Come on, Barman. This is a blatant conflict of interest. She's already working on the book, for goodness sake. If Obama wins, she sells tons of books. If Obama loses, her book doesn't do squat.
Blah Blah Blah for mutherFucking sakes, blah blah blah
get off your fucking hypocritical pedestal, you know full damn well
you'd be flapping your mutherfucking mouth 10 times it's normal
rate if some McCain hack were moderating, so shut the fuck up
Since the alleged corruption is only in your personal imagination, you are correct it doesn't bother me one bit
Hypocritical biased ass, troll?
LMAO, I've been pretty goddamn fair with your tirades, yet I'm the bad guy?
Have another shot of the "juice" baby.
LOL.Fair with my tirades?
OMG, take another toke of the crack pipe, you're one of the
most partisan hacks on here.
I have no problem calling a spade a spade:
1. I voted for Bush twice, he proved to be a total idiot
2. Palin came across like a total air-head this week, and could
possibly derail McCain's chances tomorrow
I'll repeat my point one more time.
Putting an Obama worshipper as moderator makes a circus out of
the debates, and takes away from the credibility. If the Democrats
are so sure that they are going to win, they should have no problem
replacing her with someone more "moderate."
Fest, with all due respect. The VP debate more than likely won't matter. And as Willie has pointed out there have been liberal mods in the past and they usually do a good job.
If people decide Biden won the debate, I highly doubt it will be because of the person firing off the questions.
America is so polarized, its difficult to find a completely non partisan moderator.
Why not give the debate a chance and enjoy before getting all bent out of shape about something as trivial as the moderator?!