What happened to ebola? Fox News said we were all doomed


New member
Oct 29, 2010
I'm out for the night. Heading to eagles game. G'nite all

Ps- acebb is a liar, sheriff joe is a clown, jdeucebag is scared to post a pick

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
For those of you keeping score, FoxNews (with Sheppard Smith)-1, NBCNews-0

Oct 2, 2009
I hate fox news for many reasons....no doubt. They are by far the most dishonest news org I've ever seen. Hell, they lie in their slogan fair and balanced.

maybe that is why they are the most watched? and the libs on msnbc are the least? just a guess..

New member
Oct 29, 2010
maybe that is why they are the most watched? and the libs on msnbc are the least? just a guess..

Just like Jersey Shore and Honey B Boo are most watched. Don't confuse amount of viewers meaning quality of content. Conservatives always dominate ratings on tv, radio and book sales because the weak minded need affirmation of their beliefs.
Jan 24, 2012
Just like Jersey Shore and Honey B Boo are most watched. Don't confuse amount of viewers meaning quality of content. Conservatives always dominate ratings on tv, radio and book sales because the weak minded need affirmation of their beliefs.

Is this opinion or fact knockout king?

New member
May 18, 2014
The news is FREE in this country so U listen to it & watch it !!U have pay for HBO Cinemax & ESPN . News is the best form of propaganda in the WORLD !!

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

dude supports a president literally wrong about everything, yet spends his time lying to us about what fox news says

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Is this opinion or fact knockout king?

And then you have guys like willie who just lies about shit all year long

5.9 unemployment...lowest in years
Record high stock market
Gas down under 3 bucks
10 million more with healthcare
Ebola gone
Bin laden gone

So while he cries about poor people voting as some huge problem...some of us look at the above facts and go about our lives

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Banished into cyber purgatory, Vit still lures some of you boyz into the precise same insult-laden threads he has been creating for over three years now.

He's just Going About His Life....and it's clear what that Life is...for chrissake he was out of bed this morning at 7am to start pitching his same tired insults

Caveat Emptor

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Previous post was written by one of my six (five?) ghost IDs

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
And then you have guys like willie who just lies about shit all year long

5.9 unemployment...lowest in years
Record high stock market
Gas down under 3 bucks
10 million more with healthcare
Ebola gone
Bin laden gone

So while he cries about poor people voting as some huge problem...some of us look at the above facts and go about our lives

The Truth About Obama’s Economy

October 14, 2014 – Just ahead of the 2014 elections, Obama has been touting his economic record: “There’s almost no economic measure by which we are not better off than when I took office.”
Surely Obama knows the devastating truth behind his distorted economic measurements.
Let’s examine them more closely.

‘Deficits, Down’
Obama asserts deficits are down. Down from what? Obama is responsible for the largest deficits in U.S. history. Obama’s deficit for FY 2009 was $1.4 trillion; 2010 $1.3 trillion; 2011 $1.3 trillion; and 2012 $1.1 trillion.
And interestingly, though the U.S. Treasury pegs the FY 2014 deficit at some $500 billion, sifting through the same site shows the national debt was $16.8 trillion in September, 2013 and some $17.8 trillion today. So, Obama may say “deficits, down” but he still added $1 trillion to the debt over the past year. When Obama took office the national debt was $10.6 trillion.

It will soon be $18 trillion, and he’s not done yet. Obama’s deficits and debt display the stunning audacity of his cynicism and hypocrisy, as he once characterized Bush’s debt as “irresponsible” and “unpatriotic,” accusing Bush of abusing a “credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children.”
Obama was right about Bush’s debt. But then he proceeded to nearly double Bush’s debt. Young people take note: by his own logic, Obama has waged war on your future.

And seniors, your Social Security is now being raided to pay debts. The economic fix is in. For Obama to suggest otherwise is insultingly disgraceful. Economic lesson: for every one dollar Obama has spent, one dollar plus interest will be squeezed from future taxpayers — from the future productive capacity of America itself. With the current debt, that’s over $150,000 per taxpayer. Seen another way, babies born today are already over $150,000 in debt.

‘Stock Market, Up.’
First, this does little to help the poor and middle class. The beneficiaries of the Federal Reserve’s ZIRP/QE policies propping up the stock market are the wealthiest 1%. Second, what goes up must come down. The next crash will be far worse than 2008. The Fed is out of tricks, the U.S. is trillions more in debt, and Obama has unsustainably expanded the welfare/warfare state.
Furthermore, 50% of all U.S. pension fund assets are invested in the stock market. Think through the implications of the next crash. In short, Obama has overseen the\ formation of an even more radically dangerous, more boom-bubble-bust-prone casino economy characterized by greater moral hazard, widened inequality, and dollar-debasing inflation.

‘Unemployment, Down’
This assertion discounts those who have simply given up looking for work and conceals the nature of the jobs that have been added, many of which are part-time, non-bread-winner jobs.John Williams at shadowstats.com pegs the real unemployment rate at nearly 25%. Whatever the case, the truth is that labor force participation has dropped. Almost 100 million Americans are not working. David Stockman notes that this some-40% of Americans “do not contribute to current production and must be supported either by family breadwinners or the state—-and nowadays especially the latter… (this) ratio is still rising and the already crushing burden of the welfare state will weigh ever more heavily on an economy that is visibly failing as measured by any of the fundamental trends of performance.”
Furthermore, Gallup notes that 15.3% of Americans are underemployed. The BLS’s latest report states that “jobs created” are down over 150,000 last month, and that 500,000 full-time jobs were lost while 800,000 part-time jobs were gained. The majority of new jobs went to those between the ages of 55-69 while those between 25-54 lost 10,000 jobs. Financial analyst Thad Beversdorf notes that the BLS’s pre-manipulated raw data shows a rise in public sector jobs and a decline in private sector jobs.

Also, according to the BLS, 20% of American families do not have a single member in the work force. Based on employment-to-population ratios, the unemployment rate is closer to 12%. Real wages and salaries have only recovered to the 2008 recession levels and retail sales are below the 2002 recession levels. Also, real household incomes are far below historic norms. And, the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia has noted that 18% of employers cut full-time workers because of Obamacare.
What about spending and inflation? Explains economist Lee Adler: “Excluding those at the top, Americans are earning less and spending less.” Adds economist Wolf Richter: “those at the lower-income levels, those who’ve gotten ripped off by inflation and wages, have become terrible consumers in an economy dependent on consumer spending.”\ And, studies indicate that 126 million Americans live in households on welfare. This is 40% of the U.S. population, up from 35.4% in 2012.


The government simply manipulates the data and measurements to its liking. But everything is still inflated: the stock market, housing costs, education, and most noticeably, food prices. According to the USDA: “the food-at-home CPI has already increased more in the first 6 months of 2014 than it did in all of 2013.” The price of pork is up 12%. Beef, 10.4%. Fruit, 5.8%, and vegetables 2%. Bloomberg notes that butter prices have increased 83%, surging 71% this year alone. The BLS reports the price of bacon to be at an all-time high, and that ground beef surged 16.5% in June alone. Al Feucht, a meat-seller in Wisconsin, says “It’s painful to see. The prices are changing every day and I’m scrambling to see how I can sell at a good price and still make money to survive…” There’s also the phenomena of “shrinkflation” to consider. But, the greater point here is that inflation works as a hidden tax, punishing savers and those on fixed incomes: the poor and middles class.

Obama is clearly distorting the devastating economic reality. The point is that by his own logic, Obama’s irresponsible and unpatriotic policies amount to warfare on your economic freedom.

The question is, what are you going to do about it?


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Banished into cyber purgatory, Vit still lures some of you boyz into the precise same insult-laden threads he has been creating for over three years now.

He's just Going About His Life....and it's clear what that Life is...for chrissake he was out of bed this morning at 7am to start pitching his same tired insults

Caveat Emptor

You make russ seem dynamic. One boring mother fucker. I was at the gym at 5:45 before I got here...since my schedule consumes you.

Where is sgt lanquel....or did you not yet log in as him today?

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Thanks for confirming the right wing narrative scott

Gas goes up, obamas fault, gas goes down, then gas prices have nothing to do with prez

Economy faulters, obamas fault, econmy improves, nothing to do with obama

Unemployment goes up, obamas fault, it goes down, numbers are skewed.

Been like this for 6 years now. You guys are certainly consistent.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Everything is fantastic. Obama has never been more popular - best president ever! That's why Democrats killed it in the last two midterms and totally own the country now!" -- poker fraud welch vtard



New member
Oct 29, 2010
Obama gets a C grade from me.

I called that repubs would misread this election, is there any more proof needed after reading sheriff joes posts?

If obama ran tomorrow and you didn't let people in poverty vote...he would win again

Jul 4, 2012
You have to love the fact that this stiff logs in here at 7:30 am to start his hysterical screeching about politics.

And of course he is laughably claiming that "10 million more with healthcare" when the HHS says there have been 7.1 million people signed up with ACA plans.

But hey, whats another silly, stupid lie when you're caught red handed with video evidence and move right along to the next one, right?

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