Is that colorado or something?
You look like some pretty fresh out of college "normal" dude but not like a guy that would actually bet money on games.
but then again you look cooler than an over the hill count Dracula on a moto bike.
To be honest that pic is like five years old, taken in Yellowstone hence the can of bear spray on the rock a little ways from my foot. Now I am less of a normal dude and more of an over the hill dude on a giant skateboard.
Alright alright, but you know when you post a picture you are just asking to be made fun of, but you at least look normal average joe in the picture...
Which beats the hell out of Count Dracula on a moto scooter.
Come'n Devilwomen, I only started this thread so that I could maybe goat you into posted your pic. Your not taken the bait!
All this abuse I'm taken for nothing!