And what you fail to realize is, I don't care. If people think less of me because I stoop to his level, I'm okay with that. Unlike our resident retard, I don't need Stuart Smalley validating my life every time I look in the mirror.
AND, unlike the moron who doesn't even understand junior high probability theory, I'm plenty capable of redeeming myself once he's gone engaging in civil intelligent discussions without resorting to petty insults and vtard's infantile dick-wagging contests.
If I'm gone, nothing will change. He'll still be feuding with Acebb, Willie, FZ, Dave, Gas Man...even some of the 'moderate' posters like you...always looking for trouble and "knockouts". If he posts in Offshore, it's a shit show between him and at LEAST a dozen posters, some of which aren't even political.
First Pavian (great job, btw!) and now this retard. Are you trying to sharpen your negotiating skills for the Palestinians?