Jeez. Only Halfway through and gotta stop to say: Gavin McInnes.
Dude is amazing. Completely On Point with: "Inbreeding with First Cousin for One or Two Generations, sure OK that may not have a Negative Effect but do that multiple times over 40 Generations and the reality is that this can effect the behavior of a percentage of a Group of people, cause that to perhaps become Deranged, which happens to be precisely what we are seeing"
And he is getting LIT UP for proposing this. Being called: "racist" (naturally) and his theory shouted down as "Preposterous." !!!
I don't even know what to say, at this point.
Except that this Video certainly demonstrates that Millineals Love to Argue and they have GOT to be setting an All-Time World Records for calling people "Racist".
And that Gavin McInnes might just get to a point where he has had enough and Give Up bcuz there is literally No Way Possible to get thru to these people. No Hope Whatsoever, they are Actual Zombies. With Zero Ability to Comprehend Critical Thought, and Intelligent, Articulate & Accurate Analysis.
These Millineals certainly do Comprehend Attention Whoring though and LOVE to hear the sound of their own voices.
We, USA, we are so entirely and completely fucked. We have MILLIONS of these Idiots, everywhere across this Country.
And I STILL feel 100% Convinced that we are seeing ths Behavior as result of Exposure to Bisphenol A and other Chemicals (perhaps elevated Estrogen in SOY?) and The Pharma: Ritalin, Adderal, Prozac etc that so many of these kids were on in Youth.
Anyone wants to try and convince me that the behavior that is manefesting itself in these young people is NOT a direct result of their Brains having become damaged due to an Exposure to BPA and other Chemicals is gonna have a hell of a task on their hands, trying to accomplish that.
That right there might be "our Viral Video", to drive Traffic to Your Blog Site.
Which if thats on a Blogging Site we'd need to move it to Your Own Domain Name
which I can handle establishing, have Hookup at GoDaddy.
You may just not want to Put Yourself Out There tho, a Muslim might Terrorize You. Cuz of what you say.
That has to be a part of the discussion of what, if anything is done to get more eyeballs on your Aleppo + Other Factors Write-Up.
Explosive, that shit.
Mull it over, wanna go then think on a Domain Name.
ScottL too, of course.....anyone who wants to.
We can come up with a Great Domain Name.
Gotta be on your own Domain tho so Monetizing is possible.
I don't even know if thats a word.
Dudes were making $22,000 on silly Fake News stories. Stupid Stuff.
How much can be made with The Real. ?
Maybe Zero. Who Cares. Maybe you don't even want to Monetize a site anyways.
All Up To You.