well welfare should be optional anyway .. but a small amount of of community service should be mandatory.. so perhaps a
person on house arrest doing the time in parents home , the parent if on welfare can count that as community service to keep welfare benefits on going .. I don't have the details well thought out compared to the " and 1 " social benefits program for tax payers but you are thinking correctly there are ways to integrate so many things into one .. consolidate rather and be much much. more efficient
I believe a family should have a strong father who teaches responsibility to his kids. Respects his wife. Raises a family, is the authority figure, but not a tyrant. Provides for the family, in unison with his wife.
I believe a family should have a strong father who teaches responsibility to his kids. Respects his wife. Raises a family, is the authority figure, but not a tyrant. Provides for the family, in unison with his wife.