Fucking S carolina loses by 7 and what i am pissed about is i cost myself, in my write up i said, or i could wait till it gets to 6 then buy to 7 if i do that i push and do not lose, but i went and bet it right then, and of course we were down 5 late and foul then of course in this case s.car misses the last shot to cover, ...i am just mad at myself i felt 7 would be much better but did think they could cover 6 and they were, i still do not know why teams foul with 5 sec's left down 5 when they should just let the time go, if ya think about it again, with 5 sec's tennessee has the ball, so by fouling you are thinking maybe they miss both, we then have to go the length of the court and score, foul again have them miss both then hit a 3 to tie all in 5 sec's the game is over when you do not have the ball and you are down 5 points with 5 sec's left no sense in fouling same reason down 10 with 12 sec's you do not foul stupid and it just cost us money and then also made money for Tenn backers who really should not have covered...i promise you if i had Tenn -5 there would have been no foul