Here are the records of services for both their college and pro selections since last Wednesday. Again, I track these against my number not the over or under inflated lines they post.
I don't know if I've ever won during March Madness and it's because I followed these idiots and didn't track them. I played their big plays, which is great
marketing on their part. For instance Larry Ness has had three days in a row consisting of the following, Legend Play, Perfect Storm and Club 27. Now, he won all three, but I find it interesting that he's had BIG plays three days in a row. JB has been having 3*'s almost daily and it used to be he released three a month.
I'm only following Sammy P's 20*, no one else and only FADING the following:
- Maddux 4-13
- Cappers Access 6-11, 1-10 run
- Chris Jordan 2-5
- Kelso - I'm watching as he is around .500 but I believe will lose during MM.
- Lang/Golden Contender - not religiously but if they match others
- Root 8-14
OWAD is cold (17-23), so I'm laying off and not playing or fading. If he continues to lose, I'll fade. His 5* plays are not affecting my FADE of the above if they differ. JohnnyD seems to be posted and promoted after the games are over so in my tracking they are for games posted before they start. We'll see how he does. Another to watch and not play until proven is JLB4422, it has been posted that he's 19-9 until yesterday's loss, but until I track and see the winning continue, he won't be followed. Arlon was hot been not so the past week. I also watch ATS as they seem to be a good fade but I'm watching closely to see when to jump on going against them.
Here you go, the college numbers are first followed by the NBA.
Good Luck. I'll be celebrating St Patty's day tomorrow, so I hope I make sound decisions as we start the day at 8:00am and go all day.
- A Redd 5-4, NBA 1-1
- Arlon 7-10
- ATS 7-10, NBA 1-1
- Benton, 4-6, 0-5run this week, NBA 0-1
- Burns 1-1, NBA 6-0run, NHL totals 0-2
- Cal Sports 13-8, NBA 0-2
- Cappers Access 6-11, 1-10run, NBA 2-1
- Chris Jordan 2-5, NBA 1-1
- College Funds 2-0
- Dr Bob, 10-10, NBA 0-2
- ***** NBA 0-2 he's been terrible when posted.
- Golden Contender Free picks 2-3, NBA 1-1
- Indian Cowboy 1-2, NBA 1-1
- JB NBA only 4-7, 3* 3-3
- JohnnyD 5-3, NBA 1-0
- JSM NBA 5-2
- Lang 2-3
- Kelso 13-15, NBA 1-3
- Maddux 4-13, NBA 2-2
- Mark Lawrence 3-1
- Larry Ness 3-1
- Might Quinn 0-1, NBA 1-0
- OWAD (don't know what this stands for) 17-23, 5* 12-16 includes OWAD play rated as a 5*, OWAD plays 3-5run includes NBA winners
- Root 8-14, NBA 1-0
- Sammy P 20* 3-3, 31-11 overall on 20*, need more total plays from him.
- Sports Handicapping King, 6-4, 5-1 run, 30* 1-0 watch him
- SB Prof NBA 7-5
- Teddy Covers 11-8, BT (Big Ticket) 2-1, NBA 1-4
- Underdog 3-0
- Don Wallace NBA 5-5
- Wiz free 1-2, NBA 1-1
Guys I hope this helps.
MG Man