VR Thread


#8 > #3
Nov 2, 2008
Oh look mods once again ...Smallunits makes a post & right away here comes Evenstar to back him up ......Hmmmmmm

?????? Mods can we clean the multiple schill accounts up please, ty

Did you find what you wanted? :drink:

Hail To The Redskins
Dec 13, 2006
I dont care who bb is I want the guy back his play have been documented they win and they win alot. why do people just wait to hate on and bash people here. we are all here for the same thing to support our habit and win money right. if the guy has been winning who cares if its vr they are winning if you don't like don't follow. I think bill is a different person myself but who knows. I know my rant might not make since but its the same thing year in and year out here.

New member
Jan 25, 2009
With the numerous amount of posts that VR has in a day I asked CPAW if it would be ok to start its own thread that is like the Brandon Lang thread. It would allow the millions of request and posting and talking about his games to never clutter up the service thread. SO how about anything VR related stay in here?

I am not a follower but alot of people do and this will be a way to keep everything together.


you know you have made it as a capper if you get your own thread! ha this is just what he wanted he and "ole Bill" are having a drink laughing.

New member
Oct 11, 2009
I would not call VR a scam tout, however I do believe there is something that does smell fishy about all of this. Why would bookiebill care if someone attacked him on twitter? If he is so sick of putting his plays on twitter, why does he relay them to VR, so VR can put them on. Either way I appreciate bookiebill or whoever it was posting all the free winners. And if it was VR doing it, who cares? Does it matter? No..... He provided many many free winners!

Bro, BB is a source VR is using for his own service. They are good friends. BB is a bookie and when he gets in some big bets from slicks he contacts VR and let him know the slick bet so VR can give it out to his customers. This was before BB was tweeting and is going on after he stopped tweeting. BB is a source of VR, simple as that. Nothing fishy about it. Most late steam bets of VR are from BB.

BB was pissed off because both himself and VR got shit about the Colts game that lost. Long story.

#8 > #3
Nov 2, 2008
Once again it is a SCAM!!! Beware

Also they have no track record of the plays they say they are on --just a bunch of what his fake books need to win...Also SMALLUNITS your a bum that trools every forum your a born loser bro---so actually no one cares about your opinion around these parts!

All you do is troll every forum jelous at good services and jumping on the bandwagon of some touts that promised you a few free picks---Get lost "SMALL LOSER"!

:lol: Its all so clear.... I know who you are! You're the famous Randizzle, the one who buys points on every play! The loser from the blog! LOL. Now I know why you are attacking me, and bookie bill. Listen, Nick, your a rookie at handicapping, its obvious. Your a loser. Now quit lying to people, and keep yourself over where you belong.

New member
Mar 22, 2008
An awlful lot of strong words here and not actual proof. Why would you care as long as the Bill picks are FREE and he is documented (or keep record yourself) and better than most cappers I follow. Bill gives out very few plays and more information to those who may do with it what they want. VR is a service and is very hot & cold. Who the hell cares as long as they win. I was happy to get his information and FREE picks/advise and then some pricks get upset for one or two bad days and throw shit fit. Money management is the key and if you cannot take a loosing day or two, time to put your energy elsewhere. GL all.....
Jan 17, 2007
:lol: Its all so clear.... I know who you are! You're the famous Randizzle, the one who buys points on every play! The loser from the blog! LOL. Now I know why you are attacking me, and bookie bill. Listen, Nick, your a rookie at handicapping, its obvious. Your a loser. Now quit lying to people, and keep yourself over where you belong.

Just for the Record....He is Not Randizzle, BUT...he is from the Same Site
Which....makes him a TOUT.

Which Means...If I find him Promoting the FAKE Randizle or Anyone else
He Will be Banned frome service Play Forum !

Thank You, and Have a Nice Day (<)<

New member
Oct 3, 2007
:lol: Its all so clear.... I know who you are! You're the famous Randizzle, the one who buys points on every play! The loser from the blog! LOL. Now I know why you are attacking me, and bookie bill. Listen, Nick, your a rookie at handicapping, its obvious. Your a loser. Now quit lying to people, and keep yourself over where you belong.

That FaKe Randy Guy was the Guy sending all the hate mail to BILL THAT MTF Dirt Bad LOZer :laugh: Claiming to be a SLICK WHAT A FUCKIN JOKE :laugh: YOU A FAKE an can we ban this Dude if he is the Fraud randy DIZZ that just living a lie and that cant be fun ^<<^

Oct 22, 2009
How am i from the same site ??? Please enlighten me on that one....

I purchased randizzles plays from that site and i do not need to promote him he is doing quite fine without my promoting..
Jan 17, 2007
How am i from the same site ??? Please enlighten me on that one....

I purchased randizzles plays from that site and i do not need to promote him he is doing quite fine without my promoting..

You Do know that I am a Mod, and Know your Contact Information ?? Right ?

So, do You Really want to go there ? :grandmais

New member
Nov 8, 2006
Just for the Record....He is Not Randizzle, BUT...he is from the Same Site
Which....makes him a TOUT.

Which Means...If I find him Promoting the FAKE Randizle or Anyone else
He Will be Banned frome service Play Forum !

Thank You, and Have a Nice Day (<)<

If he is with the fake randizzle keep an eye on them, they have about four different fake names, the latest is linechangers with about 3 others....
Jan 17, 2007
If he is with the fake randizzle keep an eye on them, they have about four different fake names, the latest is linechangers with about 3 others....

Maybe they are All one Person ?? Don't know....Really don't cae

Guess he didn't Realize I was a Mod here, or I don't think he would have made that Statement.

New member
Dec 19, 2008
Once again it is a SCAM!!! Beware

Also they have no track record of the plays they say they are on --just a bunch of what his fake books need to win...Also SMALLUNITS your a bum that trools every forum your a born loser bro---so actually no one cares about your opinion around these parts!

All you do is troll every forum jelous at good services and jumping on the bandwagon of some touts that promised you a few free picks---Get lost "SMALL LOSER"!

ACTALLY NO ONE CARES about YOUR opinion around here young fella :ohno:, you've done nothing but show what type of jackoff you are , AMAZING what jealousy can do@) , run on back to randizzle & talk out of your ass like usual . Like i told your boy randizzle a few wks back , bad KARMA is gonna get ya , a few days later i believe he went 0-7 on sat . Be careful about the LIES you spread there may be another COLD streak coming his way ...:lol:

Way to make good impressions in your first full month @ the RX :think2:
Jan 17, 2007
ACTALLY NO ONE CARES about YOUR opinion around here young fella :ohno:, you've done nothing but show what type of jackoff you are , AMAZING what jealousy can do@) , run on back to randizzle & talk out of your ass like usual . Like i told your boy randizzle a few wks back , bad KARMA is gonna get ya , a few days later i believe he went 0-7 on sat . Be careful about the LIES you spread there may be another COLD streak coming his way ...:lol:

Way to make good impressions in your first full month @ the RX :think2:

He is Not with the "Real" Randizzle...He's with the FAKE one.
But the Fake one is doing Better than the Real one. LOL

Even DONKS win sometimes... Right?
Apr 4, 2008
This is like a fade VR thread right? VR is terrible..

New member
Nov 5, 2008
The FAKE Randizzle doing better than the real one??


Oh my god. Now THAT is funny stuff.

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