Video Game Owners

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
coconutman said:
I thought McNabb was on the cover of Madden?

LOL.................McNabb is coco.................. This was another one floating around.........

Not sure if it was at one time under serious consideration or simply a joke.........

New member
Oct 4, 2004
Well i know that i went to the EA site and McNabb was there. I just thought that there is like a different cover to the game. Like you can get either or. Btw anyone get the game yet?

Oct 11, 2004
Madden received terrible reviews from gamespot (8.2)...No significant improvements from 2005. It looks like I will be saving $45.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
SCnit said:
Madden received terrible reviews from gamespot (8.2)...No significant improvements from 2005. It looks like I will be saving $45.
why does this not suprise me? see what happens when they get exclusive reviews

ncaa looks cool though becuase you can win the heisman and have different girlfriends

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
Played Madden for a little bit with a friend and know that I won't be spending the $50 myself... The graphics are just like '05, the game is much harder to control with this new stupid passing thing... it's basically like '05 with updated rosters... and if I wanted that, I'd just download them from the internet... Stick with '05... '06 not worth it until the price comes down.
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
I bought it.........

I guess I'm in a different situation than you guys, because I have skipped out on Madden the past 2 years after having and playing every single year's version since it was created back around 1990.

The passing does make it more difficult, and there's even a couple new moves you can use with the analog stick. Many, many controls to have to learn.

Basically, I think the new passing cone (Kind of like a hurricane zone they show on the weather) puts almost everybody on new, equal ground again, competiton-wise.

I do know that Cadillac Williams on Tampa Bay is kick-azz! lol

Haven't played the game in over 2 years and busted an 85 yarder for a TD with Cadillac on my first offensive play!:103631605

New member
Jun 25, 2005
lakerfan said:
God of War is very good.

God of War is fu**ing awesome !!

New member
Jun 25, 2005
Oh hell yeah !Let us :toast: for that !!! :lolBIG:

Give BB 2.5k he makes it 20k within 3 months 99out
Dec 20, 2001
Details on the new XBOX!

Microsoft to offer two Xbox 360 options

By Mike Snider, USA TODAY
Video gamers pining for Microsoft's new Xbox 360 game system will have two different options to choose from, a fully-equipped $399.99 package that includes a 20 Gigabyte hard drive and a stripped-down $299.99 version.
<TABLE class=sidebar cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=4>
</TD></TR><TR><TD rowSpan=2>
</TD><TD rowSpan=2>
</TD><TD class=sidebar vAlign=top width=75>The new Xbox 360 with an optional front panel.</TD><TD rowSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom align=left>Yoshikazu Tsuno, Getty Images</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

The systems are expected to be available in the USA and Europe during this upcoming holiday shopping season, but Microsoft did not announce a launch date. "We've said previously that we are launching in all three territories (including Japan) this holiday season and we are on track for that," said Mitch Koch, Microsoft corporate vice president, retail sales.

In addition to the detachable 20GB hard drive, the higher-priced package includes a wireless game controller, headset, remote control and high-def video cables. The Xbox 360 core system ($299) comes with the same Xbox 360 console system and a wired controller (but no hard drive, headset or remote and standard video cables).

The two-pronged approach rewards well-heeled early adopters willing to spring for the higher-priced system "with great impact and accessories at a great value," Koch says. "It also gives us a $299 entry point with a fully upgradeable path so the consumer can get into the Xbox program and start enjoying the great high definition games and, later, add accessories if they choose."

Sold separately, the accessories will cost: hard drive ($99.99), wireless controller ($49.99), HD cable ($49.99) and headset ($19.99). Decorator faceplates will sell for $19.99.

Those hoping to take advantage of the Xbox 360 system's compatibility with current Xbox games (no list available yet), will need the hard drive, Koch said. News about the Xbox 360 launch date is expected within the next few weeks as Microsoft is participating in the Tokyo Game Show Sept. 24-26 and holds its own X05 event Oct. 4 and 5 in Amsterdam.

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New member
Jun 22, 2005
choptalk said:
This may help the Playstation 3. If they take there time and make an exposive product, they can for the first time outhardware the Xbox.

AAAHHHHHHHHH!!! blasphemy!!!! I can be considered an Ps fanboy...I will never buy an xbox and will wait for the PS3 for these reasons...

firstly and most importantly, sony puts out way more games than xbox has ever done. They have more developers which means out of those many, some one is very likely to make a game i like and can play from start to finish and return to even after i finish the game...(Currently replaying GTA san andreas, Area51 and God of war which is one of the greatest games ever...I retired Devil may cry 3 for about 6 months)

Secondly, in my opinion, the PS3 is going to be vastly superior to the xbox360 (and it will hurt Ps3 if they dont put something on the shelves early to show folks that xbox is not really worth it)... According to independent reviewers of E3 from this year, every one thought xbox was bland and had no clear upgrade over the last unit..They even coined the term Xbox 1.5 or xbox light because the improvements were barely definitive....
Not to mention Sony's PS3 comes with the Blue ray technology that allows upto 50 gigs while xbox chose to go with a inferior technology apparently because Hdd which holds about 30 gigs of data is ok...They apparently assume that there is no need for 50 gigs of space which is the most retarded posture to take on anything in todays technology...One would wonder why people own 100 gig hard drives on their pcs..I am sure some where out there in the world is some unemployed hardware market analyst who once made a dumb ass claim like no one will ever need a 100 gig pc....If you creat a 50 gig disk, i guarantee you 100% game makers, movie makers etc will fill it up to the last byte...I would prefer that my Matrix special edition dvd set had simply one disk instead of the 10 that eat up precious space plus can be annoying replacing in the disk drive and arranging every thing in the right cases. Just imagine the hours of fun one could get from a GTA game that was 50 gigs long... dude your car radio could have way more radio stations, even larger collections of music, maps that would take a year or more to explore, environments and characters that are totally unique instead of the same bland humanoids you run across every where etc etc....There are untold uses that game makers and movie makers will find for a 50 gig disk...

Thirdly, and this point touches on the myopic nature of microsoft and the totally confused Allard...I dont want to seem like the obtuse sony fan boy, but when you hear clips of this bozo talking during the Xbox presentation at E3, you cant help but throw up if you are a true gamer... I forget if it was actually this guy who made a totally dumb statement like they want to make Xbox for your grandmother!!!! who would want to fuck around with anything even remotely appealing to my 80 year old grandma????
Microsoft is in some kind of vacum where stupidity rules the roost...Total geeks who even confess that they dont even play console games are the ones in charge of making decisions about the xbox (trust me people i have seen the clips of the xbox presentation and these people were totally pathetic..people were totally bummed out by the dry humour and totally unfunny jokes these geeks were attempting to crack!!! It was a very sad sorry presentation) They have totally gone away from the use of the gaming console and are trying to create some home media entertainment centre. They are adding music and file sharing capabilities and more shit like this which is totally ridiculous considering that more than 90% of the homes that use gaming consoles already have computers with infinitely better utilities than xbox 360 could ever hope to provide.
Microsoft doesnt really care about gamers...They are interested in creating some mythical home media center that has little to do with games..

I am a gamer and i hate it when i hear sony trying to copy these moves although, the Ps3 is still largely geared towards advanced gaming.

lastly, pretty much all the reports i have read about these two units from people who have first hand knowledge about this subject indicate that the Ps3 will be superior to the Xbox (includes game makers like Epic and a bunch of others i have forgotten)

If the xbox comes out in 2007, well then i will make do with what sony releases in between then, but i will not support bill gates and his Xperiment to own all forms of media entertainment in every household!!!:smoker2:

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Good post Redpimp

Dang man, you just went off.

I guess you can put me in the PS fanboy club too, even if I never owned the PSone. I'm all about the PS3. It's gunna own.

New member
Oct 4, 2004
Never liked Xbox... PS owns hands down. And if u want to play Halo 2... play it on a computer and don't stress the online play with a FPS game that you play with a damn controller.
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
I've always been a Playstation person also, but you guys have to realize something this time around.......

If XBOX360 hits before Christmas this year, and Playstation 3 doesn't hit until 2007 like they are now speculation, in that almost 1 1/2 year time period where the XBOX has already been on the shelf, Microsoft will already be working on ANOTHER high tech system before PS3 is released!

In other words, Sony is going to be behind for years to come now..........IF......they aren't able to release sometime within the 1st half of next year.......

New member
Oct 4, 2004
Not a new system. Xbox will have tons of games on the shelves and propably a lot of add-ons for the system. Even PS lovers will get a Xbox because the wait will be too long.

New member
Jun 22, 2005
Hache Man said:
I've always been a Playstation person also, but you guys have to realize something this time around.......

If XBOX360 hits before Christmas this year, and Playstation 3 doesn't hit until 2007 like they are now speculation, in that almost 1 1/2 year time period where the XBOX has already been on the shelf, Microsoft will already be working on ANOTHER high tech system before PS3 is released!

In other words, Sony is going to be behind for years to come now..........IF......they aren't able to release sometime within the 1st half of next year.......

Granted, Xbox will have a head start on Sony if sony does not realease the Ps3 until 2007. They will definately steal a huge chunk of the market.

But you see there is some genius in releasing the Ps3 around xmas/newyears 2007.... That is a big spending season for customers and Sony will have given them time to recover from the original Xbox assault financially. They will probably have the stage all to themselves around this time save for a few select xbox titles slated for release at the same time ps3 will be released.

Sony will not have spend too much on the initial release since they should have a machine far better than the xbox as most experts agree.

And about the development of new consoles, Xbox will not have any significant time ahead of sony. Let me explain this. When console makers release a new unit, they need this unit to be supported by game developers.
It takes years for game developers to full exploit the capabilities of a console.
so microsoft can not simply announce that they have a new console out after a couple of years because developers will be crippled by this. matter of fact i wouldnt be suprised if some of them totally bailed out on supporting xbox.

Lets not forget, todate, Xbox has not realized a single dollar (not even one) from the billions of dollars they have spent marketing the xbox and trying to bull their way into the console gaming market. Fine they have a ton of cash in Bill gates coffers, but wont there come a point when the worlds richest man decides that its just not feasible to continue throwing money away by the billions in a losing cause? (that cause being that microsoft wants to create a focal home media center not a gaming console)

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