Why did President Trump allow them to steal the 2020 Election
President Trump knew LONG BEFORE March 2019 that the Democrats were planning to steal the 2020 Election.
Knowing what you know about President Trump, do you honestly believe that he was just going to allow them to steal it?
Allowing the government to be overthrown would have made Trump guilty of dereliction of duty.
He NEVER would have done that.
Instead, he used all of the tools available to him as a Wartime President to catch them all in the act, allow the steal to happen (optically), establish a Continuity of Government plan to keep us from being completely destroyed, and allowed the people to see and experience what happens when you have a stolen election and an illegal Regime occupying the White House.
The Deep State made sure that the masses would never see or believe the truth, and so no one would have believed Trump about any of it.
There would have been a very bloody civil war, and he couldn’t allow that.
The only option was to take a pause, and allow the people the opportunity to wake up and see just how evil they are.
It sounds crazy, but when you take a step back and think about it rationally, it makes total sense.
We were already at war, so Trump’s only option was to decide how to proceed and lose the least amount of lives, while setting up a path to victory that would ensure greatness for our country long after Trump is gone.
The only way for that to happen would be to have an awakened population who would stand behind him in order to do what must be done to the guilty.
Once awake, you can’t be put back to sleep, and this would protect the people from falling into their traps (because they will never stop trying) for generations to come.
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