What a bunch of ass kissers!!!

Uncle, why the big change man? You get the power to edit/ban and now your an ass?

180 Uncle, you`ve made a 180
My take on sick

When I first started posting here Sick Gambler was both entertaining and imformative and his posts were a mix of the two. For the last 6 months or so his posts have been mostly self promotional comical shit, and only adds to the offshore topics with a cocky attitude like he was forced to respond. The same "Oh come on boys" or " I can't believe you guys".
It's funny the same posters who find Dell Dude annoying are the same posters who find Sick to be halarious and an asset to the board. IMO the two posters are alot alike. only difference is I have a feeling Dell Dude is the real deal and sick is a fictional character.
I'm sure Sick will be back once he grows bored with MW or someone pisses him off. I'm sure he'll come back in the same fashion talking about what a A hole Russ is and how shitty his site is. He will probably bend the Shrink over a barrel with some outrageous request like letting Vega back in or to make him a partner. Then things will be back to normal more posts about how fat and out of shape he is. Important threads asking advice on such topics as should he or should he not have sex with a girl with bad breath

I have had those "powers" for quite awhile, funny you think i am suddenly doing a "180".

Wasn't it you saying a few months ago i had "gone soft" since becomming a mod???

Pick one or the other Journeyman, then get back to selling those $100.00 fliers on scooping poop.

That is , unless you are still holding out on the hopes of being employed here someday soon.
Funny how you sort seem to stick together.

One wants "carte blanche" at the Rx. The other wants to be paid to be here.

Maybe the two of you could hook-up, i think sick has a few bucks left from NAB, and i am sure you were able to scam at least 4 people into buying your flier.

"I wrote this because I had a sufficient amount of money in there, and I wanted to get paid."
Sick Gambler's childish behavior of going back and forth to MW and THERX is getting old...

I do believe Russ and I have allowed him to play us like pawns...

I will no longer participate in this game of his...

Sick can post wherever he likes and if it means not posting over here anymore, than that's ok with me...

uncle you wanna speak out on confidential matters?

Uncle you are a very funny guy, its funny you turn on me , for saying you have changed? yes you did get soft but you can`t turn around and post confidential matters for all to see...That would be like me telling everyone your a convict, just like you told me!

Fu ck this place i don t need it!
I wasn't convicted on "Felony" charges flier boy, they were reduced to misdemeaner charges.
And i wasn't convicted on those either, i plead "no contest".

Try again dipshit, and make it good, your not getting paid ny the post you know.

"A stupid man's report of what a clever man says is never accurate because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand."
Btw, dipshit..

What exactly did i post that is "confidential"???

That you are a failed scammer?
That you want a job with the Rx?

Those are all things you posted here little buddy, kinda takes the confidentiality right the fuk out don't you think??

"A stupid man's report of what a clever man says is never accurate because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand."

"Fu ck this place i don t need it"

Is this your 20th official farewell speech or just the vitamin suppliments fvcking with your head?

Be nice Jman is very fragile you always have to play the game his way. He lives in his little glass house but yet he loves to throw stones. He questions posters character all the time but cries when someone questions his. Just leave the man alone I can't handle reading another farewell speech
Let's not burn any bridges ... who's going to scoop up after your avatar?
Sick you gonna just let all your Posts:5992 go down the drain just over this? Just forget what they say and move on. Keep on posting bud.

Will make giant BONER for beer!!
>I wasn't convicted on "Felony"... reduced to
>misdemeaner charges... wasn't convicted on
>those either, i plead "no contest".

"I'm not a crook"

- - -
"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth
This FORUM is starting to ROT in the sun.

This thread and some others that have been posted in the last 24 hours are W-E-A-K and turn into little girls fights.
Posters shouldn't have to hear about a phone call from Shrink to Sick and whether Clevfan heard or whatever!

The forum has gotten WAY off track and many threads start off weak, and then move into the Ultra Ridiculous fringes of the TWILIGHT ZONE!
And then someone calls another a RACIST and then the thread always turns into a arguement(not a debate) over it and it goes NOWHERE!

SHRINK...the words RACE, RASIST, BIGOT etc should be BANNED from the Rx and maybe that will limit this problem of going OUT on a WILD TANGENT!

The MODS keep trying to come up with new subjects for threads and post lot of CURRENT EVENTS and sometimes (like yesterday) throw too much out at once. And then after some reply posts are made on the same current event thread, the MOD that started it, posts some really weak replies with no real opinion one way or the other.
I know you THINK you are trying to SPUR conversation for traffic but you going about it the wrong way. Why don't you find more SPORT orientated subject, from current events to sport history/trivia/records etc etc?

Let Rx posters post CURRENT EVENTS because usually they have a point they are trying to make, or want to debate a current event.

This just my 2 cents....not that I know anything.

I've been marketing for over 25 years and posting on forums etc since 1982 when I started doing this on Compuserve. A lot has changed since then and a lot hasn't.
Sorry Dicky, i just can't help it man, the goof brings it on himself.

"A stupid man's report of what a clever man says is never accurate because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand."

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by THE SHRINK:
Sick Gambler's childish behavior of going back and forth to MW and THERX is getting old...

I do believe Russ and I have allowed him to play us like pawns...

I will no longer participate in this game of his...

Sick can post wherever he likes and if it means not posting over here anymore, than that's ok with me...

Good post! **** him!

1- I love you!
2- The check is in the mail!
3- I wont cum in your mouth!

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