Well the 19 yr old has started 3-1


New member
Feb 6, 2007
Just saw this post...

Curious as to why everyone is on the EJ's ass. He is a solid capper who has added a lot to this forum.

Chill out kiddies.

New member
Oct 21, 2004
it always comes back to you making stupid assumptions and wild guesses at the people on this site, what they do for a living, how ugly they and their significant others are, how broke and in debt bashers of EJ are, how stupid we are and how ballerific EJ is cause he's doing well in CBB.

By the way, you're a fucking dumbass. "sadly it really seems imminent you were abused as a child, and that sucks man" do you even know what IMMINENT MEANS? you must be EJ, not able to write worth shit. you said you're 22, learn some fucking vocabulary man. Does your girlfriend know that you write like this? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Imminent. Wow. I can't stop laughing.

New member
Jun 24, 2006
I challenge themanej2001 to a simple contest. We can have the picks in the tracker forum this way nobody says anything...just post

Are you up for the challenge?

Hellah man I remember you from the madjack days and hated when you left because a bunch of guys bashed you because of your political thoughts on the war even though they were sitting on the couch while you were serving our countyr...why put his kid through the same bullshit in finding a reason for such a solid capper to leave the forum, when the kids making some decent money and putting out some good info and winning picks...youve been through this shit beofer at MJ's, and so was I...lets leave the scumbags at that site, and lets not try to find reasons to bash a solid capper until he leaves the forum for good and we have one less guy who makes us money, and all because of 20 guys who mean nothing to this forum bc all they do is bash guys who are confident and happy to be winning, and they cant stand the fact a 19 year old is making good money, when they cant even afford their RV rent...your a class act guy, let the scumbags who bash to be here and roam in their own pity...i sitll cant believe THIS MANY POSTS HAVE BEEN MADE TOWARDS A GUY WHO WAS HAPPY ABOUT STARTING OUT HOT, especially when hes now up 50+ units betting 2-5 units a game, and 10 when its a big play....just dont get why everyone is bashing someone that makes the board money

and htey say im sucking dick for standing up for him, GOOD if standing up for a guy who is making me cash is sucking dick, so be it...but we all know most of you lowlifes from the slums of texas and bama cant even afford to get a blow job from a hooker, who costs more than your paycheck (or mostly unemployment checks for most of you)...

Hellah hes a good kid, and he got a lil arrogant about getting hot...is that so bad? like I said, your a solid capper and I was very pissed hwen you left MJ's, and im glad to see you around again at a place i thought was less trashy...the site is great, but some of its posters are down right pathetic for bagging on a guy, and then on top bagging his girl and his grandfather when they have nothing to do with it....fucking joke this is

New member
Jan 8, 2006
If Vyrus and manje are not the same person, i'd be shocked. Maybe they just are the type of guys that Tim Hardaway does not like.
Who knows. But it does keep me laughing.
Manje assumes to know more than anyone else. He went into some guys thread today and started bashing him for know reason. I have seen him go into others and do the same. I have seen him go into Kojaks thread and beg him not to bet a game because it was a loser, it won. Then he told Kojak to quit chasing and take some time off. This is just a few examples.
So whether he is 19, 20 or who knows how old. A math major, a journalism major or who knows. A dollar per bet guy or 1k, not likely, but at the end of the day who cares. Honestly I hope this keeps going, it makes me giggle!
Say goodnight to gramps for me. Seems like a nice guy and who wouldn't stick up for their grandson :puppy:

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
hahahahaha "say goodnight to gramps for me." Wow, that's awesome.

I think we need to get the Little League World Series involved in this thread, get them to demand a birth certificate, Danny Almonte-style.

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
Before I end this thread because it is pointless....

This thread was posted last year and was bumped... It was posted when I started 3-1 and talked shit because I always seem to OH WELL...

I went on to finish like 97-67 so actually saying I would finish a 50% capper was so off it was crazy but that isn't here nor there...

I also never said I got a 36 on my ACT I said I got a 36 on my math section... if you all really care, which I hope you don't, I got a 30 on my ACT and a 2.2 in high school... had an issue with trying oh well.... Look I really don't give a fuck about this pointless bullshit... To be honest a lot of this shit is pretty funny to me, and skins come in and tell me it isnt come in and break me down psychologically. But I fuck around with everyone and could care less if you don't believe me, and could care less if you honestly think that I feel your opinions mean the world to me. I do post here to help people and I accept the bashing...

Skins and Seth you say you never had it out for me but since the first day I posted here you talked shit to me... and then when I backed up my words you bashed me... so whatever who gives a fuck!?!?!?! It is an online message board... That is what bothers me is that on an online message board it is like you obsess over me....

And say you don't but there are like 50 threads taht I am not even talking in that you post my picture and call me gay... great if that is what you enjoy....

Go ahead funny... if you get a kick out of it great... but I am far from sensitive on here and if you think I am then great... I love to talk sports and people who disagree with me seem to call me an idiot before I even talk shit back but oh well...

Seriously this shit is so gay and a waste of time to argue with you guys about whos fucking cock is bigger... I really don't give a fuck to be honest... I have been reported like 50 times on this site for words I use... I mean come on man grow the fuck up... I called you a bitch so you reported me great!!!!

I am here to lend my opinion and call this arrogant, but it is right more then it is wrong... and I think that is valuable... You rip my writing, which is my dream which makes me wonder about your character. THat is sad to be honest but I am not saying I take it to heart... it is just sad that you rip someone for something he loves to do, never in my life would I do that because it is fucking bitch shit to sit behind your computer and do that... you comment on more whore of a gf in which i respond ripping your nasty ass gf...

See that is what bothers me is that I Never said anything about anyone you guys have ever been with until you said something about her... And then I talk back and I am immature and an idiot... really doesn't add up...

Look if you don't like me don't open my threads... that simple... if you don't like me don't comment in them... I mean come on man... what is the point of opening someones thread to talk shit to them every day... honestly? do you beat off while doinng this....

SO can we just stop this pointless fucking bullshit... every time you call me immature you are ripping me as well so how fucking mature is that hahaha... yes I am immature.. great dude I got a few more years to be immature left and Im going to fucking enjoy them... if you were mature in college good for you that is your life... i could give a fuck about what you do....


Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
I mean I just went and looked at like 20 threads from today and like 10 of them bring me up when I'm not there... that is kind of gay to be honest...

But seriously...

please can we just all shut the fuck up...

for the first time in my life I want to say grow the fuck up... and get your mind off me man... shit is just getting wierd and obsessive~!

New member
Jun 24, 2006
I swear, I said the same things in my posts...fawk them man...I just added them to my ignore list, and I faded DSethi yesterday for a SOLID payday...just like I said I would...yea thats immature, but I told him id do it and damn glad i did...

EJ, it seems like this shit has taken time away from your capping and I want to see more of your plays....Skins I respected you, gave you props, never thought ud come out and bash someone like this

The fact is you are up more than EVERY guy in this thread...you, Kojak and a couple other guys are all people care about on this forum..the rest of them gang up and talk shit because their miserable about shit...what DSethi is my gf not gonna like me now cause u told me to tell her I spelled a word out of context when I was typing quick...im done too EJ, but I really have a feeling you are considering not posting to a bunch on unappreciateve fucks, and who I know damn well have tailed you at some point, because they see you up huge and they see themselves dwindlign between +1 unit one night and -1 unit the next...So prove me wrong, and post some plays saturday, and let your winning talk for itself, cause it sure as hell does to everyone but the 7-8 guys who came in here and bashed, and when u defended your girl (who is hot by the way, we got the same taste), they call you immatuer after they spent their whole day trying EVERY POSSIBLE WAY to put you down....these guys are pathetic, your up 40x (close estimate) to what Dsethi and raj are up COMBINED...congrats man, your having a great year, please dont let all this shit come back and take away from your capping and/or posting...online, ANYONE who acts cocky and confident will get bashed...then they start winning and people seem to "dissapear" and act like it nver happened, same shit happened with Picks Prodigy, and thats what i dont get about your case, your up a shitload and your not betting 50 units a game, ure betting 5-6 units (average from what ive seen, rough estimate again) a game and up 50 (or is it stil 100?)...just stick to posting, we have good looking girls and educations, I guarentee you most of these fools dont, and if im bragging by saying that GOOD i guess ill "brag" since weve been put down all day... I HAVE NEVER SEEN SO MANY PEOPLE OBSESS OVER SOMEONE..its cause of your age man, they cant stand a guy whose 19 to be winning 20-30 times more money then they have...DSethi comes in and tlaks shit once again, and HOW AKWARD HE HITS 33% for the 2nd night in a row

Let the picks do the talking DSethi..."im playing with profits" is what i remember you saying, well good luck playing that 1 unit tommorow, hope u ride it to 10...then ull only be 90 away from the guy uve bashed repeatedly in this thread

New member
Jun 24, 2006
If Vyrus and manje are not the same person, i'd be shocked. Maybe they just are the type of guys that Tim Hardaway does not like.
Who knows. But it does keep me laughing.
Manje assumes to know more than anyone else. He went into some guys thread today and started bashing him for know reason. I have seen him go into others and do the same. I have seen him go into Kojaks thread and beg him not to bet a game because it was a loser, it won. Then he told Kojak to quit chasing and take some time off. This is just a few examples.
So whether he is 19, 20 or who knows how old. A math major, a journalism major or who knows. A dollar per bet guy or 1k, not likely, but at the end of the day who cares. Honestly I hope this keeps going, it makes me giggle!
Say goodnight to gramps for me. Seems like a nice guy and who wouldn't stick up for their grandson :puppy:

No he actually told Kojak hes a great capper and should take a couple of days off and get back into gear because it worked for him...and kojak actually did take a few days off..the fact that u noticed shows you were pissed you had nobody to cotial for a few days and are mad at EJ, cause u probably tailed dSethi instead and lost 90% of your BR like DSethi has the last 2 nights...i mean you add your lil giggling dog at the ned, like it really is gonna get to us...are you serious? this is the internet...you make it seem like the impact your making is that of a kid being surrounded at recess with everyone laughing at him...this is so pathetic...you guys are trying HARD for EJ to leave the site, its obvious, you guys cant stand seeing a 19 year old make mroe money than you....and DSethi says im immature for talking about peoples lives etc etc, when ALL HE HAS DONE is talk shit about EJ and my life, like we would ever care what some +1 unit lowlife who tells people to fade him will think...I wish you guys would win so you would stop finding an outlet for your frustration...and its true DSethi, you say your losing has nothing to do with this...but the last 2 nights at about 10 EST when your picks have gone to shit once agian, is when your bashing starts...and bashing is to harsh of a word, who the FAWK would care what you think...I mean what in this world do you think makes your thoughts about us mean shit? well never meet you, because you obviously dont have the means to travel...and you prob are a pretty similar guy to that of your avatar, a drug addict lowlife who bets to have something to do while high, andhoping he can win once in a while to get his next crack sack....fucking lowlifeq

New member
Jun 24, 2006
it always comes back to you making stupid assumptions and wild guesses at the people on this site, what they do for a living, how ugly they and their significant others are, how broke and in debt bashers of EJ are, how stupid we are and how ballerific EJ is cause he's doing well in CBB.

By the way, you're a fucking dumbass. "sadly it really seems imminent you were abused as a child, and that sucks man" do you even know what IMMINENT MEANS? you must be EJ, not able to write worth shit. you said you're 22, learn some fucking vocabulary man. Does your girlfriend know that you write like this? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Imminent. Wow. I can't stop laughing.

If me writing imminent out of context realy made you laugh that much, you either are trying SO HARD to try and act like you "got something on me", or you just proved me so right about how pathetic your life is and how a thread on a internet forum is actually making you laugh in your chair, then you are one sad sad life and I honestly dont even care to argue with you anymore...you offer nothing, you lose daily, and I will continue to fade you per your request...but you are sucha *****, that you actually changed your avatar about fading you...you really think me and EJ are ognna change our avatars cause u made fun of them? GOD FORBID you make fun of our girls, like they actually are involved in this...it just shows how HARD you are trying to find things to say to insult us...its sad man...you say i make assumptions, yes I do, based on how people come in and bash a guy who never said one degrading remark to anyone, its OBVIOUS you had abuse problems as a child....and ill stop bringing it up, cause it obviously is bothering you and I have no need to try and make someone feel bad online...the fact that you put "hahahahahahaha" like that from one word that I said, shows how hard you tried to play off the abuse thing and try and make it seem like you totally had the funny comment etc etc...im not trying to be funnier, or better or anything than you...to me you are a scum, and if you think that or worst about me, toooo bad...like I said, ill never meet you in real life, nor will I have the need to: you obviously arent anything important professionally, and you obviously have some serious problems from your childhood to be spending this much time bashing someone and the sad part is you actually are doing good at getting EJ's mind off capping like most of us who follow him would want, cause he makes us MONEY...see we cant just fade you daily, it gets old...but EJ's made me about 30 units this year tailling him, and it sucks that a 19 year old is outgaining you huh? But your response to the abuse remarks shows damn well i hit a soft spot, so ill stop with that...im not going to be cruel and make fun of your problems that you had, cause it sucks you went through them...like always, best of luck tommorow, but in antoher sense hopefully you continue your consisent losing cause your padding my bankroll a few units at a time by fading you

EJ, please post some plays soon...seems like this shit is overwhelming you with retardedness and jus getting your mind of capping, get back to what you do best: posting plays

I just cant believe that these guys think that the lower they stoop and the more degrading things they say, the more "they won" or something...like itreally matters...like these guys mean shit to our real lives...your here to cap, and get some good info that some of the classier guys on this site provide...so get back to that, cause plenty of winners get bashed cause the lowlifes cant handle seeing other guys be so succesful when they feel they should be too, yet their best nights are the nights they actually won a unit over .500 to cover juice
Jan 19, 2006
First off I'm not taking sides..

Don't know why but these 2 quotes here made me laugh for 5 mins..

like we would ever care what some +1 unit lowlife who tells people to fade him will think...

DSethi, you say your losing has nothing to do with this...but the last 2 nights at about 10 EST when your picks have gone to shit once agian, is when your bashing starts...


Vyrus how much weed did you smoke to come up with this off the wall shit? Do you honestly believe when D has a losing day he takes his frustrations out on EJ?

New member
Oct 21, 2004
i didn't even bother reading all of these latest posts closely, because these guys have been saying the same things over and over again. Vyrus is the most worthless poster on here, period. He has no idea how to create a coherent, logical argument whatsoever. He has no idea what the word imminent means, which is the funniest thing in the world to me. "Out of context?" No, you don't know what the word means. Look it up in a dictionary.
I'll refer to this thread, post # 24 to be exact, on how you two should handle this: http://forum.therx.com/showthread.php?t=459194

Vyrus i haven't once mentioned your "life" unless you've brought it up first, which you always have, talking about how it's so much better than anyone elses. So stop trying to play that card. I just love making fun of how you make these ridiculous assumptions about people's lives just because they don't like you or your boyfriend EJ.
Change my avatar? what? You're a moron. I haven't changed anything. You might be the most retarded poster in the history of the RX, which is sad considering I've tried to make that claim about myself. But you've gone to some all-time lows here. The abuse thing hitting a soft spot? You weren't even talking about me moron, you were talking about wildemu. Get off your pedestal.
You can't keep fading me, it gets old? Wow. Retarded. Does that even make sense? Obviously not. Just as old as tailing someone's picks? Do you even know how little sense you make?
"you obviously arent anything important professionally, and you obviously have some serious problems from your childhood to be spending this much time bashing someone"
Again, stupid, unfounded assumptions that you make about anyone that doesn't like you on here. And i never made fun of your girls at all, again another stupid comment because you can't keep track of how many people on here dislike you and have made fun of you in these threads. Good job.
Honestly why am I wasting my time responding when you don't have the capacity to pay attention for more than 5 minutes at a time to what people are writing?

"to me you are a scum, and if you think that or worst about me, toooo bad."
umm...so then am i supposed to care that you think i'm scum? Obviously not. "toooo bad"! Man I'm making fun of you clearly because it's just too easy with the stupid BS you post.

EJ, take my advice and email Vyrus and tell him to stop trying to get your back. He's clearly not helping you out here, even if you think he is. And take my advice in the thread i linked, the both of you.

Last thing- EJ, all the bashing you've gotten over the past year you have deserved. No one likes a cocky prick. You've self-admittedly been arrogant and disdainful towards others. Don't chalk it up to being "19." Chalk it up to you being arrogant. How can that possibly help you? It can't. Some people on here care just about $$. I'm a recreational bettor, so while i like making $$, this isn't a main source of income for me, and so I come here to learn some stuff, have some laughs, and talk at some of the guys I've met at the bashes. You could be up 1,000 units. If you're an arrogant prick, then I'll bash you.
At least until the mods ban me or I grow tired of how petty all of this really is.
Seriously though, I wouldn'tw ant to associate myself with Vyrus AT ALL if I were you. Read his posts. He has no idea what he's talking about, he's regurgitating the same old bullshit he's said in other threads, having nothing to do with what people are saying and basically just assuming that everyone is jealous of you and that everyone else sucks at life besides you two. If I were you I couldn't run away faster.

As far as making fun of your "life dream," like I said, it's all in jest. You of all people should know that, considering I've gone out of my way to actually HELP you improve your skills and direct you to people that could prove useful. Whatever. Vyrus is a moron.
The worst thing is that he attacks me as a capper, which is completely fine since I'm self-admittedly mediocre at best, especially lately. But attacking Skinsraj? The guy has been profitable in virtually every sport over the past year, and is arguably the best NBA capper on this website. Vyrus doesn't have a clue.
And I'm the most worthless poster on here? Think I'm at worst running a close second to that guy...

New member
Jun 1, 2006
I mean I just went and looked at like 20 threads from today and like 10 of them bring me up when I'm not there... that is kind of gay to be honest...

But seriously...

please can we just all shut the fuck up...

for the first time in my life I want to say grow the fuck up... and get your mind off me man... shit is just getting wierd and obsessive~!

If you are really that concerned about "weird and obsessive" people on here, just look right behind you at Vyrus. The guy is all up on your dick everyday and it's sickening to listen to every damn day.

New member
Jan 18, 2005
I've been abused as a child, unhappily married, and now I can't even afford to purchase some pens for my kids at the ripe age of 21.

Manej/Virus, I'm going to assume from now on that you guys are the same person. And beneath that, it's a loser whose posing as a college kid and some cocksucker from San Diego.

My advice. Don't even bother typing up a page of attempted insults because I don't think anyone reads them. Save your breath and maybe create a new identity so you can leave this mess behind.

Wasn't Roxygirl from San Diego?

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
I SAID 100000000000 times everyone can we just shut the fuck up.... I said 100000000000 times i am here to help and win money....

And you have to admit it is fucking creepy that my name is brought up in like 20% of the threads here when I'm not here but that isn't here nor their...

PLEASE CAN WE ALL JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP... and please can we all grow up.... because honestly for me to say that takes a lot..

Seth you and your brother have helped me so the writing thing wasn't a shot at you.... you know that... i thank you when you help me im not a prick... I fuck around a lot on here and some people do know htat... and of all people I always thought would know that would be you an dyour brother but you two give me the hardest time which always baffeled me...


who gives a fuck honestly...

If you don't like me, this is not directed at one person, then don't come in my threads how hard is that honestly? It is getting wierd to have those same dudes, and once again NOT DIRECTED AT ANYONE IN PARTICULAR, come into my stuff everyday and talk shit to me... then procede to say is there a way to block me? HAHAHHA WHY DO YOU OPEN MY SHIT!!

so please can we stop with this fucking high school bullshit please
Sep 21, 2004
Manej, the 1st step towards ending all this BS would be for YOU to drop the cockyness and the attitude. If you can do that, the rest of the cards will fall into place.

Nobody likes a blowhard. Stick to the plays & limit the bragging & things will go much more smoothly.


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