((( Wallstreetgenius' NBA System Plays )))


New member
Jan 20, 2006
the funniest part about this entire thread was how fast everyone was to jump on board with quick results and after 1 day everyone is kicking it in the mud...... hillarious. alot of what WSG said makes sense to some of us that use the info alot. Personally I am pretty intrigued, some stuff I have not really noticed much after looking at all the info. still turned into a funny thread......lol

New member
Feb 22, 2006
Bluemyboy said:
the funniest part about this entire thread was how fast everyone was to jump on board with quick results and after 1 day everyone is kicking it in the mud...... hillarious. alot of what WSG said makes sense to some of us that use the info alot. Personally I am pretty intrigued, some stuff I have not really noticed much after looking at all the info. still turned into a funny thread......lol

BLUE, lots of kids grow up in the instant gratification world that we now live in. Nothing is delivered on a silver platter, but they only see/expect the quick ROI today.

Nov 20, 2004
heres the only post you need to read from wsg to be able to see the guy is full of crap. heres his post from the football section

"This will not be a record posting thread. I'm here to only show people interested in learning something new. I'm not going to posting plays b/c I'll be busy with my runners and my casinos myself. Becides....there will be plenty of help here so you can decide for yourself on possible plays. I will be here for you on early sunday mornings to give you a jump start, but then I'm going to be quite busy. Don't worry though....you wont need a math degree. lol....This will be quite elementary.....I promise.
- WSG -

So lets see the millionaire gambler-stock trader is so busy not to be able to post plays, but he found just enough time to come to the site and want to teach others how to make thousands and maybe millions like he does, lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooooo
He came here to post this stuff, to selll more si memberships, which am sure it worked today.
Also lets not forgot besides all the differnt packages si sells, they also have a sister site called betting charts that basically sells sharp info plays but is supposedly differnt then the si site. Sounds like wayne root, with his millionaire club, billionaire club, super duper platinuim club etc etc etc.<!-- / message -->
Feb 27, 2006
Your getting killed in this post you started. You really should finish what you started. BE A MAN!!!!!!!

New member
Sep 11, 2006
trains40 said:
Your getting killed in this post you started. You really should finish what you started. BE A MAN!!!!!!!

Dude, he don't got to finish anything. Everyone in this thread pretty much jumped on it blindly as some have stated. I still think it is pretty interesting but if he doesn't come back, oh well.

New member
Oct 17, 2005
anyone looking at tomorrows games? lol why is the final score shown already? spurs tomorrow.. and unless its an error which it could likely be.. it fits the system.. lmao.. spurs +6, 55%, dropping to 4.5.

si shows a final score of 108-66. ?!?!

Nov 20, 2004
Anybody in this thread who played fresno st tonight based on si's numbers should take a long hard look at giving up gambling and anybody who would believe that the 34 percent on fresno moneyline was sharp bettors, you should quit gambling tonight. Sharp bettors dont waste their money on bets that might win 1 out of maybe 25 times and thats exactly where a 23 point underdog falls.
Let me try to give a little insight. Am sure alot of you know how casinos make their money at blackjack, dice, slots etc etc etc. They have the odds in their favor in all those games and over time they know that they will always come out ahead because of the house advantage. They have the bankrolls behind them to slowly take the bettors cash.
Now lets move on, sharp sports bettors arent gamblers, they are investors and what they do is find spots where they have the advantage on the house and know that if they make the same bet usually6 out of 10 times they will come out on the right side. They dont bother wasting their time and money trying to catch an 1800-1 underdog, sorry just aint gonna happen. If anything that 34 percent on the fresno moneyline should have told you that it was stupid money, not sharp money.
Okay now am gonna clue you all into a little trick the sportsbooks use on all of us {i shouldnt tell you all because its really top secret and might make the play stop winning, lollllllll}
In the old days people used to make a killing jumpin on the line moves, but the books caught onto the fact that there was tons and tons of linewatchers, who would jump on all those sharp guys plays, so they had to come up with a way to not get killed by the sharps and all the line watchers.
So they devised what is called false moves, these are moves that go in the wrong direction of what is actually being bet by the sharps and the reason is they know the line watchers are like sheep and will just pounce on the play, and by doing that they help to balance the action taken in by the sharp bettors.
Tonights game was a perfect example of it, the books were probably taking all kinds of action on boise st, but they cant raise the number because then all the line watchers are going to pounce on boise st and then the books stand to get killed, so what they do is throw out the good ole false move, where it looks like the sharps are betting fresno and then they keep lowering it, like its getting hit even more, this starts a feeding frenzy all over, where bettors are scrambling to get down on fresno cause they want to be part of the sharp guys play, when all the time the sharps were probably on boise st.
Last piece of info, 75-85 percent of all games the spread doesnt come into play, so that in itself should tell you that the sharps dont risk their money playing on 23 point underdogs, because they see and know the stats that if a team is gonna win, the spread aint gonna matter. So do you really think they will put their money on some dog with fleas actually hoping that the game just stays within in the point spread range? Hell no, thats a wasted bet.
The pro games this weekend went 14 for 14, where the spread didnt matter one bit. Pick the winner of the game and you will win money, but picking the winner of the game is still the hard part.
Hopefully this post can help some of you to become better gamblers, because i have been doing this for a long time and each day am always learning something new, and am not to proud to be taught something new by anybody.
Remember we are all on the same side, its the books money we want.
good luck and amy all your bets be winning ones.

New member
Sep 24, 2006
This is sick! I take my family out for a nice dinner, and I come back to find 300 uninspiring posts. You guys otta be ashamed of yourselves for wasting so much valuable time! lol....a couple of you are writing book chapters on this thread, only to here yourselves talk.

It's so funny....one of the few things I have taught you people, developed right under your noses, and you faded the damn thing! lol....that is funny! It happened to be the ONLY play on the board, and most of you went the other way. I taught all how to NOT get fvucked by the man, and you did nothing! ORLANDO +1.5 and 18%/33%. It couldn't be any more clearer, if it was right under your nose! Wait a minute....it WAS right under your noses! LMAO!!!!

Then you try to rush me into a play with Boise State, and it happened just like I said it happens! You play these 1-2 minutes before game time! These wiseguys do this at the last minute so the line won't reflect it, and give it away! But hey.....what do I know, I'm just a "tout" for SI! How dare some of you accuse me of not teaching you everything I have learned in 2 years, in just 2-days! lol.....that's real funny!


- WS -

New member
Sep 18, 2006
I think alot of people should probably just wait till they hear from the "Genius" from now on. So from here on out we will just wait patiently. This is like telling someone to do something for the first time and expect them not to make mistakes. People that are gambling don't like mistakes my friend

New member
Sep 24, 2006
trains40 said:
Your getting killed in this post you started. You really should finish what you started. BE A MAN!!!!!!!

The guy calls me "bro", in one post....then he writes this. "be a man?" funny stuff......lol

- WSG -
Feb 27, 2006
Not Trying To Be Funny! Just Be A Man Bro! For One I Never Played A Game On Anything Anyone Posted Here Tonight So I Am Not Whining On Whatever Was Suppose To Be A Play Or Not. But I Do Hope You Did Have A Nice Dinner. Just Dont Leave Everyone Hanging On Your So Called Formula. If You Are Gonna Share Then Just Finish What You Started Thats All Anyone Is Asking. And I Am Sure I Speak For Alot Of People Tonight In This Thread. I Am Sure You Mean Well Just Help Everyone Here Like We All Intend To Do. Again Not Trying To Be Funny Just Alittle Help Would Be Nice Thats All. Thanks For All Your Insight.

Nov 20, 2004
Wallstreet, you should be ashamed of yourself with all the bs your shooting out of your mouth.
i repeatdly asked you along with a few others to post what the plays where tonight and you said out of your own mouth there was no plays, now you come back on the board and post bs that the play was orlando.
Sorry pal but i can spot a sports bull shitter a mile away and thats exactly what you are.
I told you all he would be back after the games were over and tell us how we all missed the plays, lmfaoooooooooo

Nov 20, 2004
Hey wsg, nobody tried to rush you into any plays, people all asked you what were the plays and you refused to answer.
As far as the boise play goes your full of crap with that one, sharps didnt do anything with that game at the last minute, the line came down all the way until post time, so quit trying to say the sharps came back the other way.
The sharps were on boise st right from the start, its the suckers who watched si's numbers and got sucked into a false line move are the ones who got hurt.
I have seen so many of your si guys all over the net, i know every single line of crap your going to say with this system, which long term hits at 50 percent.

New member
Oct 17, 2006
I don't want to rag on anyone, but Wallstreet should have posted any picks if their were any tonight, and by the info of his formulas he gave out, the play was Orlando from what I understood from the explanation he gave on how to use SI. I don't know why he didn't give the pick to the forum or hasn't given out any other picks. I know we all can't sit in front of the computer until game time, but maybe he figures if you don't put in the time, you don't deserve to know the play. I appreciate the info he's given out, and I will see how well it does in the next month or so, but for now, lets take it easy on him and lets see how things go.

New member
Sep 24, 2006
cd329 said:
Hey wsg, nobody tried to rush you into any plays, people all asked you what were the plays and you refused to answer.
As far as the boise play goes your full of crap with that one, sharps didnt do anything with that game at the last minute, the line came down all the way until post time, so quit trying to say the sharps came back the other way.
The sharps were on boise st right from the start, its the suckers who watched si's numbers and got sucked into a false line move are the ones who got hurt.
I have seen so many of your si guys all over the net, i know every single line of crap your going to say with this system, which long term hits at 50 percent.

you dumbbell! I wasn't saying any "sharps" were on that game.....that game was nothing more than a no play 2 minutes before. I was just saying that you NEED to be more patient in your selections, and let the % play themselves out. And you don't know anything, so stop pretending you do. lol....but while you have time....can you write us another 3 page add on sports handicapping? But next time, can you please seperate the parragraghs for us? Makes it easier to read while I'm on the sh*tter!


- WSG -

Nov 20, 2004
whatever you say big wallstreet stock fund manager, i have seen fly by night guys like you come and go from the net. I just hope you dont mess with to many peoples minds and cause them to waste their money on si's website, you friggin shill.
Your the guy with the big system, prove my stupid ass wrong and actually post some plays before the games are over, that way everybody can see what a genius you are. So far you have sidestepped and danced around this issue. Post them for 7 days, i would say longer but being that you are such a busy guy with managing stock funds, doing games with your runners {lol} and casino stuff, i doubt that you would have enough time to honor us with your magical system plays. So come on you can give us a lousy 7 days, cant you wsg?

New member
Oct 12, 2006
wallstreetgenius said:
This is sick! I take my family out for a nice dinner, and I come back to find 300 uninspiring posts. You guys otta be ashamed of yourselves for wasting so much valuable time! lol....a couple of you are writing book chapters on this thread, only to here yourselves talk.

It's so funny....one of the few things I have taught you people, developed right under your noses, and you faded the damn thing! lol....that is funny! It happened to be the ONLY play on the board, and most of you went the other way. I taught all how to NOT get fvucked by the man, and you did nothing! ORLANDO +1.5 and 18%/33%. It couldn't be any more clearer, if it was right under your nose! Wait a minute....it WAS right under your noses! LMAO!!!!


- WS -

OK wallstreet im not being rude or neting but can u get ur own system str8. Orlando opened as a favourite your hidden gem play states they must open as the dogs. Comon man dont try to confuse more than it is, this isnt part of your system no ifs ands or buts.

New member
Sep 24, 2006
renz said:
OK wallstreet im not being rude or neting but can u get ur own system str8. Orlando opened as a favourite your hidden gem play states they must open as the dogs. Comon man dont try to confuse more than it is, this isnt part of your system no ifs ands or buts.

Look "renz", I like you....but pull your head out okay? And stop miss quoting me for one! I NEVER once said a "gem" "had to OPEN as a dog!" that's shear stupidity! If that's the case, then wiseguys would NEVER make a line jump! Do you hear yourself? Listen to me....and listen to me good, b/c this is the very LAST time I go over this ELEMENTARY formula. Whenever you are looking for ANY of my patterns....do the elemination process! Make sure you know which direction the dog & fav's % are going. It's that simple! If the dog is going up and the fav is also going up....then play the damn dog! Are you STILL "confused?" If so.....fix your brain and stay out of here okay! This system works better than anything I have ever seen, so the only thing you need to concern yourself with right now is.....sit back and start your fvcking apology letter!


- WSG -

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