Verizon verizon verizon


Sep 25, 2005
Still in love with Verizon stock and its dividend.

Sprint Corp has axed at least 2,500 jobs across six customer care centers and its Kansas headquarters as part of its plan to cut $2.5 billion in costs, a company spokeswoman said on Monday. The job cuts, mostly in customer service, also include 574 positions at Sprint's headquarters at Overland Park, Kansas, Sprint spokeswoman Michelle Boyd said.

How long sprint keep bleeding money ?

Telecom is about economy of scale so I'm still in love with Verizon stock. Hopefully with Google and apple with eyes on the electric car market , they will not continue to venture into voice and data and be happy selling operating platforms. Every pull back in the market over 200 points I load up on this stock.

Sep 25, 2005
I started this thread 14 months ago. My position was as high a 25,000 shares and now at it lowest level at 8400 shares as last week we had an ex date, I always sell off as many shares as I can if there is a pop before the ex date (and then a big down day of the ex date) , I beginning to diversify with VZ an T. With IOT being the future still love this company.

Sep 25, 2005
Sold of Verizon at 50.25 for a nice 1.87 profit per share.. the market was up 208 today, and Verizon when down to 49.90 at close, I will buy back half my postion tomaorrow . ..... have a 90 day price target of 52.00 on Verizon .. my goal is to make enough money to upgrade to a newer Bentley...

The stock is flat but they spent 130 billion to buy the one of most valuable assets on the plant ... the us telecom market. I like they didn't blow the numbers away , Ica but more of a solid asset at a lower price . I have not missed a Verizon Dividend in 10 years when the stock was selling for 25$

I made this post just a little less then 3 years ago ... VZ closed at 49.90 today ... I'm still holding 2 times as many shares as in 2014 , I'm not as as sure that Verizon will be thee IOT play i was hoping for , but it has consistently raised it dividend. Waiting in the impact that 5G will have and to see if Verizon can compete with google and Facebook in the digital advertising space , CenturyLink, Inc. has a 10.4 billion market cap, i would love to see that acquisition to get their fiber to set up small cells

Sep 25, 2005
Sprint TM merger didn't happen, so pricing is going to stay low... lowering my short term target on VZ to 50... long term after 5G integration of both [FONT=&quot]SD-WAN and ERAN will support their dividend and debt from global growth driven by technology from within. Will buy on any dip below 47$ [/FONT]

Sep 25, 2005
F.C.C. Repeals Net Neutrality Rules changing my target on VZ to 62$ hope you picked up some VZ on the dip below 47

Sep 25, 2005
I have put my price target on Verizon of 62$, but will sell out my major potion at 58$, I could have never expected the company would turn into the tech giant it is. 12 month ago I was holding 25,000 shares but have added considerably to my positions, but its time to diversify with the cost basis of my Verizon share at under 45$. I'm just going to day trade VZ from now on.

I'm working in building up large position in Walt Disney Co DIS. Like Verizon, Disney will be helped by the Trumps tax cuts and their products will stand the test of time. I scoop up 1000 shares every time this company goes below 110$ and I love the dividend. Even though I think the wheels have come off the Star Wars saga, but could easily be resurected. I think the Marvel library will keep this company beating the numbers every quarters for years to come.

Jan 10, 2018 - Advance sales for "Black Panther" have set a new record for Fandango as the top seller among Marvel movies in the first 24 hours. ... “Avengers: Infinity War,” which includes many of the “Black Panther” characters, and Boseman was voted as the most anticipated comic book hero in a standalone movie.

This movie alone could add 1 billion to DIS P&L for the next quarter and 3 billion in 2018.

New member
Oct 9, 2004
I have put my price target on Verizon of 62$, but will sell out my major potion at 58$, I could have never expected the company would turn into the tech giant it is. 12 month ago I was holding 25,000 shares but have added considerably to my positions, but its time to diversify with the cost basis of my Verizon share at under 45$. I'm just going to day trade VZ from now on.

I'm working in building up large position in Walt Disney Co DIS. Like Verizon, Disney will be helped by the Trumps tax cuts and their products will stand the test of time. I scoop up 1000 shares every time this company goes below 110$ and I love the dividend. Even though I think the wheels have come off the Star Wars saga, but could easily be resurected. I think the Marvel library will keep this company beating the numbers every quarters for years to come.

Jan 10, 2018 - Advance sales for "Black Panther" have set a new record for Fandango as the top seller among Marvel movies in the first 24 hours. ... “Avengers: Infinity War,” which includes many of the “Black Panther” characters, and Boseman was voted as the most anticipated comic book hero in a standalone movie.

This movie alone could add 1 billion to DIS P&L for the next quarter and 3 billion in 2018.

What are you doing on a gamblers forum when you are trading over 1 large in stocks?

Sep 25, 2005
Looking for other peoples opinions, looking for people who may have more information then I do. My style is to grind it out and take profits on small moves and sell my potions, most of the other people here are looking for stock that are high risk high reward. I want people to challenge me, and tell me Sprint is a better investment then Verizon

New member
Oct 9, 2004
Looking for other peoples opinions, looking for people who may have more information then I do. My style is to grind it out and take profits on small moves and sell my potions, most of the other people here are looking for stock that are high risk high reward. I want people to challenge me, and tell me Sprint is a better investment then Verizon

I am an engineer.....if I was 20 again I would choose to be some sort of financial analyst. I think I would have loved trying to pick stocks for a living. Basically legalized gambling everyday. I would have been very good and looking at the data and trying to find theories on how to make money.

My son is a financial planner for affluent clients. We just got back from going out for dinner and discussed the market and what is going to happen. The information that he is seeing and reading is that the market will be strong again this year. Thinks the banking industry could have a strong year. The worldwide market is currently strong in the USA and Europe. Another industry that could benefit is the construction industry because of the potential infrastructure bill.

I am still concerned the market is due for a serious correction. I think it will happen fairly fast too once it starts to happen. I am currently reading The Road To Ruin by James Rickards. It is pretty dry (goes into too many minute details to make his point but he makes some good points that there is going to be some major change and what will happen).

I can give you a couple stocks to look at. Local Minnesota companies. I made a significant amount of money on Toro. I sold it early in the year but the 3 or 4 years before that it probably outperformed the S&P by about 2 to1. I have some friends in management at 3M. Pretty solid company. They seem to be performing well.

I work in the solar industry. SEDG is a company out of Israel. Your two main components are solar panels and inverters. They make the inverters so potentially they could be on every solar installation where as there are probably 300 + different solar panel manufacturers. There product is very good. They went from start up to over 60% of the market in the USA for residential installations. They dont have much of a presence in large scale solar yet. There stock has soared. The 30% tariff on solar panels just announced by Trump administration will potentially result in a slight pull back in price. Solar is not going away. Once you have something people want there is no turning back. If it comes to a free market decision solar will beat the other sources of power. The other thing about their product is ELon Musk has hooked his wagon to their inverter. He throws a certain amount of weight,

On that same line my son said that they have quite a few people taking position in lithium because it is a limited supply and is used in batteries that are in cellphones and also in other batteries.

The old saying of buy when there is blood on the street. A very wealthy friend of mine still laughs about this, After 911 the market got waxed. Boeing got waxed even more. I said the market was wrong. People were not going to quit flying. My opinion was there were 6 planes that needed to be replaced and their stock should be going up. So I purchased more Boeing stock. They have basically no competition (other than Airbus) and the entry point for competition is way too high. Of course it came back with vigor.

I think an industry with a huge upside potential right now is driverless cars. Finding a winner in the technology/sensors market that could be used in a Google car or Volvo or Apple car could be a long term winner.

I have been asked to speak at schools and Universities on renewable energy. I have said for some time the ability to store energy in a cost effective way will be the next be game changer in the energy business. I spoke at an event on Tuesday this week. Another one of the speaker's was asked about the future. He has been asked to be a guest on national news shows like MSNBC and others. Someone asked him where investment opportunities were. He said the other area that I think will be the other industry with huge investment opportunities: WATER. The day is coming where places are not going to have water and then what happens? Any company that has a cost effective solution to that problem is going to make huge amounts. Not sure who that is going to be or what the solution is going to be.

You have been around here long enough to know that there are significant amount of people that are not open to any new ideas. You can maybe use that to to your advantage. The more they dont like something .... the more you know it will be a winner.

You will have to post a stock or 2 you might like.

Sep 25, 2005
I have been a huge huge proponent of photovoltaic energy since I got my first Panasonic solar panel in 2000 which is still in use today. I have a 16 290w panels or 4.6 KHW system in my back yard with Enphase 250 micro inverters. There is no money in hard ware for solar, but photovoltaic is so reliable and efficient it’s like priming money. You Can make a KHW for .01 or less and sell it for .05-.12 cents. In theory I can see photovoltaic energy being sold at a 10,000% mark up. So, I set out to find what utility makes the most solar power and all roads lead me to BHE owned by Berkshire Hathaway Inc. NYSE: BRK.B

I own apple and Verizon, so I hedge my potions in both of those companies buy day trading Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Class B. It does not matter what way the market turns, people are always going to need power and internet. So, I only buy defensive stock that pay a larger dividend. NYSE: BRK.B is the only exception in my portfolio.
But I’m a day trader, 90% of the time I sell stock when there is a .10 cent profit and I’m out. I buy and sell the same stock 1-5 times a day; 1000 shares. I’m not looking at 3 years down the line I’m looking to get out 3 minutes or 30 minutes or 3 hours down the line. I need to keep turning over my capital.

I don’t own stocks, I rent them, the only reason I don’t sell a stock is because I use them as secured collateral to barrow money at LIBOR to invest in real estate.
The other stock I own have already exceeded my targets so I don’t recommend them,

DIS, VZ and BRK.B are all undervalued in my opinion.

New member
Oct 9, 2004
Disney doesnt seem to match with companies that are needs. Disney in terms of their parks are a luxury. My daughter performed at Disney World and I say that it was totally class organization. Movies etc. are something else...basically relatively cheap entertainment. There are many cheap entertainment options.

I think buying Boeing is a better play. Airplanes are not going anywhere and they basically have no competition. In terms of performance. They have kicked Disney as in terms of return. The dividend is this 33% larger than Disney.

If Disney has any advantage of Boeing it is that Boeing has performed so much better than Disney the last 5 years.

Congratulations on being an early adapter of solar. Enphase was the Mercedes of inverters back then. They have been totally passed by Solar Edge, That is why their stock has gone from $15 to $2.

Sep 25, 2005
North Star the the telcome paradigm has changed , Boeing is one giant step closer to being in my trading rotation.

A National Security Council official presented senior members of the administration with information suggesting that the United States needs to centralize its by the end of President Donald first term as a safeguard against Chinese cybersecurity and economic threats. Axios first .

Sep 25, 2005
[FONT=&quot]NYSE: BA - Jan 31, 7:58 PM EST[/FONT]
svg xml;base64,PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiIHN0YW5kYWxvbmU9Im5vIj8 Cjxzdmcgd2lkdGg9IjI2cHgiIGhlaWdodD0iMjZweCIgdmlld0JveD0iMCAwIDI2IDI2IiB2ZXJzaW9uPSIxLjEiIHhtbG5zPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAwL3N2ZyI CiAgPHBhdGggZD0iTTEyLjUsMyBMNCwxNSBMMTAuMjgwMjg1NywxNSBMMTAuMjgwMjg1NywyMi41IEwxNC43MTk3MTQzLDIyLjUgTDE0LjcxOTcxNDMsMTUgTDIxLDE1IEwxMi41LDMgTDEyLjUsMyBaIiBmaWxsPSIjM0Q5NDAwIj48L3BhdGg Cjwvc3ZnPg==
16.66 (4.93%)

[COLOR=#878787 !important]After-hours: 355.00
svg xml;base64,PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiIHN0YW5kYWxvbmU9Im5vIj8 Cjxzdmcgd2lkdGg9IjI2cHgiIGhlaWdodD0iMjZweCIgdmlld0JveD0iMCAwIDI2IDI2IiB2ZXJzaW9uPSIxLjEiIHhtbG5zPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAwL3N2ZyI CiAgPHBhdGggZD0iTTEyLjUsMyBMNCwxNSBMMTAuMjgwMjg1NywxNSBMMTAuMjgwMjg1NywyMi41IEwxNC43MTk3MTQzLDIyLjUgTDE0LjcxOTcxNDMsMTUgTDIxLDE1IEwxMi41LDMgTDEyLjUsMyBaIiBmaWxsPSIjM0Q5NDAwIj48L3BhdGg Cjwvc3ZnPg==

thank you

New member
Oct 9, 2004
NYSE: BA - Jan 31, 7:58 PM EST
svg xml;base64,PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiIHN0YW5kYWxvbmU9Im5vIj8 Cjxzdmcgd2lkdGg9IjI2cHgiIGhlaWdodD0iMjZweCIgdmlld0JveD0iMCAwIDI2IDI2IiB2ZXJzaW9uPSIxLjEiIHhtbG5zPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAwL3N2ZyI CiAgPHBhdGggZD0iTTEyLjUsMyBMNCwxNSBMMTAuMjgwMjg1NywxNSBMMTAuMjgwMjg1NywyMi41IEwxNC43MTk3MTQzLDIyLjUgTDE0LjcxOTcxNDMsMTUgTDIxLDE1IEwxMi41LDMgTDEyLjUsMyBaIiBmaWxsPSIjM0Q5NDAwIj48L3BhdGg Cjwvc3ZnPg==
16.66 (4.93%)

[COLOR=#878787 !important]After-hours: 355.00
svg xml;base64,PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiIHN0YW5kYWxvbmU9Im5vIj8 Cjxzdmcgd2lkdGg9IjI2cHgiIGhlaWdodD0iMjZweCIgdmlld0JveD0iMCAwIDI2IDI2IiB2ZXJzaW9uPSIxLjEiIHhtbG5zPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAwL3N2ZyI CiAgPHBhdGggZD0iTTEyLjUsMyBMNCwxNSBMMTAuMjgwMjg1NywxNSBMMTAuMjgwMjg1NywyMi41IEwxNC43MTk3MTQzLDIyLjUgTDE0LjcxOTcxNDMsMTUgTDIxLDE1IEwxMi41LDMgTDEyLjUsMyBaIiBmaWxsPSIjM0Q5NDAwIj48L3BhdGg Cjwvc3ZnPg==

thank you

That stock flew up!!!

I am researching some stocks that wont be popular around here.....but my goal is to look at companies that will be winners....not popular. Hopefully you are closer to a new Bentley (our neighbors have a is what they named their dog. )

Sep 25, 2005
I look forward to hearing any new investments ideas would like to share, thank you again Northern star

UPS has exercised options to order 14 additional Boeing 747-8 Freighters, providing additional capacity in support of accelerating demand for U.S. and international air services.

The aircraft build on the company’s 2016 order of 14 Boeing 747-8Fs. UPS will also purchase 4 new Boeing 767 Freighters, adding capacity for customers on both U.S. and international routes.

“As we celebrate the 30th anniversary of UPS Airlines today, we are seeing unprecedented demand for our air products,” said UPS Airlines President Brendan Canavan. “The new freighters will allow us to continue upsizing aircraft on routes and will create a cascading effect that will boost capacity on regional routes around the world.”

“UPS has clearly tapped into the power and efficiency the 747-8 Freighter brings to the market,” said Boeing Commercial Airplanes president and CEO Kevin McAllister. “We’re impressed with how UPS is leveraging the airplane in its operations, and also excited to see them bring additional 767s into their fleet.”

Boeing said it booked orders for 912 commercial airplanes, the seventh highest annual total for the company. Those orders pushed Boeing's backlog at the end of 2017 to 5,864 commercial airplanes, an all-time high. The backlog of orders totals about seven years' worth of production, according to Boeing.

UPS is my largest holding, so it has not been a good last two weeks, I will be buying more BA on Monday.

When I started this thread, was before I had my solar system in my back yard, so i never considered a EV car; so the new Bentley will have to wait till they make a EV. I have owned a GT since before I stated this thread, fun car to drive , lost of technical problems , really good engine and nice to look at.

Sep 25, 2005
Market has been on fire .. I just sold out all but 6,000 of my Verizon Communications Inc. as it hit a historical high today . 5G is a paradigm shift in industrial automation and the use of control systems to replace a human being, the first industry to fall will be trucking where 1 million jobs will be lost, how many of thouse people are Verizon customers. VZ Profit have been strong but they still carry 125 billion in debt and a strong dividend., Inc. is the only stock i would buy that does not pay a dividend, as i think it will some day go into banking and insurance as a end game and as a hedge to positions in UPS one of the other best run companies in the world.

Sep 25, 2005
NEW YORK, Sept. 06, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Board of Directors of Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq:VZ) today declared a quarterly dividend of 60.25 cents per outstanding share, an increase of 1.25 cents per share, or 2.1 percent, from the previous quarter.

Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B) Up 5.9% Since Last Earnings Report.

Boeing Co
351.27 USD +4.59 (1.32%)

i think its time to exit Boeing Co with interest rates at %.02 and stock pile the cash.

Sep 25, 2005
Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq:VZ) has performed long term pretty much as i thought, but is failing to generate content and provide a cord cutting platform, I still have a 62 target as generation delusional are addicted to multiple streams of data, but (NYSE, Nasdaq:VZ) is going to hover for some time. ATT has the content , but has debt and the price reflects that. I'm adding T below 29.50 for its dividend and 5 G as a long germ play with a priced target of 36

Sep 25, 2005
This week was a clusterfuck

Brutal week Dow plunges 1,150 points. The detention of Huawei's chief financial officer, Meng Wanzhou, reportedly over a possible violation of sanctions on Iran, threatens to escalate tensions between the US and China at a time when sensitive talks to resolve a trade war are underway , this after New Zealand's international spy agency had ban mobile company Spark from using Huawei equipment in its planned deployment of 5G upgrade.

The Snapdragon Technology Summit was supposed to be the coming-out party for blazing-fast 5G cellular networks, it was a disaster.
A problem with the software in Ericsson equipment is causing outages across the world, including O2 users in Great Britain and SoftBank users in Japan

If that was not enough Verizon stock falls after J.P. Morgan downgrade; AT&T shares rise after upgrade.

I'm still high on both of these stock and will rebuild my positions at T under 29.50 and VZ under 53.00.

Sep 25, 2005
The fed raised rates early to gain a weapon in case there is a recession and ATT is burden with debt, but that debt is paying dividends , T is at a 7% dividend, so I took a small bite at putting in a market order at the bottom 22.16 and got shares at 29.23 and 29.24. BATS is so corrupt. Wait for sub 29 prices to purchase again.

Verizon has become a wild animal, (-0.27%) on volume of 51,292,567 but that was a lat afternoon kick .70 cents up tick; I have never thought i would see so much volatility in a utility stock. Ill be keeping my eye on the Ex dates for both of these stocks 01/09/2019, I continue to see strong cash flows and outlook for both of these business. AT 53 I can dollar cost average this down to it bottom and collect plus.04% a year in passive income & day trading it all the way down. I also hope to be launching my own solar automation system in 2020 that has been in the works since 2015.

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