what is the worst thing that ever happend to you at casino or?


New member
Dec 10, 2004
just wondering what the worst thing that ever happened to you at a casino or racetrack is? not how you lost a bet you made but something like someone picked your pocket you threw away winning tickets etc.

i was at the caliente dog track and i bet 12 two dollar exacta tickets all on the same combo so i had a 24 dollar exacta. i watched the race screaming when my exacta came in and paid about 400.00 for every 2.00 bet so 400.00 twelve times only to discover i had left all the tickets inside the tellers machine.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
i was at the track with my wife when apparently some lady in the girls bathroom smacked her. The lady was african american and my wife was bitching loudly using the N word. Security came to help and both of them were african american. The situation did not turn out in our favor.

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
was playing pick 3 keno....and lost 5 times in a row on the 6time I could not get t attention of the keno girl while I was at dinner ...and of course all 3 numbers hit...forgot the amout it paid was small but not a bad hit

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Got kicked out of Harrahs in Reno a few years ago, Remember kermit, and got into a fight in the Sportsbook at Cal Neva in Reno. I was carrying around serious cash back then so they let me stay and kicked the $10 player out.

New member
Feb 1, 2005
I was at a Indian Casino in Wisconson with my brother (one we later found out twas fined a million dollars for takes aces out of decks. I was at a blackjack table and they paid me $25 short on either a bet or coloring up (I don;t remember anymore). But anyhow, I Knew how much I had and they wouldnt pay me so I told them to look at their camera but they said it wouldnt show that. Later, my brother took money out of an ATM and somehow did not get the money (either somebody somehow stole it ....not sure how he couldnt notice that...or it didnt come out....but I think it did....). Anyhow, he did not recover the money but he did get kicked out!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I was playing craps at a very crowded table and was the only player betting the "don't pass". I wanted to bet maximum odds and was not sure what the limit was so as I was asking the dealer how much I could play behind the line...I placed my chips on the table when the shooter threw the dice and hit me square in the hand. Of course it was a "7 out"....I win and everyone else loses....30 people were looking at me like I was a dead man walking...and if I would have stayed at that table I would have been...but at least I had the sense to grab my chips and literally SPRiINT for the exit. I felt lucky to get out of there alive and learned my lesson.
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Oct 5, 2004
i've only been to the indian casino (miccisoukee) here in miami and it was horrible

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
my gf and i flew to vegas last october. we stayed at treasure island and on sunday morning we began getting panicked calls from home to tell us the entire county was on fire and our homes and cars were in danger of burning. all flights in and out of san diego were cancelled leaving us stranded. treasure island couldnt help us and renting a car was out since all freeways leading to L.A. was closed since L.A. was in flames too.we ended up catching a ride with a trucker to primm on the stateline and stayed there 2 days but it was awfull getting calls and not being able to do anything. we finally got a car and the drive home was incredibly erie. we drove thru hills that were in flames with hundreds of firefighters from all over the country on each side of the freeway and a helicopter dropping water from above. we heard on the radio all san diego county residents may have to evacuate to the beaches since the fires were not being controlled and everyone was fighting fires where we just had driven thru.it was the wildest experience id ever had. entire communitys burned. the weirdest part was being on the elevator to bet on the nfl and i found myself alone with the entertainment guy from a local tv news team who was in vegas to review the new sirens show. but he became a great source of info since he had instant access to the tv station. ive been a fan of the guy ever since.lol.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Some old man took a piss on the rail of the craps table when the shooter was currently on an 1 hour and 20 minute roll.

New member
Dec 29, 2004
I was playing the $5 slots one night in Downtown Las Vegas at the Union Plaza I was losing like $200 dollars when I decided to Quit, a Lady start playing it $10 dollars she hit the jackpot I want to say like 10 thousand, it was alont time ago.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I was robbed and beaten at the Rainbow Club, downtown LV, in the mens room. Crakhed followed me inside after I parked my cab. He had a huge knife and beat me in the stall. Took about 40$. Lucky no one came in or he might have panicked and used the knife. Id'd him within a week at police lineup. Picked him out before they all turned around. He was charged with kidnapping, Armed robbery, and aggravated assault. Had to testify in court later. He must have copped a plea. Never heard results. Rainbow now leveled or some other building.
Sep 21, 2004
Too many to list. One of best Harrah's Lake Tahoe. They were tardy on dropping a future, Falcons to win NFC at 12-1. Everyone else in town had taken it down, and they were playing the 49ers. If Falcons win they have 2nd seed just about locked behind Vikes. They have a 2 TD late in 4th, and are using Jamal to run out clock. I do a test bet of $200. Writer asks for supervisor approval. Luckily they were so busy on the Sunday they did not move it. So I went to a different window and bet it for $100, 3 times. Then another window, 3 more times. Then I went to horses, 3 more times, at 3 different windows. If anyone asked, I was betting for my two friends. I was personally hoping Vikes would beat them and I hedged in NFC championship. Nope. When I went to cash, tickets were flagged. Supervisor comes over, then manager comes over. He is beet red in the face. We had a bad relationship already. So he starts yelling, in the crowded book, threatening to have me arrested. So I just laughed in his face and said by who, the bet police. Then he said he would turn me into Nevada gaming for circumventing limits and messenger betting. Again I laughed, and said everyone knows I am my own messenger, and I am surprised you actually knew how to use a big word like circumventing. A lot of oohs and ahhs by the assembled crowd and he handled the humiliation badly. Was on the phone as I made a beeline for the exit. Did not even make the escalator, and had 6 security guards surround me, including head of security. Was asked to surrender my driver's license. I asked what would happen if I did not. They said I would be arrested. My bluff was called, and I could not get away so I surrendered it. I was escorted out with instructions I would be arrested on the spot for trespassing if I set foot inside their casino, or any Harrah's property. I asked how long this would remain in effect, lifetime. So I go from house player, to being 86'd for life in a few short years and a bad manager change. Our situation, the manager I did not like, went South when he closed the poker room, to save money. He was a hero, but all of the dealers got canned, including one in a wheelchair. Many were friends. That and the corporate takeovers made guys like me enemies instead of assets. Live and learn.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
did they pay the Falcons bets?

I would think they would have too, even if they boot you
Sep 21, 2004
Yes, they paid every penny. I made several mistakes in that situation. I let a personal grudge against a manager affect my judgement. Business is business, and I allowed emotion to cloud my judgement. Two, I circumvented limits. This was wrong. I knew it was wrong and did it anyway, which made it a double wrong. After committing a double wrong, I taunted and abused the victim, am I stupid or what? I think the entire time I am thinking this is payback for the poker room. Was much younger and ruthless back then. But it was a huge mistake on my part. I got exactly what I deserved, no doubt about it. I was man enough to figure this out, apologized to him, to his face and shook his hand. The only silver lining here, besides a good profit was that I learned to work with books, instead of going for the throat. I was foolish not to look at the long term ramifications of my actions. But I am really careful about anything that may be construed as cheating the house. I am here for the long run. Books may ask me to leave, but it is never for a cheating type of activity. No circumventing limits, no double hitting, no past posting, no beards, and no bonus whoring. Strictly on the up and up. I would not operate any other way.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:


Mar 20, 2001
i lost 3 dimes once. not sure how. must have fallen out of my pocket...

New member
Dec 29, 2004
Why would a beard be called a cheater, I cant see a beard being called a cheater, unless he directly tried to steal from you or he was a beard and when it was time to pay he was no where to be found other than that I dont look at a beard being a cheater. thats my opinion thats what makes the world go around and around.
Sep 21, 2004
Rainbow said:
Why would a beard be called a cheater, I cant see a beard being called a cheater, unless he directly tried to steal from you or he was a beard and when it was time to pay he was no where to be found other than that I dont look at a beard being a cheater. thats my opinion thats what makes the world go around and around.

Yes Rainbow, books consider people who use beards to be cheating, whether it is to circumvent limits, collect bonuses over and over or to get back in when you have been kicked out. If you had nothing to hide, why use a beard? Just my thoughts. This is not a condemnation on people who do use them, I see this twist already Rainbow, but I prefer not to. I go above and beyond to project a straight image.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

But I am really careful about anything that may be construed as cheating the house. Chubby, I mean Rainbow, just to untwist your twist. Did not say beards were cheaters. Said it could be construed as cheating. Huge difference.
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New member
Sep 21, 2004
Made a special trip to the track to play this dog (Carrie Bet), still remmber the name, and my friend and I went. I tell my buddy lets wheel him in the trifecta and we should get a decent payoff. To make a long story short, it's getting close to post and I get in line to play it, third or fourth in line and now get to second in line and the race goes off. It wins and I look at the payoff and almost get sick. My friend running up to me says, "it's not to bad, the tri. only played $345, I said take another look, it was $3,450. Remember swearing around 2000 times on the way back. An hours drive to play a dog and get shutoff because I was too busy talking and not watching how much time there was left to bet the race.

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
I worked as a department store Santa for some extra cash one lean Christmas. On Christmas eve on payday, I took my check to a dog track for a hot play, all of it on Whirlwind at 12-1.

Could not resist changing my bet to Santas Little Helper in the same race at
99-1. Would'nt you know it, Whirlwind breezed to an easy win and Santa's Little Helper finished last.


New member
Dec 10, 2004
was staying at ceasars palace during the horserace convention and made 5 parlays at gary austins across the street. 4 of them won and when we got back to the room about 1am they would leave the early addition newspaper in front of the door. headline gary austin out of business. we were sick about $7,500. we tried to get the gaming court to help but nothing became of it. ate the loss.

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