have enough evidence to link the Clinton Foundation to a massive “pay-for-play” child sex trafficking operation tied to both Israeli and Saudi Intelligence. This “pay-for-play” operation involves Huma Abedin, Bill and Hillary Clinton, junior George W. BushFRAUD, John Podesta, Karl Rove, Mitt Romney and over half of the U.S. Congress and the extortion friendly U.S. media elite filth.
Dude lay off the drugs...
Guys, go to infowars.com
Listen... they are the ones that have been bringing this to light... and let me tell ya, this FALSE NEWS NARRATIVE that is being pushed now is to DISCREDIT, the wiki leaks emails... and as mentioned it's gonna break your heart as u hear the truth...
And by the way, wiki is 100% true, zero lies..
It's gonna hurt ur heart as u watch their videos, and read... sigh
Conservative radio host Alex Jones apologized Friday for promoting an anti-government conspiracy theory that allegedly inspired one man to open fire in a Washington restaurant last year.
Broadcasting from his website InfoWars, Jones said he was not the author of the so-called "Pizzagate" conspiracy theory, but regretted prior comments made in support of it. He specifically appealed to James Alefantis, owner of Comet Ping Pong. The Washington pizza place was one of several that the theory's supporters believed hosted a child-sex trafficking ring sponsored by Democratic Party officials. In December, 28-year-old Edgar Maddison Welch entered the restaurant and opened fire with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle without any reported injuries. After his arrest, Welch claimed he was motivated to take action based on his belief of the theory and that he was an avid listener of Jones' radio show.
"I want our viewers and listeners to know that we regret any negative impact our commentaries may have had on Mr. Alefantis, Comet Ping Pong, or its employees. We apologize to the extent our commentaries could be construed as negative statements about Mr. Alefantis or Comet Ping Pong, and we hope that anyone else involved in commenting on Pizzagate will do the same thing," Jones said in a prepared statement.
Jones had previously supported the "Pizzagate" theory on his show and website, including a video entitled "PIZZAGATE: The Bigger Picture" posted days before the Comet Ping Pong attack. In the segment, Jones purported to link a number of high-profile pedophilia cases to a major operation led by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her campaign chief John Podesta and using underground tunnels to traffic young children through the city. The rumors, which were widely discredited by authorities, were further fueled by the hacking and release of private Democratic Party emails, which conspiracy theorists alleged used code words to refer to the child abuse ring.
Jones has been criticized for promoting other conspiratorial ideas such as the 9/11 truther movement and Sandy Hook Elementary School conspiracy theory, both of which claim the tragedies were false flag operations actually conducted by the U.S. government and covered up.
Around 2 million listeners tune into Jone's radio show every week, according to Southern Poverty Law Center, which called Jones "almost certainly the most prolific conspiracy theorist in contemporary America."
This pizza gate shit is alarming to say the least.
You must see the Katy Perry video "This is how we Do" and all of the Pizza, Ice Cream, ping pong, Pee Wee Herman, etc references in her song/video.
"It's no big deal" being the tagline of the song. She is an admitted satanist as well.
Found it
Despite Jones' claim that the reason for the apology is because "we think it is the right thing to do," it may have more to do with the perceived threat of legal action from Alefantis, who wrote to Jones in February asking for several retractions. The Washington Post's Paul Farhi explains:
"Under Texas law, the Austin-based Jones had to retract or apologize for the stories by Friday — one full month after receiving Alefantis's letter — to avoid exposing InfoWars to punitive damages in a libel suit."It's rare for Jones to make a public apology. The Infowars website has a correction section. There are only two entries, of which the Comet apology is one.
Infowars describes the mission of Jones and the website as "seeking the truth and exposing the scientifically engineered lies of the globalists and their ultimate goal of enslaving humanity."
NPR's David Folkenflik noted other conspiracy theories Jones has discussed:
"Jones has claimed the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks were an inside job, that the deadly shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School was a hoax, and that President Obama would round up people into concentration camps."Jones was not the originator of "pizzagate," however, which has spread on social media and on sites like Reddit.
Even after its wide debunking by most mainstream media outlets, "pizzagate" continues, as evidenced by the small group of protesters who gathered near the White House on Saturday.
Are you really this dumb? Do you also believe 9-11 was an inside job and that no one died at Sandy Hook and is a fake story?How is it DEBUNKED?? PROVE TO ME HOW IT IS SO. DONT JUST SAY THE WORD "DEBUNKED". EXPLAIN THE EMAILS.
Are you really this dumb? Do you also believe 9-11 was an inside job and that no one died at Sandy Hook and is a fake story?
It has been debunked by many major news outlets. Only loony toons such as yourself believe this shit...would you also like me to PROVE that Santa Clause and Unicorns do not exist?