Very Sad Day in the family Wilheim today.


Jan 3, 2008
Sorry to hear this Wil. I've had to put down 3 in my lifetime and it doesn't get any easier.
The only thing that cheered the family up, was that I didn't wait to long to get another one. Puppies always make the difference in the world, when someone is having a tough time coping.

New member
Oct 22, 2006
If anyone has the time, I suggest the book "Marley and me." It's a great read about a man and his Golden Lab. This book made me laugh out (hard!) and cry like a baby...something books rarely make me do. They are making a movie based on the book...but you know how those rarely compare.

DOCSLEP..couldn't get my quote button to work...but very well said....


New member
Sep 15, 2007
had to do the same to my family's dog. she had cancer and removed several tumors but it only delayed the inevitable. had her for 12 years, we were forced to put her to sleep while i was in college. when i was told about it over the phone, i cried like a baby silently in the bathroom. im not so sure i can ever get another dog and go thru the pain of losing another one. hope everything work out for your family, Wil.

I say vee cut off your Chonson !!!!
Sep 21, 2004
sorry to hear Wil ... even though you know its gonna come, that is news thats hard to deal with.

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
Sounds like you gave her a good loving home.

Most dogs don't receive that.

Sorry to hear about this.

head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
sad news indeed Wil, sounds like she was a great companion.

New member
Sep 10, 2006
Sorry for the lost to your family, my family and I had to put our beagle down back in 2006 because of arthritis in her back hip area. After months of her suffering and losing weight and muscle mass we thought it was time, the day before we took pictures of her with the family and gave her a small party to celebrate her life. Even though we had another dog for a year there was still that emptyness, we had her cremated and she is in a small container with her dog collar/tags around it. A month later we got a small puppy and we love her. Our other dog also seem to have an emptyness feeling with her gone too, It's hard but remember your dog is in a lovely place and is at peace. GOD BLESS YOU

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Thanks to everyone for the kind words, they actually do help as I translated them into Spanish for my wife and she perked up a little. In case anyone here doesn't know it I live in Costa Rica and my wife and her two grown children are Latinos. The kids both speak English but my wife even though we have been married since 2003 and dated for several years before that does not speak English (she knows a few words, like "got any money"), but I don't hold that against her.

I printed out some photos of some Jack Russel Terriors with description in Spanish for her to read. That made her smile. However searching the internet I haven't come across any Jack Russell's for sale yet here in Costa Rica and I am still torn between a great pedigree like a JR and a saving a shelter dog. I know in the end it will be a family decision, after giving it some thought I realized picking the dog alone and surprizing everyone is not fair.

First the family has to get by tomorrow when our daughter comes hom from the beach (Quepos). My wife has to tell her at her house, I know she will make a beeline over here after crying so I have to get ready.

Again from myself and my wife thank you for your very kind and heartwarming thoughts.


Sep 20, 2000
wil, sorry to hear the news but it sounds like your dog was blessed to have a loving and responsible home with you all there. pets truly become part of the family and its tough to say goodbye...........there are way too many homeless animals out there and i hope anyone looking for a pet will consider one at their local shelter and save a life.

New member
Sep 29, 2005
We put our 16 year old Golden down earlier this was a terrible day.

Sorry to hear it Wil.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
Thanks to everyone for the kind words, they actually do help as I translated them into Spanish for my wife and she perked up a little. In case anyone here doesn't know it I live in Costa Rica and my wife and her two grown children are Latinos. The kids both speak English but my wife even though we have been married since 2003 and dated for several years before that does not speak English (she knows a few words, like "got any money"), but I don't hold that against her.

I printed out some photos of some Jack Russel Terriors with description in Spanish for her to read. That made her smile. However searching the internet I haven't come across any Jack Russell's for sale yet here in Costa Rica and I am still torn between a great pedigree like a JR and a saving a shelter dog. I know in the end it will be a family decision, after giving it some thought I realized picking the dog alone and surprizing everyone is not fair.

First the family has to get by tomorrow when our daughter comes hom from the beach (Quepos). My wife has to tell her at her house, I know she will make a beeline over here after crying so I have to get ready.

Again from myself and my wife thank you for your very kind and heartwarming thoughts.

wil another great choice is toy fox terrier......that was our little guy..........diabetic took fluids every day my wife was a nurse but it was worth it..........sweetest little guy on earth

Old School
Nov 8, 2006
Wil - very sorry to hear.

Got my girls a yorkee a few years ago and now the little thing is like part of the family.

Dont want to think about that day someday. Best Wishes

Feb 13, 2007
Wil--I am deeply saddened to hear of your tough decision and your loss. As an owner of 2 dogs who are like family to me and my wife, I can understand how hard it must be for you and your family. Wishing you and your family the best.

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
Wil, JRT's are fun dogs but they do not make good pets without lots and lots of training. They are generally not good with children. I know you don't have any now but your step-children may have some before the dog dies.

JRT's are extremely hard working but they do not get along with other dogs and often pick fights with dogs that are much larger than they are. If not given enough attention they can be destructive.

I was thinking about getting a JRT because of that dog Eddie on the "Frasier" show but after looking further into the subject I decided to go with Shelties. They are beautiful dogs and are well-mannered.

Here is what wikipedia says about JRT's:

Jack Russells are first and foremost a working terrier. Originally bred to bolt fox from their dens during hunts, they are used on numerous ground-dwelling quarry such as groundhog, badger, and red and grey fox.[citation needed] The working JRT is required to locate quarry in the earth, and then either bolt or hold it in place until they are dug to. To accomplish this the dog must bark and work the quarry continuously. Because the preservation of this working ability is of highest importance to most registered breeders Jack Russells tend to be extremely intelligent, athletic, fearless, and vocal dogs. It is not uncommon for these dogs to become moody or destructive if they are not properly stimulated and exercised as they have a tendency to bore easily and will often create their own fun when left alone to entertain themselves.

Their high energy and drive make these dogs ideally suited to a number of different dog sports such as flyball or agility. Obedience classes are also recommended to potential owners as Jack Russells can be stubborn at times and aggressive towards other animals and humans if not properly socialized (a process that should continue throughout their whole lives). Despite their small size these dogs are not recommended for the condominium or apartment dweller unless the owner is ready to take on the daunting task of providing the dog with the necessary amount of exercise and stimulation. These are truly a big dog in a small package, and most suffer from a "Napoleon complex", which can sometimes lead to trouble involving larger animals. The JRT owner must be aware of these tendencies and be the cognizant party in many situations.[2]

The Jack Russell Terrier can cohabit with well behaved children but both dog and child need to be properly introduced and educated on how to behave towards one another. JRTs are also extremely loyal towards their owners, and highly territorial. If a Jack Russell decides that something belongs to it even the most persuasive owner is unlikely to convince them otherwise.[citation needed]

Despite some of these negative traits JRTs are exceptionally loving, intelligent dogs who have the ability to entertain their owners for hours with their comical antics.[citation needed] To understand the Jack Russell temperament, it must be remembered that they are first and foremost a "working dog." In other words, they were bred to aggressively run, chase, and flush out fox and badgers in the great hunts of England. These traits, so passionately guarded by Jack Russell breeders since the 19th century, have delivered to us a dog that is fearless, happy, alert, confident, intelligent and lively. A dog that is ready to meet the world on a moment's notice; this is the Jack Russell temperament in a nutshell.

Nov 20, 2004
Iam so sorry to hear about you having to put your dog Zucca to sleep. I know exactly what you are going thru as i had to put my beloved Golden to sleep because of that awful disease cancer. I let him out in the backyard one day and when he came back in the house he was limping, thought he just pulled a muscle playing in the yard. Kept limping and took him to the vets on the second day for xrays and the vet said he had cancer in his leg. I was totally devastated.
Putting him to sleep was probably the hardest thing i have ever had to do in life and to be honest saying goodbye to a loved one isnt as difficult as saying goodbye to your pet. Me and the wife stood in the room for close to 2 hours after he was put to sleep. I just couldnt leave. Dogs give you 100 percent uncondtional love, no matter how bad your day might have been. They are always their to greet you at the door with their tails wagging and running around in circles.
Even now 4 years later i still miss my boy very much.
So Wilheim i know what your feeling and i truly wish my condolences to you and your whole family

Heres a couple of poems that i always like to read and i hope they make you feel a little better

A Dog's Prayer

Treat me kindly, my beloved friend, for no heart in all the world is more grateful for kindness than the loving heart of mine.
Do not break my spirit with a stick, for though I lick your hand between blows, your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me the things you would have me learn.
Speak to me often, for your voice is the world's sweetest music, as you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail when your footsteps fall upon my waiting ear.
Please take me inside when it is cold and wet, for I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting at your feet beside the hearth.
Keep my pan filled with water, for I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst.
Feed me clean food that I may stay well, to romp and play and do your bidding, to walk by your side and stand ready, willing, and able to protect you with my life, should your life be in danger.
And my friend, when I am very old and no longer able to enjoy good health, hearing and sight, do not make heroic efforts to keep me going. I shall leave this Earth knowing with the last breath I draw, that my fate was always safest in your hands... I will always be your BEST FRIEND.

Rainbow Bridge

[SIZE=+1]Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown... <CENTER>

Apr 10, 2007
Think I read this too late...

What is a dog?...It s a freakin 15 year commitment and gut wrenching heart break at the end

As I hit 40 I think about the heartbreak before I add a family member

If your dog is condolences..I would have advised keeping it alive until the last possible day..If the dog had an hours worth of happiness in a PAINFREE day, it is worth it..

If its at rest, have no remorse because you gave that dog a great life..If you can, do not leave the fucken vet the carcass..bury it at home and get a head not let the vet give you ashes either, most likely they are not just your dogs..

you loved her till the end..thats all you can do..keep yourself busy to ease the unquenchable pain..

I too have picked up blood..lots of shit and pee from uncontrollable bowels..

keep them alive as long as humanely possible..for once they are gone they are gone forever..

as I write this by my side lays a german shep whose hinds I lift so he can walk..whose legs I mend as he scrapes them raw from dragging his hinds..whose shit I pickup when I see his tail stick straight out as he lays near..yeah i feel and share your pain..

just a dog?..who you kidding? may as well be a person for those who do not love dogs have very shallow souls..I feel your pain..I feel your pain

New member
Aug 19, 2005
Sorry wil, hope your pet rests in peace, i have a golden retriever who has bad hips that i get shots for him & give him pain pills to help him which it has for now but i don't know how long they can get along taking the pain pills. i dread the thoughts as he is 12 now & very loved by my sick wife & i. Wow cd329 that prayer brought me to tears very touching but true. Again sorry for your loss Wil.

New member
Mar 20, 2006
these things are never easy, take the moment that you know you are doing what is best for the dog....that is what is are in my thoughts...

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