I thought I was the one who was supposed to be obsessed with you eh?
You can't stop yourself from talking about me any more than you can stop your idiotic lols at the end of every post. Grade school children are more intellectually developed and faster on the uptake than you.
I didn't welch on anything, and the lying sewer rat kapo spammer is the only one claiming such. But that's because you're a vile scum bottom of the barrel gutter rat.
Mantis 14-12-1
vitterd 15-13
sheriff joe 0-2
acebb 0-1
jdeucebag 0-0
Guesser 18-16 with my random guesses.
Looks like Lying Ace could have made an easy up to $200, if he only had $200 to send to a mod or Mich, as 20 appears to be a longshot now. Too bad for the scum. Would have been a life altering amount for him.
Good luck boys.
Guesser 18-16 with my random guesses.
Looks like Lying Ace could have made an easy up to $200, if he only had $200 to send to a mod or Mich, as 20 appears to be a longshot now. Too bad for the scum. Would have been a life altering amount for him.
Good luck boys.
The fact that you keep bringing up the name "Mich" is hysterical.
The fact that you can't agree to a wager for $200 without bringing up people who are completely unknown reminds everyone what a poor little c-unt and coward you are.
I love the fact that you realize vittard can't get to 20 with 8 games to go.
what a fucking dumbass.
The Mods are not completely unknown, Liar. Whole bunch of them. You could have PMed and sent up to $200 to any one of them, and you'd "likely" be $200 richer at the end of the tourney. Mich was just an alternative, which you've hung your hat on to try and hide the fact that, as usual, you ran FAR AWAY from a bet where you would have to put up $$$ in advance.
Math is against it. Too bad for you. You could have made a life changing amount of money for you, if you weren't such a broke dik fuk coward. You probably could have begged one of your sick cult for $$$. They might have fronted you, if they have anything left after getting down on J Deuce's future. ointer:
You technically can:
Over/Under 1st half
Over/Under 2nd half
Spread Game
Spread 1st half
Spread 2nd Half
6 possible bets per game x 8 games = 48 bets
Math is against it. Too bad for you. You could have made a life changing amount of money for you, if you weren't such a broke dik fuk coward. You probably could have begged one of your sick cult for $$$. They might have fronted you, if they have anything left after getting down on J Deuce's future.
A G is too rich for my blood. I'd be willing to go for $250, assuming they'll have the contest again next year.