I have no idea about the validity of this statement. But assuming it's correct, I'm going to suggest it's probably about unreliable or inconsistent or maybe just different standards
The WHO did an analysis of the best healthcare systems in the world in 2000, the USA came in like 13th, libtard nation went ballistic claiming this proves we needed healthcare reform.
Such a study hasn't been done since. The organizers admitted each country has different standards, unreliable and inconsistent data, and an apples to apples comparison was simple not possible. In the USA, we might treat an illness that took two weeks to fully recover from, we call that a failure. In some third world country the patient dies after two months, they call it a success because the patient lived for two months. I'm embellishing here to make a point.
Also, the USA was rated badly because we spent too much money, not because we didn't cure illnesses.
Anyhow, on the surface, such raw data doesn't mean much to me.