JMAN I have posted it before, well one more fukkin time
It was not when I was in prison though
I was sleeping at some older guys house for like year with no cash and **** and he was totally normal or at least I though he was up until the end. I would eat for free, use computer, gamble some,. run the streets and had a nice pad to live.
One night I was getting ready to go to bed on my kaat and I ONLY wear Bikini one string underwear and did not think anything of it.
All Of a sudden this old guy (75 at time) around 6ft, 240 or so takes off his fukkin clothes and he never did this in front of me before so I thought he was drunk and just turned my back to the other side of the kaat. He looked like a fukkn mess too.
The worst nightmare of my life turned true, when I was turned I was thinking this guy might want to poke me and I was praying her did not come ovwer and do it.
He did not but he turns to me and dangles his pecker in front of me and says it is payback time!!!!
I am fukkin dying now and backed into a corner. What was I going to do?? I really ahd no choice, if I say no I am out in the street and no where to go.
So I jerked his pecker a few times and gave him mini blow job and he cam fast on wall so it was really not that bad, I just closed my eyes and prayed it would be over.
I went to bed and he said he was out of line in morning but I said no problem, you have been good to me. He said it will not happen again and it did not.
I lived their for 2 more months until I made a big score and got my own pad
Ashamed somewhat but that is life