Wondering if we'll learn . . .
Oswald never fired a weapon.
Ruby was an Israeli operative.
George Papa Bush was in Dallas that day as a covert CIA agent.
How many shooters took part.
How the witnesses were murdered.
Zapruder was an Israeli operative.
Who killed that Dallas police officer - Tippett, I believe his name was.
Who and how many of the conspirators are still alive. There's no statute of limitations on murder.
Will antipope Francis "die" tomorrow to suck the wind out of the news cycle?
Oswald never fired a weapon.
Ruby was an Israeli operative.
George Papa Bush was in Dallas that day as a covert CIA agent.
How many shooters took part.
How the witnesses were murdered.
Zapruder was an Israeli operative.
Who killed that Dallas police officer - Tippett, I believe his name was.
Who and how many of the conspirators are still alive. There's no statute of limitations on murder.
Will antipope Francis "die" tomorrow to suck the wind out of the news cycle?