has to be people that borrow stuff and never return it !
I have a neighbor that borrows shit ( he's about 52), has a son Danny ( about 22). Danny hates clutter.
Father borrows something like a wet/dry vac....Danny throws it in the dumpster...you never get it back
I learned not to loan them anything !
If I borrow something I return it fast, and clean it up,if feasable.
If I have to borrow it regularly, I buy the item, because I need one !
Some things are more borrowable than others...
Can I borrow your 24' extension ladder,Joe ?
Joe: Sure, I haven't used it in 2 years,...Doug, just keep it your garage, I'll ask for it back when I need it !
That's a bit different, but if you borrow something like a ratchet, return it promptly.
Same thing for me. I am a contractor and use my tools to make $$$$$$. Many times I will let someone use a special tool that they cannot afford and it comes back dirty or something not the way it was.
I borrowed one of my augers to a neighbor, for a case of beer, Stupid me, and went by to check to see how his deck holes were going. I had offered to bring my big machine and told him I would have to charge him something and he balked. Now here he is in the yard with MY rock bars prying up on the handles of a $4500.00 piece of equipment because he did not listen to how to use it. Buried the auger and could not get it out.
I made him purchase a new handle for me at a cost of $300.00 and did not charge him my time to fix it.
He could of had his 20 holes done in 1 hour with the big machine and I would have gave him 50% off like $150 or so.
Another neighbor borrows some stupid thing I had, a garden weasel I think its called. 6 weeks later my ex wants to do some weeding in the garden. I go over and he says oops I forgot and here it is broken in the garden.
Never, ever, loan anyone, anything if you want it back in the condition it was before. If you do, then be there when they are using it or just do it for them.
It amazes me the gaul and stupidity of people in this world. If I ever needed something I would return it in better shape than it was.
Unless it was cash and then you would never see me again. Ha