What is the objective of this Women's March today?


New member
Oct 20, 2005

I got beef with thsee signs. "The future is still female" that's ridiculous. What's the other signs "Air is still a gas" or "cars will always move forward" or "liberalism will always be filed by emotions ". Am I supposed to believe men aren't part of the future? Only can liberal women who gravitate towards cucks can envision a future where males are not mentioned. Imagine a sign that read the opposite? People would be melting down.

Also if you're the majority you're not that noisy, if you were why didn't I hear you on November 8th?

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
These bitches should talk to Saudia women

plus every blue blooded American woman I have spoke to despise these worthless cunts matching "for all women"

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I got beef with thsee signs. "The future is still female" that's ridiculous. What's the other signs "Air is still a gas" or "cars will always move forward" or "liberalism will always be filed by emotions ". Am I supposed to believe men aren't part of the future? Only can liberal women who gravitate towards cucks can envision a future where males are not mentioned. Imagine a sign that read the opposite? People would be melting down.

Also if you're the majority you're not that noisy, if you were why didn't I hear you on November 8th?

"I'm still with her"

interpretation, "I'm one stupid clueless bitch"

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Bristol Palin hits out against feminist anti-Trump marches saying the movement is 'setting women back decades' and insisting the sexes are now equal in America[/h]
  • In a blog post written on Monday, Bristol Palin wrote about women's marches
  • She said that it's 'embarrassing' that feminists are 'always playing the victim'
  • She asked readers to list rights American women don't already have
  • Palin claims that the Women's Marches were 'setting women back decades'.
  • The mother-of-two, who's expecting her third child, said that she's 'embarrassed' to be part of her generation of women
  • She questioned why women dressed up like 'p*****s' for the march
  • Women's marches drew millions of peopl to more than 600 rallies on Saturday
PUBLISHED: 11:09, 24 January 2017 | UPDATED: 14:47, 24 January 2017

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Bristol Palin hit out at women's marches across the world in a new blog post, in which she says it's 'embarrassing' that feminists are 'always playing the victim'.
In a post written on Monday, Palin claims that the women's marches, which saw millions gather worldwide to fight for equality and protesting President Donald Trump on Saturday, were 'setting women back decades'.
Palin adds that she believes American men and women are already equal.
'If today's 'feminists' only knew what real feminism is, maybe they could relax a little,' she writes in the post, titled 3 Serious Questions For The Feminist Movement (Which Is Setting Us Back Decades). 'Maybe be less angry; find a bit of joy in life.
'Feminism was founded by independent, hard working, capable women that were making a way in the world without whining, relying on government or anyone else.'


Bristol Palin, pictured with her husband Dakota Meyer, said in a blog post on Monday that it's 'embarrassing' that feminists are 'always playing the victim' and asked her readers to list rights American women don't already have



The mother-of-two, who's expecting her third child, said that she's 'embarrassed' to be part of her generation of women, questioning why women dressed up like 'p*****s' for the march





Palin claims that the women's marches were 'setting women back decades'. Women's marches millions gather worldwide to fight for equality and protesting President Donald Trump on Saturday

Palin kicks off her post by asking what rights American women don't have.
She says that women can vote, bear arms, go to school and work and have freedom of speech, adding that women have 'every single opportunity in this great country that anyone else has'.
She suggests that instead, women should march in 'Islamic countries that murder women for showing more than their eyes in public'.
The mother-of-two, who's expecting her third child, adds that she's 'embarrassed' to be part of her generation of women, questioning why women dressed up like 'p*****s' for the march.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Calling herself a 'middle class working mom - wife - and independent woman', she said she believed the costumes and signs featuring vaginas were foolish.
'Dressing like a giant vagina and holding signs that say things like "Do my periods scare you?" is doing NOTHING to help women, and a LOT to hurt them,' she writes.
Palin then asks what would happen if the tables were turned and instead of a women's march, it was a men's march filled with men 'dressed as giant d**ks' wearing 'penis hats'.
She says feminists would 'freak out' and call it harassment.
After saying she 'can't believe' the state of the current world, Palin says that she was raised to work hard and to treat people with respect. She says she's raising her own children the same way.

New member
Nov 10, 2010


Marchers at 600 different events worldwide championed a variety of causes, including gender equality, black rights, abortion rights and general disgust over Mr Trump's history of misogynistic remarks.




Marchers carried signs advocating for 'equality' with slogans including 'We're Watching' and 'girl power'

New member
Nov 10, 2010
'Our generation is screaming for "tolerance and equality" and "love for all" while still mocking our President for things like his hair - and igniting violence from uninformed - out of touch - celebrities like Madonna ("I've thought about blowing up the White House"), and screaming that someone else MUST provide them "free birth control",' she writes.
Palin closes her blog post by saying 'normal Americans' aren't buying into the 'whiny brand of 'empowerment'.'
'If you don't want eight years of Trump, you might want to re-think your hysteria,' she writes.
Women's marches drew millions of people across the world to more than 600 rallies on Saturday.
Trump dismissed them with the scoffing tweet: 'We just had an election! Why didn't these people vote?'
But hours later, amid evidence that the Washington DC demonstration alone drew more people than his inauguration ceremony - not to mention an army of stars including Emma Watson, Scarlett Johansson, Drew Barrymore and Madonna - Trump backtracked on his remarks.
Turning again to Twitter, Mr Trump wrote: 'Peaceful protests are a hallmark of our democracy. Even if I don't always agree, I recognise the rights of people to express their views.'


Meanwhile, a day after the marches Palin posted a photo on her Instagram with her husband, Marine Corps veteran Dakota Meyer, and her two children, eight-year-old Tripp and one-year-old Sailor

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Marchers championed a variety of causes, including gender equality, black rights, abortion rights and general disgust over Mr Trump's history of misogynistic remarks.
Many on the marches sported home-made, pink and pointy eared 'pussy hats' to mock the US President's vilest language about women.
The New York protest outside Mr Trump's skyscraper home was attended by Dame Helen Mirren and Whoopi Goldberg while the Los Angeles demo drew Jamie Lee Curtis, Barbra Streisand, Charlize Theron, Kristen Stewart, Miley Cyrus and Jane Fonda.
The biggest event was in Washington DC, where officials estimated it drew more than 500,000 protesters - possibly twice the figure for the Trump inauguration the previous day. There were protests in British cities including Cardiff, Edinburgh and London.
Meanwhile, a day after the marches Palin posted a photo on her Instagram with her husband, Marine Corps veteran Dakota Meyer, and her two children, eight-year-old Tripp and one-year-old Sailor. She captioned the photo 'family' with a heart emoji.
Palin, the daughter of the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, is pregnant with her third child - her second with Meyer - and is due in the spring.
It's been a busy couple of weeks for the parents, who celebrated both Sailor's birthday and Bristol's son Tripp's birthday at the end of December.
Tripp, Bristol's only child with her ex-fiance Levi Johnston, turned eight years old last month, and Dakota gifted his stepson with a snow mobile.

Read more:

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]'Get out my f****** face': The moment an angry anti-Trump protester punches a female reporter's camera at Women's March against The Donald in Canada[/h]
  • Dion Bews was filmed punching Sheila Gunn Reid's camera at the march in Edmonton, Alberta
  • He told her she was 'full of s***' and to 'get out his f****** face' beforehand
  • Reid works for conservative news outlet Rebel Media and was covering the march
  • She said Bews grew angry when counter protesters began singing the Canadian national anthem
  • They were there to ask marchers why they were protesting an American election result and president
PUBLISHED: 05:40, 24 January 2017 | UPDATED: 12:31, 24 January 2017

New member
Nov 10, 2010
A hipster was filmed punching a female reporter's camera at a Women's March in Canada after being asked why he was protesting about an American election.
Dion Bews lashed out at Rebel Media journalist Sheila Gunn Reid at the protest in Edmonton, Alberta, telling her: 'Get out of my f***** face' and 'you're full of s***' as she tried to question him.
Reid, who described herself to DailyMail.com as a 'lightning rod for left wing anger', is right-wing and says she went to the event to film it for work and speak to participants.
She claims Bews, who makes and sells bespoke guitars, heckled a group of counter protesters singing the national anthem before she approached him.
The counter protesters had turned up to the event to ask why marchers felt so angry about an American election and president.


Dion Bews was filmed punching a reporter's camera at a Women's March in Edmonton, Canada, on Saturday after fighting with counter protesters who questioned why he was so angry over an American election result

After telling him that she worked for the conservative news website Rebel Media, he launched his foul mouthed rant, first taking aim at the website founder Ezra Levant.
'Ezra Levant, f*** you,' he said as Reid attempted to question him over why he wanted the other protesters to leave a seemingly inclusive event.
'I'm just trying to ask you a question, do I seem unreasonable to you?' she asked as a visibly exasperated Bews raised his hands.
'Yes you seem unreasonable. You're full of s***.'

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Another Rebel Media journalist chimed in: 'We're just trying to have a conversation here,' but Bews stood with his back to them.
After a few seconds, he turned around to say: 'Go away. Get out of my f****** face. I will break your camera. You do not have the right to film.'
At that he struck the camera and continued: 'You don't have the right to film everywhere you go,' as he was led away by female marchers.
Tiana Barnes, who watched the incident, was then filmed telling the journalist to 'calm down'.


The bespoke guitar maker told Reid she was 'full of s***' after giving a finger to her boss, Ezra Levant with the message: 'F*** you'



'I'm going to break your camera,' he threatened before jabbing the lens. Reid says she was standing at the viewfinder and was inevitably injured by the strike



Reid (left) is pictured being told by another protester wearing a furry hat to 'calm down' afterwards





The journalist is the first to describe herself as conservative and said she 'begrudgingly' began supporting Trump after he won the Republican National Convention nomination

'He just hit me in the face, don't tell me to calm down!' Reid responded.
The video was shared on social media and included in a Rebel Media report titled 'thug punches Rebel reporter.'
It spread quickly on social media and Bews was quickly targeted by trolls. He has since deleted his Instagram page and disabled a Facebook page for his guitar business.


Bews deleted his social media pages and his business's Facebook page after being trolled over the video

As scores of angry Twitter users claimed he had punched the woman directly in the face, Barnes, the marcher filmed telling Reid to calm down, released a statement to insist no such assault had taken place.
'In the video Sheila Gunn Reid claims that Dion hits her in the face while she is looking through the view find of her camera but this isn't true.
'He just hit the camera off of the tripod that was to the right and didn't actually assault her in any way. Had she been hit there would have been a reaction,' she said.
Speaking to DailyMail.com on Monday night, the journalist maintained that he did mean to hurt her.
'I do think Bews intended to hit me with the camera. How could he not? Where did he think the camera was going to go when he hit it?' she said.
She explained how moments before his outburst, he had been accusing the counter protesters of arriving to 'disrupt'.
'He said that over and over. And over. The counter protestors only disruption, as best I can tell, was singing the anthem and their interaction with Bews shows them to be calm and reasonable despite the invective thrown their way.
'They explained to me that they didn't understand why Canadians were protesting a democratic American election and they were there to express that.'
Attempts to reach Bews through other protesters were unsuccessful on Monday night.

Nov 21, 2008
The march wasn't about women's rights at all, it was a charade.

They kicked out a new-feminist group that was pro-life, and one of their leaders was a pro-sharia-law, hamas connected self-proclaimed

It was a leftist hate march against Trump and conservatism.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
I thought about the march and decided to write down what was accomplished.

This is what I came up with.


New member
Oct 20, 2005

New member
Oct 20, 2005
These bitches should talk to Saudia women

plus every blue blooded American woman I have spoke to despise these worthless cunts matching "for all women"

Exactly my sentiments

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