the world is my toilet? Lol
Vlad says this from a place of Rage. People annoy Vlad and....
rightly so. He doesn't fit in well with the vast majority of people here. What Vlad doesn't consider seriously enough is that many of us don't, its not just him.
When there are millions of morons fighting with each other on all sides of you, like in so many places, and their whole reason for battling is a thing thats obvious Fairy Tale to you its not hard to understand how Vlad could arrive at the conclusion "fuck this place."
But if Vlad would simply consider the possible truth that if our species survives through this, another in a long procession of childish Jihads, Holy Wars... theres a chance we emerge in a place where the herd is sufficiently thinned that the smaller population + the new ways our ancestors (
those after us...prolly a different word lol) will be able to communicate has a chance at making a world he'd have felt less alienated from.
If theres any chance at all of that happening...a world without Stone Aged Barbarians & Sheeple warring, if theres any chance at all of this place becoming peaceful I think we should try to leave it as un-messed up as possible to those after us.
Vlad is faced with the question of whether the place is worth putting forth effort to save (or at least not fuck up further). He's arrived at the answer "no".
He may be right. I just wish we could get these Religious Wars over with, like, everyone who feels strongly that their particular man in the sky would have a planet be this way....where Gods make people hate fight and die would just do battle and get it over with so we could move on.
Your Grandkid's kids? You wouldn't even recognize them. The Fanatacism that exists within these idiots today will be as dead and ancient to them as the Latin Language is right now to us.
Mainly cuz complete exhaustion with war over Gods found its way int their DNA....somehow lol.
If Vlad knew their was hope....within that little 6 year old girl he'll see somewhere this week, if Vlad knew that she would be the Mom of someone not surrounded by the type of complete idiots that surround Vlad today...he might not think of the world as his toilet.
Right now he don't see that though.