oldmanTED said:Coach:
How long has your range been 1% to 5%? For me, started out flat betting in my 20's then began variable at 1% to 5% in my 30's. Nearly 30 years now using this method. Hope I don't go bankrupt. BTW, always important to know which is your stronger sport and make your plays accordingly. Wise man, my kindred brother.
Ted, until the late 70s a couple of locals had 500 limit. Late 70s to early 80s found a lot higher limits. The internet changed everything. One of the best things for me was you had to post up. I got more selective and disciplined. Reduced juice was a boon. Probably the BEST thing was to be able to bet a lot on opening #s on Sunday night. I am lucky in that I can usually find 3-5 games I really like on sunday night. When you only had a local, you would be lucky to get the #s on friday. Ted, my soon to be RX Bash Brother, EXPERIENCE is the one good thing about getting to our age. We BOTH have PhDs in this endeavor! OBTW, now that I am retired, I have a lot more time to pursue this avocation, HENCE the better win%. I always like conversing with you. LT