Populists/Statists hold all those beliefs. Similar to the way a physician examines symptoms to try and diagnose a condition, we can classify people by their political leanings to help learn what makes them think the way they do.i never understood why people try to categorize everything. your what you said you are. not a democrat, republican. people want to categorize everything to make things easier.
people say because i i want universal health care im a democrat.
then when i tell people i want no immigration, or very little immigration im a neo con.
then when i tell people i like government im a socialist.
but then when i tell people i want a 50 foot wall built around the united states im on the far right side again.
ill just sum it up. putting people in boxes may make it easier for you to make a snap judgment, but overall is a waste of time and accomplishes nothing in the end.
your political spectrum is you, simple as that.
I align pretty much with everything you believe except the God theory, at least not the God that we were taught to believe in. If the God was as promised there would be none of the problems that we face day in and day out. The Golden Rule would the “Law” we would all live by. For that matter there would be no need for “Law”. Religion in general whether it be Catholicism, Judaism or any other ism does nothing more than help divide people. Islamic people in the middle east hate Jews. Why? Because generation after generation are brainwashed into believing that Jewish people are inhuman just because their beliefs are different. Christianity has so many choices that it has become a blanket moniker. I define myself as human and the fact that I don’t align myself with religion doesn’t make me any better or worse than any other human. As for politics I am a conservative. When it comes to voting I vote for who I believe will be the best for the country regardless of party affiliation. I remember much ado about nothing when Kennedy got elected because he was the first Catholic ever to be president. My advise is don’t get hung up on party affiliation and vote for the person you believe will get the job done. :toast:
This is me. Tell me where I fall as far as politics go:
I believe in...
Hard work. Honesty. Discipline. Respect. Putting others above yourself. Family. Small government, but enough to "keep the peace" and what is necessary. God. The "Golden Rule". The right to free speach. The right to bear arms. I believe abortion is wrong, but wont call people "evil" for differing views. Forgiveness. 2nd chances, but I believe in that rapists and cold blood murderers deserve what they dish out.
Is it me or do I not see a political party out there that I can associate with?
Ya it would. Altruism and libertarianism cannot be reconciled.
Libertarianism = maximizing personal liberties while minimizing government.
This is not incompatible with the idea of wanting to help others,
being unselfish, and wanting to put others first.
Besides, he wasn't defining some political box that he wanted to be
placed into, he was describing some ideals and principles that he likes
to live by.
Putting others above yourself is antithesis to the philosophy of free market capitalism - everyone acting in their own self-interest. Through voluntary cooperation(free market), society as a whole benefits.
Also, most of the things he listed are ethical characteristics. Libertarianism has no code of ethics. It is strictly a political doctrine. You can be as ethical or unethical as you choose just so long as you don't use force against someone else.
You are talking abstractly just to be argumentative.
He didn't say he believed that everyone should act altruistically in every
sense of the word now did he?
What I said stands 100%. He can believe in personal liberties and
small government, and also strive to be unselfish and
put others first in his personal life. There is absolutely no
contradiction there.
P.J. O'Rourke said this a while back. It pretty much sums up what our two political parties are about::
"The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove crabgrass from your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it."