

Aug 6, 2006
Just smiled wondering if it was proven Ace was Snoop if this thread wouldn't look exactly the same as it does now.

A lot of people work awfully hard in here to end up in the same place.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
You have to love this vittard clown.

He's not accepting any bet that involves me, but is begging me to do a "net worth" bet with him.

Again, you can't make up how fucking dumb this guy is.
Mod post up bet is the only way. You are a known liar and can't be trusted. Everyone here knows this.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Just smiled wondering if it was proven Ace was Snoop if this thread wouldn't look exactly the same as it does now.

A lot of people work awfully hard in here to end up in the same place.
If that happened.....ace would not be here today or any other day.

Jul 4, 2012
O.and acebb/snoop disappearance until akp got banned is very telling.

The fact that this idiot thinks there is some correlation on those 2 events does remind us that he is neither educated nor intelligent. He is one dumb, gullible moron who has made up this silly “I’m so rich living this great life” persona that is so easily unmasked it isn’t even fun mocking it anymore. He doesn’t even have a college degree, he is jobless and unemployable, and is clearly a losing degenerate gambler. It is a sad existence so he has to try and pretend something he is not. There is no debate about this; there is no question here. And someone who immediately knew that as soon vit said “a mod told someone about your IP being masked” that it was both AK saying it and was a lie is telling you so. The fact that he would even appear in this thread is surreal. But of course he can’t grasp that someone who is much, much, much more intelligent and educated than him completely clowned him yet again. So he will carry on.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
The fact that this idiot thinks there is some correlation on those 2 events does remind us that he is neither educated nor intelligent. He is one dumb, gullible moron who has made up this silly “I’m so rich living this great life” persona that is so easily unmasked it isn’t even fun mocking it anymore. He doesn’t even have a college degree, he is jobless and unemployable, and is clearly a losing degenerate gambler. It is a sad existence so he has to try and pretend something he is not. There is no debate about this; there is no question here. And someone who immediately knew that as soon vit said “a mod told someone about your IP being masked” that it was both AK saying it and was a lie is telling you so. The fact that he would even appear in this thread is surreal. But of course he can’t grasp that someone who is much, much, much more intelligent and educated than him completely clowned him yet again. So he will carry on.
Cutting and pasting the same response? Real original....just like you do with bowl newletters huh?

Jul 4, 2012
If that happened.....ace would not be here today or any other day.

The fact that you came back into this thread is surreal.

Of course you're a jobless, poor, uneducated clown with nothing better to do. So nobody is surprised.

Jul 4, 2012
Cutting and pasting the same response? Real original....just like you do with bowl newletters huh?

I think you should reply with "you're broke" and "you're scared to post picks" again, tard.

Note: I'd offer to bet you I've never pasted any newsletter pick but you folded yesterday and I know you're a c-unt.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Really tard?

Do you even read your own posts?
When zit asked you why you wouldn't accept a bet...you posted your famous "see post 278". Which said I wouldn't honor the bet....but then you wanted a 3k bet yesterday. Liar.

Why won't you ever accept a bet that makes you post picks?

" Vitterd will never finish over .500 in the NFL"....35-27. You lose

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I think you should reply with "you're broke" and "you're scared to post picks" again, tard.

Note: I'd offer to bet you I've never pasted any newsletter pick but you folded yesterday and I know you're a c-unt.
Lmao....yeah everyone will cross check the hundreds of newsletters out there. My god you're an idiot.

Why won't you accept any bet where you must post picks?

May 27, 2007
I'm not talking about you when it comes to stalking. AFAIK, you haven't chased the guy around multiple, unrelated forums, and started threads about what he did in College, or what he posted on youtube a decade ago, etc. That's stalking, and it's sick.
I've said he brings on alot of the derision himself, but NOT the racist garbage, and NOT a wish for cancer, and the latter IS on you, and it's wrong.

The guy has called me a racist so many times I can't count Guesser. I am many things but one thing I am not is a racist so I take exception to his comments.

I hate the guy and don't even know his fat ass. I don't care what happens to him or why. When you lie and say I'm a racist, you're as good as dead to me. I don't like racists, liars, cheats or thieves.

AK is the worst kind of person there is in life. He is a cancer.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The guy has called me a racist so many times I can't count Guesser. I am many things but one thing I am not is a racist so I take exception to his comments.

I hate the guy and don't even know his fat ass. I don't care what happens to him or why. When you lie and say I'm a racist, you're as good as dead to me. I don't like racists, liars, cheats or thieves.

AK is the worst kind of person there is in life. He is a cancer.

Enfuego, I agree with this statement 100%, but you shouldn't wish cancer or any illness on anyone. Don't worry, Karma always catches up to the haters and I know you're not a hater.

I would offer an unconditional apology and retraction, then sit back and let these libtards stew in their own bile (terrorist-pedophile-supporting POS; Cliven Bundy psychos, racists etc.).

Obviously if I didn't respect you, I wouldn't comment. You risked your life on many occasions serving your country so these ignorant ungrateful idiots could spew their incoherent garbage all day on the Internet and elsewhere. Trust me, rising above their malevolence and stupidity only pisses them off more. :103631605

God Bless.

Jul 4, 2012
This is never, ever going to get old

“The right one”

We all knew you were a ghost just took some time to find the right one.

Snoop and acebb are the person


It is fact. You are disguising. Up to the mod if they wanna confirm.

You disguise IP....confirmed.

“Isn’t even a question”

a mod did say you were masking IP. That isn't even a question.

But it it was said they were "disguising IP".

“let everyone know!”

they are welcome to let us all know that IP were disguised.

Double down:

acebb is snoop

The facts show that you are snoop and you do hide your IP. Just come clean Casper.

“No doubt”

oh it was confirmed. No doubt you're disguising....that isn't even a question. .

Fat Alaskan kid would “know”

oh it was confirmed. No doubt you're disguising....that isn't even a question. Just isn't for me to say where the info came from....but it is someone who would know. Time to come clean ghost.

So confident:

If BAS is willing to divulge the information he gave to the poster who discovered this as well. Put it all out there.

Posted 8 hours before this idiot’s lies were exposed:

Oh man is this "mask his IP" lie going to blow up in vittard's face.

Trouble sets in:

IP's are not even close, ISP's are legit

Reality emerges:

Since you brought this to the table.... as I told your Buddy... the IP's are all real and they are not even close to each other. The ISP's are all legit.
Meaning they are not from some weird company that hosts internet.

he said he Really believes they are one in the same because a few times they write some of the same things.

Last gasp of a loser:

so you didn't say they appear to be masking their IP's?

Hammer drops:

you mean your buddy ? Yes Told him more than once.
But he kept telling Me he knows he's Right.
Bonus quote:

You know it can't be proven without a doubt but I know without a doubt that you are snoop.


Keep in mind this retard said he was wrong about something that can’t be proven.

You simply cannot make up how dumb this vittard guy is.

New member
Nov 21, 2013
A lot of people work awfully hard in here to end up in the same place.

ayuh....and as my ol pal Barman and JoeC used to do for about a five year run 2004-2008....but both of them pretty much gave it up

VIT appears to have a much higher level of commitment. He is pretty much in his fifth consecutive year of Knocking Out the Righties.

I can see him having the precise same arguments with a half dozen Rx posters using the precise collection of insults and historical sub-references going well into the 2020s

New member
Nov 21, 2013
SnoopBB does show a pretty aggressive and angrily profane commitment of his own

I guess I could go back to putting them both on IGNORE, but then the RxPoly Forum would show me 50% reduced traffic

Thanks for the PICKS thread, Landauensteinberger

Aug 6, 2006
SnoopBB does show a pretty aggressive and angrily profane commitment of his own

I guess I could go back to putting them both on IGNORE, but then the RxPoly Forum would show me 50% reduced traffic

Thanks for the PICKS thread, Landauensteinberger

That's German ...... And go ahead and try to turn away from this wroad wreck. You can't!

Sep 21, 2004
The guy has called me a racist so many times I can't count Guesser. I am many things but one thing I am not is a racist so I take exception to his comments.

I hate the guy and don't even know his fat ass. I don't care what happens to him or why. When you lie and say I'm a racist, you're as good as dead to me. I don't like racists, liars, cheats or thieves.

AK is the worst kind of person there is in life. He is a cancer.

He's wrong to call you a racist. You're wrong to wish cancer on him. Take exception to his comments all you want, ask him to prove his erroneous statement, call him a fat Alaskan, or a 140 Lb Alaskan placekick holder(can never get it straight which he is), etc., but wishing cancer on someone??

May 27, 2007
He's wrong to call you a racist. You're wrong to wish cancer on him. Take exception to his comments all you want, ask him to prove his erroneous statement, call him a fat Alaskan, or a 140 Lb Alaskan placekick holder(can never get it straight which he is), etc., but wishing cancer on someone??

Sorry dude but I never said that before he accused me of being a racist. I can't stand the guy. You want to disparage me with untruths? That's how I feel.

The Shrink made up a story about me that I owed a bookie 60K. He simply made it up with some of his mods. Guess what? He killed himself. Do you think I feel bad about that?

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