you're smart . don't think you need anyone to help you. That's what the nonsense financial industry preys upon--weakness and lack of knowledge and they charge us for their 'expertise' comes with no guarantees.................that they get their piece of our pie.............for some, their is value in someone saying 'you will be okay,all is well'.....or they have no interest in self education, cool...... . Timing the market is a fools game, studies show . Not you , not me,,,not ANYONE can call the next black swan..........using knowledge , resources to best set us up, is all we can do. With that said, I add when there's weakness--counter intuitive abd not easy to do............................... they set the game such that fixed income is fucked, can't even match inflation...tough to navigate. if someone could give me 5% fixed, locked?...all i need, i'm out.....well...not really....gotta fuel the beast................................................dagone............