You are really dense. There are plenty of instances in the Bible promoting Violence, even death, for the silliest of acts, as we've discussed before in Poli, just like the Quran. Only Radical, insane idiots take them seriously and literally and kill because of their sick beliefs.
Can't handle the facts can you?
Name one instance in Christianity (Christ's teaching) where he promoted violence, name just one. I challenge you. NAME ONE.
Facts I handle fine. What I don't deal with well are hateful, sick, racists and people that Hate entire Religions or races because of the actions of a Very few sick individuals within them. And hateful, sick people that perpetrate acts of violence and claim they are doing it for Religious reasons.
You know when a flaming liberal has lost an argument, when he throws out the racist slur, especially when the discussion has absolutely nothing to do with racism.
Ass clown.
Luke 22:36
He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one"
Matthew 10:34
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword".
I Don't Think Jesus promotes Violence,just like I don't think The Quaran promotes violence. But to say that there is nothng in the Bible that promotes violence is just willfully ignorant.
You are a silly, hateful, prejudiced man, who begs for a truce in private, and then can't keep it himself. Carry on with your hate. It's what makes you happy and comfortable.
You are a liar, as most flaming liberals are.
I did not beg you for a truce in private, yet another lie. I kindly put out an olive branch, but you fan the flames with your lying, and race-baiting.
I understand some people's argument that you can blame a whole race/religion for a percentage of them being scum of the Earth.
BUT.... the problem is you simply can't trust them and can't assume which ones are good & which ones are not.
Just like one of the the terrorists from 911.
He lived in a neighborhood in which his neighbors said he was as nice as can be.
They said their kids played with his.
He appeared 'normal'.
But he wasn't.
This will only get worse & worse & worse until every country, person, and race will be in grave danger, on a daily basis.
How long do you let it go before you simply exterminate the problem for the sake of all mankind.
And yes I said exterminate...
You gonna call Maher a racist, hateful, prejudiced man? Because my views and his views on the subject are 100% one and the same.