What are your thoughts about Q


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
This is wild ....even the Magoos wont be able to deny the Q operation for much longer.

Trump just talked about one of the REAL Generals (200+) that were responsible for him running, Keith Kellog.

Keith Kellog was recently on record where he talked about how Trump, Scavino and team would carefully craft his Tweets (which were often connected to any and used as markers in the Qdrops, he talks about the use of misspelling and more)

Patel Patriot (original Devolution researcher) and crew did a show that puts two and two together for you....

Dont click if you still prefer ignorance over knowledge


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Tards and Slick Willie cuckservatives won't be clicking.

Commitment to Ignorance

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Nope, Trump knows nothing about Q
He just enjoys reTruthing these Q themed posts....all within around 12 hours or so



Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
President Trump launched a Truth storm today re-posting memes with famous phrases used by Q. In one post, the meme read: The world will soon understand — Nothing can stop what is coming!

The meme includes a picture of Trump and Q+. Trump is Q+. Q posts signed Q+ are directly from Trump.

Q is a military operation that started over two decades ago — when JfK Jr’s plane crashed — to take down the global Satanic pedophile cabal.

The military asked Trump to run to save the Republic as an alternative to a military coup that would’ve resulted in the loss of many lives. There are less than 10 individuals who have the full picture of the operation.

On Oct. 28, 2017, Q launched the information dissemination part of the operation on 4chan bypassing the corrupt Mockingbird Media in order to get the truth out to the people and sparking The Great Awakening. Digital soldiers were deployed all over social media at this time to relay Q’s messages from the board.

Many of Q’s posts exposed the truth about child sex trafficking, elite pedophile rings and Pizzagate.

Trump has been working with many white hat leaders in foreign countries — such as Saudi Arabia, Russia, North Korea and China — to take down the global Satanic pedophile cabal.

The masses learning the truth about this cabal plays a huge part in ending them. This is why the media (including alternative media run by CIA and Mossad operatives) and the Deep State was activated to relentlessly discredit the Q operation.

As Trump pointed out today, the world will learn the truth soon. If you did not follow Q’s posts in real-time, you missed the ride of a lifetime. However, you can catch up now. I suggest you start by watching the Q Plan To Save The World video below by the legendary Joe M.



Sep 17, 2010
AND you still with simpleton meme responses...

You think Q's PLAN is still in motion, and is succeeding? :lmao:

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Interesting how the Q team did not recruit their civilian digital soldier army on boards like Free Republic and other CUCKservative sources.

They purposely bypassed all the ideological crap and went directly into the heart of ANON country. Today's most effective ANONS were never politically active prior to Q.

My personal Awakening began during the Obama years when I started to notice NONE of the so-called conservative sources were talking about all his skeletons. The FAKE birth certificate, his hidden records, Larry Sinclair etc. These "right wing" blowhards had no problem ranting and raving about the fluff...Obamacare, taxes, Solyndra etc. but not the really important scandalous stuff that would bring down the house? Big Mike, Bill Clinton a pedo, Epstein Island, the Clinton Foundation, Haiti etc. At one point Sean Scamnity even said the quiet part out loud..."I can't talk about the birth certificate". Meanwhile, some great researchers were getting blacklisted from Fox News. Something was seriously "off".

It was then I began realizing how RIGGED the entire "system" is, which included ALL conservative media. So by the time all the neocon TRAITORS endorsed Crooked Hillary over Trump and Fox News called Arizona for "Biden" I already knew the score, as Trump's GOP cleansing was well underway.

"The TRUTH is a force of nature" - Donald J. Trump

The media is going bye-bye. ALL corporate-controlled media. Soon all NEWS will be citizen journalism. It already is. Since 2021, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News have lost anywhere from 40-60% of their viewers, a MASSIVE shift in that short timespan. Only the few stubborn "stragglers" remain in the MSM camp 👉 FAKE "news"

Once we hit DECLAS and the shock wears off, the first question normies will ask themselves is, "WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME THIS???" The same reaction I experienced during the Obama years. And then they will ask, "HOW DID ANONS KNOW ALL THIS STUFF YEARS AGO?"

👉 Mission Accomplished for the Q Team.

But remember, guys like serborne did allllllll the "research"...there's no such thing as "QAnon"😂

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
AND you still with simpleton meme responses...

You think Q's PLAN is still in motion, and is succeeding? :lmao:
Indeed it is Corporal Upham
You and your fellow black pilled buddy DoomTide should hook up and trade war stories

Now get back in your hole , you Kamala Harris flip floppin fairy.......let the grown folks handle the fighting.


PS Memes are great responses to simpletons like you ....you understand the message in an instant.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Disclaimer: "QAnon is a far-right American political conspiracy theory and political movement that originated in 2017. QAnon centers on fabricated claims made by an anonymous individual or individuals known as "Q". Those claims have been relayed and developed by online communities and influencers."

"I know nothing about QAnon" - Trump 😂😂😂




This is especially HILARIOUS when we know The Boss, Dan Scavino and the rest of the Team were in the Oval Office (and now Mar-a-Lago and Bedminster) coordinating and timing Trump's social media accounts to perfectly hit all the Q deltas as part of the Operation.

Endless books will be written about these historical times.

"No such thing as QAnon" - Serbornes who did their "research" :an_laugh:🤡🤡🤡

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
This is especially HILARIOUS when we know The Boss, Dan Scavino and the rest of the Team were in the Oval Office (and now Mar-a-Lago and Bedminster) coordinating and timing Trump's social media accounts to perfectly hit all the Q deltas as part of the Operation.
Wait a minute how could we possibly know this?

Was it because Keith Kellog one of the 200+ real generals "not the TV generals" that backed Trump
went on record talking about how HE and Scavino and Team Trump would coordinate Trump's tweet?


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Q+ has the now Q-Controlled FAKE "news" panicking and squirming about "QAnon" again!




Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Nevermind "QAnon"...

Wait till you brainwashed blackpilling dooming losers learn about Sandy Hook TRUTH - even more unbelievable than a tin can flying through a reinforced steel concrete building!




You mean nobody died at Sandy Hook? All those weeping moms and dads on CNN were actors busted in other Deep State PSYOPS like the Boston Marathon Bombing?


And Obama and his CIA director ran the entire operation from the Oval Office???


While the Deep State funneled millions into the town to keep everyone quiet???


And then the Deep State LAWFARE'd Alex Jones up the wazoo to, once again fool and PSYOP all the brainwashed Sheep, in order to prevent Sandy Hook TRUTH from reaching critical mass???


"These people are SICK" - Q

The good news is, thanks to the "QAnon conspiracy theory" Deep State psychological warfare campaigns like these FALSE FLAG mass shootings, which they've been waging against the public for DECADES, are now OVER!

You see, millions of ANONS and Digital Soldiers now microanalyze every photo, video, interview...anything the DYING Mockingbird Media scoundrels put out now gets a FULL colonoscopy!

No bias. No agendas. No corrupt "fact checkers" and "experts" running interference brainwashing the SHEEP with DISINFORMATION.

Democratized information will truly change the world 👉 The Great Awakening!

Courtesy of the "debunked QAnon conspiracy theory" 👉 Commander Trump, the White Hat Q military and and millions of AWAKENED ANONS and Digital Soldiers waging 5G Warfare against the Deep State Cabal.

"We went around the FAKE NEWS like nobody in history" - Command Trump

"I will totally obliterate the Deep State" - Commander Trump

ANONS are the NEWS now 👉 TRUTH NEWS!

Altogether now...



Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
AND you still with simpleton meme responses...

You think Q's PLAN is still in motion, and is succeeding? :lmao:


USAF C17 with an "ANON" call sign. There are literally hundreds of these "Q" and "ANON" military call signs all around the world.

Very fine "research" you did there, Sherlock. 😂 😂 😂

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to my "simpleton memes"

:an_laugh: 🤡 🤡 🤡

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"What's coming, Joe??? What's coming???"

😂 😂 😂

Q-Controlled Anderson Pooper TELLING normies what's coming!

Sure, it's coated with the usual unhinged CNN TDS in order to maintain street cred with TARDS, but by reporting and amplifying Commander Trump's latest ReTruth storm calling for MILITARY TRIBUNALS, they are prepping normies for what's coming 👉 Predictive Programming.

What a time to be alive! :cool:

Trust the plan.


Sep 17, 2010
Indeed it is Corporal Upham
You and your fellow black pilled buddy DoomTide should hook up and trade war stories

Now get back in your hole , you Kamala Harris flip floppin fairy.......let the grown folks handle the fighting.


PS Memes are great responses to simpletons like you ....you understand the message in an instant.
YES you are a tough guy paid shill on a gambling site putting up memes.

I am impressed.

Yes, all those very bad things over he years have happened, no doubt, but there is no evidence that Q's old PLAN is working.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
YES you are a tough guy paid shill on a gambling site putting up memes.

I am impressed.

Yes, all those very bad things over he years have happened, no doubt, but there is no evidence that Q's old PLAN is working.
Bro dont be an Corporal UPTON your whole life. Quit pissing in your pants so much.

Wake up and smell the Covfefe, it is FRESH and a GREAT Awakening!!!

Sep 17, 2010
Bro dont be an Corporal UPTON your whole life. Quit pissing in your pants so much.

Wake up and smell the Covfefe, it is FRESH and a GREAT Awakening!!!

You are a classic example of the widespread definition of "internet tough guy"... paid shill to stimulate more clicks by spreading nonsense and then claiming to be a fearless warrior patriot. :lmao:

I like to check this board here when things are hot (election year) but cannot believe there are dullards that still promote "Trust the Plan" and that Q's "PLAN" is still a factor, and is winning. I was on to Q in late November 2017, almost from the very start, and followed for a significant period, but my intelligence prevailed, and I realized Q was not credible.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
You are a classic example of the widespread definition of "internet tough guy"... paid shill to stimulate more clicks by spreading nonsense and then claiming to be a fearless warrior patriot. :lmao:

I like to check this board here when things are hot (election year) but cannot believe there are dullards that still promote "Trust the Plan" and that Q's "PLAN" is still a factor, and is winning. I was on to Q in late November 2017, almost from the very start, and followed for a significant period, but my intelligence prevailed, and I realized Q was not credible.
Quit crying bitch....since when is putting up memes being a tough guy, maybe to a weak minded, fairy ass Corporal Upton clone it is .... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:.

You didnt follow long enough, you are hardly intelligent else you would be able to see what is going on.
Q is the MOST credible intel that has EVER been given to the general public, you just never committed to understanding. YOUR FAULT

Also Who is paying me Dummy?
What I do as an ANON is my contribution to mankind so at least get your facts straight.

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