Wal Mart Flash Robbery



May 16, 2006
They were just acting like hooligans. Probably wanted to get themselves on you tube by doing something crazy without harming anybody. They just so happened to be black kids. White kids get together and do dumb shit too like backyard wrestling or verbally harassing an old ass bus monitor or just simply going to an Insane Clown Posse event just so they van hurl glass bottles at any performer not named Insane Clown Posse.

Man I hate ICP

New member
May 22, 2012
Yes - White people commit crime.

The specific case of flash-mobs-to-rob is exclusively black.
Jan 12, 2008
Hosnatcher is clearly not very intelligent. While I won't deny there are plenty of idiots of EVERY race, his views on this topic are downright stupid and I feel sorry for him. Please spare me the laughable "minorities have it so tough in this country" routine.

New member
Jun 20, 2012
Hosnatcher is clearly not very intelligent. While I won't deny there are plenty of idiots of EVERY race, his views on this topic are downright stupid and I feel sorry for him. Please spare me the laughable "minorities have it so tough in this country" routine.
Yeah no shit. White people are so unfair and bias that they voted Obama in as president. What are the chances of a white man being voted president if the white/black ratio in this country was the opposite? Grow up Hos.

New member
May 22, 2012
I would also argue there is a massive difference between a group of warped skinheads that are acting within the realm of their own perverse political ideology, and a group of blacks who's sole intention is to ruin other peoples day.

May 27, 2007
I know zero black people that would do the same thing at Walmart. This is the first time I have seen something like this occur. But what I do see on the news all the time is white people getting busted with meth labs, serial killing, organizing and joining cults, shooting up their places of employment and schools, kidnapping children, embezzling shit loads of money, running pyramid schemes and robbing banks.

White people just have the luxury to not be lumped into the embarrassment and criminal acts their race commits. Blacks and Mexicans aren't afforded the same luxury. If one black guy steals a car then in the white mans eyes every black person is a car thief. If one Mexican gets busted breaking into somebody's home then white people start blaming all of the illegal immigrants.

I also see a lot of white people getting arrested for raping young girls. Can you enlighten me on that topic Hosraper?

Jan 20, 2002
Flash mobs by blacks and groups of blacks beating up whites is running
Rampant. That is a fact. Wait until zimmerman walks and then it is going
To explode.

New member
Sep 9, 2005
Black people get no respect in this country because their whole race is defined by the actions of its worse offenders. While a white persons criminal actions are isolated to the actual individual who commits the crime. Example: If a lone white person shoots up a supermarket, people call him a sick piece of shit. If a lone black person does the same, people will say I told you all niggers are no good.

I find it kind of interesting how your white criminals and gangsters are considered Anti-Heros. Like Biker gangs are glorified as being cool and a way of life and the mafia is considered opportunistic and respected. Shows like Sons Of Anarchy and The Sopranos celebrate the white criminal behavior from the criminals POV. While shows like The Wire show how much of a problem black criminal behavior is from the victims and officers POV.

It is just like Chris Rock said black people out populate white people in what 5-7 places in this country. Chicago, D.C., Atlanta, New Orleans, Baltimore, Detroit and a small part of NY. But yet black people are being blamed as being Americas worse criminal offenders all over the country.

WOW Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Flint, DC hmmmmmmm what do they all have in common? Mostly all black and also some of the most dangerous cities in this country. If black people want to be treated like fellow humans they need to stop killing other black people over who makes the best kool aide.

The biggest threat to black people are black people.

New member
Sep 9, 2005
Statistics are bullshit. A statistic is data being fed and eliminated to prove a certain outcome. If you eliminate all of the white people that are born into money and raised in a upper class area and just compare the % of white people born into a family with a history of poverty and pit those people against black people of the same family income and living situations you will see the crime rate would be more 3-1 in favor of whites committing more crimes.

The simple fact is the majority of black people come from a lower income homes. People that are poor commit crimes due to their financial situations and not for the lust to break the law. If you took all of the black people from the ghetto and moved them to a nice suburban neighborhood and said here is a high paying job, here is some better education, no neighborhood violence and guess what there are no drug dealers or liquor stores that are owned by Koreans on every corner within two generations their shit would be in order. The thing is for every black person that makes it to college and decent paying job they will have a story of struggle and survival behind it. While 4-5 white person that makes it through college and into a decent paying job they will have a different background of living a sheltered life and how their parents wouldn't let them work a job while they were in high school or college because they were supposed to focus 100% on their grades and studies. Black person would have had to work a job, babysit his little brothers and sisters, bused it a long way to a decent grade school and probably would have had to excel in some form of athletics just to get a scholarship to attend college.

Bullshit just more lame ass excuses.

Here's a tip for black people.

go to school
pull your damn pants up.....you look stupid, not cool
Don't commit crimes........pretty simple concept

you just give excuses. Whats the matter with you? Why can't you just call them out as hoodrats

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Bullshit just more lame ass excuses.

Here's a tip for black people.

go to school
pull your damn pants up.....you look stupid, not cool
Don't commit crimes........pretty simple concept

you just give excuses. Whats the matter with you? Why can't you just call them out as hoodrats

You are right all black people wear their pants around their ankles and have braids in their hair and gold teeth.

Maybe black people should start looking like this:

Yup white people definitely all walk around in polo shirts and dockers pants with a nice wholesome part in their hair and no body art. Oh wait the rebel white look is supposed to be a cool. Nothing cooler than a dirty grungy long bearded biker who doesn't bathe. Or a group of EMO kids with their purple hair and skin tight jeans hanging out in parking lots inhaling the computer duster cans and smoking American Spirits and weed.

News flash there are more white people who drop out of school. More homeless lowlife white people begging for spare change and more white people in mental institutions. Also white people are still the majority faction in prisons. I have a friend who is a jail officer and the one thing he told me was that all of the blacks and mexicans that are locked up all come from shitty upbringings and low income families. While the white inmates commit crimes whether they come from a family with a decent income or not. So its simple black people raised in an healthy environment avoid jail while white people in the same environment still find their way into jail. I have seen my fair share of cities and one thing I noticed all of the black trash live only in the ghetto. But there is white trash everywhere. Black people that live in a decent zip code don't occupy trailer parks or collect welfare.

New member
Sep 9, 2005
Where do you live? I don't see kids ike ou pictured out creating mayhem and causing so many problems. This is the problem you are not even honest with yourself.

You defend hoodrats. You give them excuses. If you really want to blame someone I would suggest LBJ that signed all the welfare garbage that has been the dagger in the heart of the black family.

You are a coward and scared to look at the facts. You want to blame the boogieman. I want to blame the blackman that doesn't take care of his family. 75% of blacks kids raised by a single parent. That is also creeping into the white population also.

We pay people to breed and not stick around to raise thier own damn children. Where oh where is the pride in the black culture?

New member
Sep 9, 2005
Let me say this upfront. Do I have a problem with black people????? Well yes sorry but I have been shot at 3 times in my life and all from black people. So do I look at black people in the hood different than I look at white people out in the sticks? Sure do. Why is it when I do work in Detroit I need to caryy not just one gun but I also carry an ankle revolver. I have a shoulder houlster with my tuarus 40cal. I hope to never have to use them but I do carry them. So am I jaded? Yes I am I do not apoloigize for wanting to stay alive while in Detroit.

Not sure why you just don't understand why white people look at these black hoodrats and just want to kill them all.

Read my post in the Paterno staue thread. I want to kill alot of people not just blacks. Kill all carjackers, kill all pedophiles, kill all people that cause chaos in the community.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Where do you live? I don't see kids ike ou pictured out creating mayhem and causing so many problems. This is the problem you are not even honest with yourself.

You defend hoodrats. You give them excuses. If you really want to blame someone I would suggest LBJ that signed all the welfare garbage that has been the dagger in the heart of the black family.

You are a coward and scared to look at the facts. You want to blame the boogieman. I want to blame the blackman that doesn't take care of his family. 75% of blacks kids raised by a single parent. That is also creeping into the white population also.

We pay people to breed and not stick around to raise thier own damn children. Where oh where is the pride in the black culture?

Who is this "We" pay people? Where on your tax deductions does it show that your money is going to Washington or Jackson Family? You pay taxes just like I pay taxes and Uncle Sam doesn't need our blessings or approval on where they want to send the money. If they cut out welfare which goes to every race who makes a below level income (majority white people since they are the most populated) guess what would happen? You would still be getting taxed the same dollar amount and now all of those poor ass welfare people will need to get a job and would be willing to do both yours and my job at much lesser pay rate. And don't go for one minute thinking not anybody can just step in and do your job cost effectively. Unless you are a surgeon, lawyer or specialist then all it takes is training for someone to replace you.

For the record I don't defend criminals. I just don't blame their behavior on the color of their skin. I don't say black people are criminals because they were born black like you do. That is just some old racist, closed-mind, ignorant bullshit that white americans want to think to convince themselves they are the master race in this country.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Let me say this upfront. Do I have a problem with black people????? Well yes sorry but I have been shot at 3 times in my life and all from black people. So do I look at black people in the hood different than I look at white people out in the sticks? Sure do. Why is it when I do work in Detroit I need to caryy not just one gun but I also carry an ankle revolver. I have a shoulder houlster with my tuarus 40cal. I hope to never have to use them but I do carry them. So am I jaded? Yes I am I do not apoloigize for wanting to stay alive while in Detroit.

Not sure why you just don't understand why white people look at these black hoodrats and just want to kill them all.

Read my post in the Paterno staue thread. I want to kill alot of people not just blacks. Kill all carjackers, kill all pedophiles, kill all people that cause chaos in the community.

Well I am black and I have been shot at twice and had a gun pulled on me two other times and they were all white and it wasn't out of negro fear from them either. I have never had a black man steal from me. In fact everybody that I know who has either served time or committed a felony are either white or Mexican. I have always lived in white neighborhoods so if I wanted to be a closed-minded person and view the world only thru my experiences I can easily walk around afraid of and hating white people because every bad thing that happened to me was at the hands of a white person. But I don't everybody is their own person and our race has nothing to do with our actions.

Here is a little something that I have learned over the years just from conversations with people and you can see how the actions of just one black person can taint somebody's feelings towards all black people. Okay say there is a white woman who has her shit together and she dates a white guy and he beats her. She will still date another white person because she will know the white guy that beat her was just a bad person. However if the same white girl dates a black guy and he beats her. She will never date another black person again. And just for argument sakes if she did ignore race and dated a second black man I guarantee her family and friends would be keeping a close eye on that second black man where they wouldn't be worried at all about the second white guy.

New member
Sep 9, 2005
Well I am black and I have been shot at twice and had a gun pulled on me two other times and they were all white and it wasn't out of negro fear from them either. I have never had a black man steal from me. In fact everybody that I know who has either served time or committed a felony are either white or Mexican. I have always lived in white neighborhoods so if I wanted to be a closed-minded person and view the world only thru my experiences I can easily walk around afraid of and hating white people because every bad thing that happened to me was at the hands of a white person. But I don't everybody is their own person and our race has nothing to do with our actions.

Here is a little something that I have learned over the years just from conversations with people and you can see how the actions of just one black person can taint somebody's feelings towards all black people. Okay say there is a white woman who has her shit together and she dates a white guy and he beats her. She will still date another white person because she will know the white guy that beat her was just a bad person. However if the same white girl dates a black guy and he beats her. She will never date another black person again. And just for argument sakes if she did ignore race and dated a second black man I guarantee her family and friends would be keeping a close eye on that second black man where they wouldn't be worried at all about the second white guy.

Where do you live? Come to Detroit and I will take you on a tour. You will be safe as I will be armed to the teeth. Look like I said when you live outside of Detroit and see the crime and wrecklessness of how they live in Detroit you just don't understand.

You see you are not from the ghetto. You will never understand what is going on down there. You did not grow up like the hoodrats that shott at each other over who makes better kool aide. Yes that realy did happen.

Detroit is over 500 shootings this year and thats what was reported can't imagine the real number

New member
Sep 9, 2005
Also you say 1 blackman can make someone have an opinion but I have my opinion from working in Detroit for 20 trs. So please spare me. You are black but you have never seen anything like the Detroit neighborhoods.

The black people in Detroit are out of control hoodrats that need to be shot. They are spreading thier crime to the suburbs. It is going to get real ugly as the burbs are armed and ready to shoot them. White or black I will kill anyone that is a threat. I will kill them and go take a nap. Thats how much I would care if I have to kill a scumbag hoodrat

Oct 16, 2008
its a cultural thing (basically a vicious cycle that just keeps repeating), black women gets knocked up at like 16/17 yrs old, basically ruining any chance of college, she gets stuck in some shitty job, the dad pretty much never sticks around, they end up with 3-4 kids total, but have no real idea how to be a parent bc they got pregnant at such a young age, they are a child themselves still so they do a half ass job of raising their kids. they in turn become a grandmother around 35 or so, bc their kid got knocked up or knocked someone up, then they dont stick around as they grew up in a single parent household. repeat repeat repeat

honestly im pretty surprised when I run into a black person that has their shit together or came from a "normal" 2 parent household whose parents have been married 10+ years. On the other side I dont run into a ton of white people who grew up in single parent households and had little to no contact with their dad or never knew their dad. Does not mean i dont get along with alot of black people, but I have different expectations about how people will act/mentality depending on race.

if i had to put numbers on it, id say 70% of black people if you got a random selection i would deam as ghetto, where as a random selection on white people would come in around 25% as what I would consider white trash.

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