what can you do with money if you ain't healthy? or how about with money but don't have friends or family?
Family and friends are easy, and health shouldn't even be a factor in "what is the most important thing in life"...
I was just being an ass for the sake of argument, but I'd rather be rich than poor thanks, friends and family will be there whatever your financial situation is.
I see what your saying but at the same time if your whole family dies in a volcanic eruption you probably would be willing to throw it all in the garbage if it meant getting your loved ones back. I farted three times while typing this.
For me, besides "coolness" (which obviously is a very important part of my life) the most important thing in life is love and happiness, fortunately for me I have both its just too bad I inherited this filthy biker mouth that rarely allows me to converse on these topics. So kiss my ass and STFU you tree hugging fucksticks.