Have any of you saying "no problem" actually READ the bill? Or do you just believe the government loves you and is trying to save you from "cyber bullying".
All someone has to do is sign an affidavit saying you "hurt their feelings" and you're slapped with a felony. A total assault and the end of the first ammendment if this passes. Rest assured it will be selectively enforced too.
A friendly referral back to Page 1 and my first Reply
This bill will never even see the floor of Congress for a vote, because of course if passed into law it would immediately be revoked by the courts as unconstitutional.
But the intent in introducing the bill is not to get it passed.
Rather it is simply a cheap ploy to satisfy the angst of some well to do voters in these 14 congressional districts. The noted Congressmen will soak some folks for some decent donations because they are "responding to important constituent requests".
And when the bill dies the expected quick death, they'll suck a bit more mileage out of the deal by telling the involved constituents, "Oh, this is just evidence that those jerks in the Other Party don't care about our children. If not for their apathy, we would have got this bill passed just the way you wanted it."
These type of bullshit bills are introduced throughout the year, usually by lower level Congressmen and it's certainly not exclusive to either one party or the other.
Another one - (actually a Resolution...not a law) in same style is the one introduced a couple weeks back which if passed would declare 2010 "The Year of the Bible".
Of course it dies a deserved quick death since such a declaration by Congress would be patently unconstitutional. But the couple dozen backers of this one will play the same game. They'll get some donations from the Christian right for "trying to make it happen".
Then when it dies, they'll tell the Christian right, "Oh, it was a good resolution. But those Godless, Liberal, Bible Hating Democrats made it clear they would not allow it to pass."
blah blah blah
Expect to see these faux "bills" and "resolutions" to continue to be introduced at the rate of a handful every month from now until the end of time.