What are your thoughts about Q


May 15, 2022
Just a reminder .....In 2019 Martin Geddes ( a communications expert who has been writing articles long before Q came on the scene) created this graphic and It still rings true today.....you can add more points but in its simplest form....


This is the primer article that i share with friends who want to know more

Get to a doctor today. Don’t wait another day.

Sep 17, 2010
They stole the election, and now are trying to destroy* our* Republic*.
I am saying anyone who still thinks "THE Q PLAN" is in place, and that this was done by our side intentionally to prove the fraud-corruption-criminality, is an idiot.
The Dem-Marxist-globalists have won every significant battle since 2008, control the DOJ, the media/press, and much more... I do not see it turning around though yes, it is possible.
Do you think the Dems will suddenly stop cheating and we take the House and or Senate in Nov? The GOP has thrown in the towel, they could not organize a lemonade stand.
But if somehow we do, it is not THE PLAN that was implemented on purpose.

*massive debt, massive censorship, inflation, Afghanistan, defund the police, regulate/disrupt oil production in the USA, open borders inviting illegals-drugs-pedo traffic-criminals-terrorists, CRT in preschool, LGBT in preschool, support the Ukraine with billions... etc

May 15, 2022
They stole the election, and now are trying to destroy* our* Republic*.
I am saying anyone who still thinks "THE Q PLAN" is in place, and that this was done by our side intentionally to prove the fraud-corruption-criminality, is an idiot.
The Dem-Marxist-globalists have won every significant battle since 2008, control the DOJ, the media/press, and much more... I do not see it turning around though yes, it is possible.
Do you think the Dems will suddenly stop cheating and we take the House and or Senate? The GOP has thrown in the towel, they could not organize a lemonade stand.
But if somehow we do, it is not THE PLAN that was implemented on purpose.

*massive debt, massive censorship, inflation, Afghanistan, defund the police, regulate/disrupt oil production in the USA, open borders inviting illegals-drugs-pedo traffic-criminals-terrorists, CRT in preschool, LGBT in preschool, support the Ukraine with billions... etc
Lmao!!! Please get medical attention now

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
They stole the election, and now are trying to destroy* our* Republic*.
I am saying anyone who still thinks "THE Q PLAN" is in place, and that this was done by our side intentionally to prove the fraud-corruption-criminality, is an idiot.
The Dem-Marxist-globalists have won every significant battle since 2008, control the DOJ, the media/press, and much more... I do not see it turning around though yes, it is possible.
Do you think the Dems will suddenly stop cheating and we take the House and or Senate in Nov? The GOP has thrown in the towel, they could not organize a lemonade stand.
But if somehow we do, it is not THE PLAN that was implemented on purpose.

*massive debt, massive censorship, inflation, Afghanistan, defund the police, regulate/disrupt oil production in the USA, open borders inviting illegals-drugs-pedo traffic-criminals-terrorists, CRT in preschool, LGBT in preschool, support the Ukraine with billions... etc
I am saying anyone who still thinks "THE Q PLAN" is in place, and that this was done by our side intentionally to prove the fraud-corruption-criminality, is an idiot. What specifically are you referring to?

Your thinking is EXTREMELY shallow considering they are tryin to take down a 1000 year old? Cabal....You are still stuck on R vs D, no wonder you cant see anything above the tree line.....

All the stuff that you mentioned was ALREADY happening, it is just being exposed to a wider part of the population....This is a chess match....Q/WhiteHats/Patriots are in charge of the board but they dont necessarily control EVERY specific move the opposition makes....

But if somehow we do, it is not THE PLAN that was implemented on purpose.

So you have it set up in your mind that we are doomed and cant win
BUT if somehow we do
then Qplan had nothing to do with it.....lol ....so I guess either way you will be right....haha

May 15, 2022
The people that say nothing is happening have NO FUCKING IDEA what this photo is REALLY about
and how big a deal this was....

This was all part of the first MAJOR blow agains the Deep State.!!!!!
Lmao. A doctor!!! Now!!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The people that say nothing is happening have NO FUCKING IDEA what this photo is REALLY about
and how big a deal this was....

This was all part of the first MAJOR blow against the Deep State Elites.!!!!!
Well, if Serbone is telling the truth that he and his wife are genuine Q followers, then he would know the historic significance of that event, would he not? It's all in the posts.

Unless he's a....

...nah, he couldn't be, could he?

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Tell me @Serbone or anyone else for that matter, if you will just answer these 2 questions for me I would appreciate it cuz I cant figure out how either is possible is we are losing everything.

If indeed the other side is in complete control and we cant win, how come

1. Gitmo is being expanded instead of being shut down?

2. Garlard is not shutting down Durham

Thank you in advance

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Now here is a MudderFudgin BOOM
It is the first time I know of that a member of Trump's inner circle acknowledging Q

Go to 1hr 33min 48 sec

He mentions the @q account on TRUTH and says "whether or not it is the REAL Q Im not going to get into"


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Kash Patel is a walking Q proof.

To summarize:

Q told us that this patriot was a name to remember way back in 2018 before most anyone even knew who he was and look at him now.

He's taken near center stage right before and as Durham has made his bigfoot appearance (he's real. He's actually real).

Kash is now writing master class children's books with spoiler alerts (their fall) and swag.

He's in this inner circle with Nunes and Trump where he can call the President seemingly whenever he wants. VIP white hat. And who knew back in the day this he was someone we would remember?


Kash is a Q proof.

Let me ask you. Did you have any idea Kash would become this prominent player in 2018?

Because Q did.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Kash is on a roll
Kash and Devin subpoenaed info 17 times over from the DOJ and FBI, and also got 17 individuals fired for unlawful conduct during the Russiagate investigation ?


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
This one is quite remarkable and has the potential to convert nonbelievers into believers....why , because it is something that I bet MOST people who have been following the election fraud have NEVER even heard of and I believe the information will be made WIDELY available in the near FUTURE

Back in March 15 , 2018 Q posted this


Trust Kansas....and most people think that is a reference to Mike Pompeo who is from Kansas

Now in around Dec of 2020 a researcher named Maria Zack uncovered an election fraud connection that involved Italy and they were using a satellite that belonged to the Vatican. It was never picked up of course and was soon forgotten despite evidence and most were caught up in all the other elements of the fraud and this one seemed so "out there" and it was assumed dead......

Well on March 15, 2022....a 4 yr delta to the Qdrop ..... a Bombshell piece of testimony with receipts was made by Maria Zack about Italy and those satellites and how they were ALSO part of the election fraud....check it out if you dont know its literally like a spy novel as this shit to steal the election was a Global conspiracy....... And in the near future this information will become more Publicly Known like the info from 2000 Mules

BUT here is the part that will fuck with you because as a nonbeliever because you wanna just chalk this up to coincidence number 1000.....you will refuse to believe , regardless of evidence that this a military operation but

.....of ALL the places in the world where she could have given this BOMBSHELL testimony it was arranged for her to present it in a tiny room in Topeka to the

KANSAS SENATE on a 4yr delta of a Q drop that says to trust KANSAS

usa punisher.jpg

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Another day, another Q proof...although I feel we're beyond "proofs" at this point and just allowing the "news to unlock the map"


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