debts and wont face up to being a degenerate toothless loser. Now go look in the mirror and tell me what you see...

New member
Sep 20, 2004
hey sea, panther aka duane says he played for ecu, craig curtis the direcor of media relations at ecu (curtisc@maildotecudotedu) has the rosters of every team since there inception, he will be glad to confirm that he has never played there

New member
Jul 20, 2000

1 you are getting into shit that you have no biz in

2 I have a perfect set of teeth now so I could care less what you say about my teeth

3 I have not drank anything sence sunday

4 I take real good care of family

so piss off


New member
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by panther:

1 you are getting into shit that you have no biz in

2 I have a perfect set of teeth now so I could care less what you say about my teeth

3 I have not drank anything sence sunday

4 I take real good care of family

so piss off


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Panther taking care of his family<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hondaman1:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by panther:

1 you are getting into shit that you have no biz in

2 I have a perfect set of teeth now so I could care less what you say about my teeth

3 I have not drank anything sence sunday

4 I take real good care of family

so piss off


New member
Jul 20, 2000
ok name dropping


[This message was edited by panther on January 27, 2004 at 05:52 PM.]

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
good job you dumb hick. you posted someones name on an internet forum. what years did you play for ECU... i heard you are a legend in the waterboy world...

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