What is so funny is he is so dumb he can't grasp that one issue is connected to another.
Specifically, it is kind of hard to insist over and over again that you have some "incredible life" while begging people you do not know, have never met, to come sit next to you at a game. Also keep in mind he said he has a wife and children. Apparently kids don't enjoy going to baseball and basketball games or something.
Apparently "the kids love the long drives" to Virginia Beach but not those boring baseball and basketball games ("I'm usually there alone"). :missingte
Nothing this ass clown ever says is remotely consistent or believable.
Imagine a poster here insisting he was Giancarlo Stanton (how dare anyone ask him for proof!) when in reality he was the Philly Phanatic...
That's poker fraud vtard - the forum's Philly Phanatic 24-7-365...
"I'll make more money on MIA +8 tonight than you will your entire week at your job!"
The only way festeringZit loses this bet is if he happened to be unemployed that particular week with zero income because this broke unstable recluse's MIA +8 wager couldn't have been more than $20.