well guys world war 3 starts tonight


New member
Sep 21, 2004
"Collateral Damage"

"Yeah now America is just like Nazi Germany. I'm through with you idiots making totally asinine remarks. I guess we need to leave that great humanatarian Saddam alone and just blitzkrieg Poland."
Nobody mentioned being like Nazis, well except you
Are you saying that propaganda doesn't exist? Are you denying that there is ZERO evidence linking Saddam to OBL? Are you saying that it's coinicedence that OBL was "Enemy No. 1" until we couldn't find him, & then suddenly Mohammed whatever his name is was suddenly "Enemy No. 1 & the NEW mastermind behind 9/11" (despite being listed in the mid 20's on the FBI's most wanted terrorists)?
Are you denying that the only time we haven't had a terror alert was when Bush "needed" to spend tax payer's money to take Air Force One out to campaign for Republican Senators? Are you denying that Bush appointed Henry Kissinger as a security advisor even though multiple countries are calling for him to be tried for international war crimes for his terror involvement in central & South America?

Actually, I don't think you deny anything ... yes men, like you don't know how to deny as that involves thinking freely

Drink the Kool-aid son.

"All you guys who are against the war just come up with the silliest crap i've ever seen. And if everyone who is against this war thinks like you then Bush is doing the right thing."
World peace, world security & the prevention of tens of thousands of war casualties are all "the silliest crap"?

"By the way i was in the first gulf war and we didn't rape women or kill children. We did give them food every chance we got."
So if Bush is strictly a humanitarian, then why did he cut off aid to a poverished Turkey when they have a 25% unemployment rate & over half the country is below the poverty line? Oh, that was because they won't help us murder - even though they have more to gain from a Liberated Iraq then anyone. Why did we embargo medical supplies to Iraq when 1 in 5 children die before the age of 5? Humanitarian?
No, of course not, people that grow up with a silver spoon like coke-head cheerleading Bush don't know the meaning of the word humanitarian.
They only know power & propaganda.

"And by the way your heroes from France have more financial interest in Iraq than any country a close second Germany followed by Russia. Get a clue."
<1% of France's trade is with Iraq.
Speaking of interest - did you hear that US businesses have already agreed to multi-billion dollar deals in the restructuring of Iraq?
Either you need to "get a clue" or you're severely misinformed.

Hurry up, baby killer - there's still time to re-enlist!

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Or you could post a whole lot of pictures of what Saddam's action had when he invaded Kuwait or what he's done to his own people. Go ahead Grantt post some of those pictures. I take great exception to you comparing Nazi Germany to present day America. In your picture of Hitler he's wearing a military uniform does that remind you of anyone, try Saddam.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Hey can you guys help me with a search?

I've tried a million times but I can't find any of your comments like this when Bill Clinton made bombing raids over irag, or made anti irag speeches...Oh, thats right thats because he DIDN'T go to the UN before he bombed.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
That's beacause when Clinton attacked Iraq there was an actual reason to. There is a differance.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

You offer no proof just made up crap. Calling me a baby killer is really low. Iraq's number one trading partner is France you need to get your facts straight pal.

I suspect Germans had the same mindset. Thats your quote but you weren't comparing America to Nazi Germany then what were you doing.

You know nothing about how the military works or the rules of engagement so quit trying.

And one more thing i'm not your son. The first thing i said after the first war was over is it was a mistake to leave that guy in power and we will be back. Now it's time to finish the job.

And if you don't believe there is a connection between OBL and Iraq then your a fool. What does OBL have to do show up in Bagdad to prove it to you?

New member
Sep 20, 2000

Fxck this I am going to start paying attention to my tag line.
That's beacause when Clinton attacked Iraq there was an actual reason to. There is a differance......Oh Jesus, I am going to puke.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

If our military is uneducated then your still not qualified. I'm sure you at least have to get past the 1st grade.

Not that i disagreed with Clinton but what were his reasons for bombing Iraq? And how could a guy who just said Killing for peace is like f***ing for virginity.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Gamblinglife your not serious with this comment are you
"And if you don't believe there is a connection between OBL and Iraq then your a fool. What does OBL have to do show up in Bagdad to prove it to you?"
Show me the proof please. I know Bush said there was a connection but he has offered up no evidence. I would like to see what you have though.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Gamblelife, thats the problem with these pinheads, they never deal in fact.

Its anti bush not anti war.They will be eating their words in 3 weeks.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

Speaking of Kool-aid i venture to guess you have been to either France, Hollywood or Bagdad recently. Lay off son (of a bitch).

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Grant, they found cookbooks for biochem recipes in the caves in afghanistan that came from irag....They were also to completly disarm within 90 days...12 years ago!!!
"You offer no proof just made up crap."
I annotated every line of your post & posted truthful responses. You're reply that "I made up crap" is quite the admission of incomprehesion. That's ok though, I remember back in HS it was usually the dumb kids that couldn't get into University that joined the service

"Calling me a baby killer is really low. Iraq's number one trading partner is France you need to get your facts straight pal."
Perhaps, but France is NOT dependent upon Iraq. The US corporations already have billions vested in the reconstruction of a war that hasn't "begun". So, much for the facts buddy.
btw - I suspect you're right, sissies like you stay back and cook like women while the men forge ahead and kill the babies.

"I suspect Germans had the same mindset. Thats your quote but you weren't comparing America to Nazi Germany then what were you doing.
You know nothing about how the military works or the rules of engagement so quit trying."

So "following blindly" is ok, because we're us? Is this the "we're special" theory? Maybe such nonsense works for the troops, but I prefer to stick to logic.

"The first thing i said after the first war was over is it was a mistake to leave that guy in power and we will be back. Now it's time to finish the job."
I agree it was a mistake, he IS EVIL. HOWEVER, if the UN made the resolution then the UN needs to enforce it. No if's, and's or but's. That's common sense, regardless of your "we're special" type theories.

"And if you don't believe there is a connection between OBL and Iraq then your a fool. What does OBL have to do show up in Bagdad to prove it to you?"
I suspect them hate eath other. OBL is a religious fanatic that envision a religious state, whereas Saddam is military dictator that doesn't seem to give a damn about religion, just power. They DO NOT like each other, no matter how you spin it.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

I don't usually get mad but those two idiots pissed me off. Just making up crap to back their arguments as weak as they are.

If those idiots want look back on history all historians will agree the biggest mistake of the time was appeasing Adolph Hitler. Fools are doomed to repeat mistakes.

Saddam has had twelve years to disarm and now his time has run out.

God bless the USA

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Us did not like the soviet union in ww 2, but we both hated Germany more.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
GLife they will shut up in 3 weeks.
God Bless the USA and our troops and President.
"I don't usually get mad but those two idiots pissed me off. Just making up crap to back their arguments as weak as they are."
Your second reference to people "making crap up", yet you have ZERO rebuttles to any of the formulated arguments? Is your GED/GI Bill Community College education holding you back from formulating your own arguments? or does "yes sir drill sargeant sir" ring in your head like an ever-ringing bell each time to try to think for yourself?

"If those idiots want look back on history all historians will agree the biggest mistake of the time was appeasing Adolph Hitler. Fools are doomed to repeat mistakes."
Agreed, and that's exactly why millions have already protested against this little coke-head

"Saddam has had twelve years to disarm and now his time has run out."
12 years of UN sactions, meaning the UN and only the UN can enforce them. Simple logic buddy. Simple logic.

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