US *so-called* allies - What a load of crap!!!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Actually, this thread is somewhat getting away from the original idea of discussion. The US is at war now, like it or not...

The original issues advanced in this thread (so it doesn't get flooded in a bunch of meaningless pro/anti war posts) were:

- Loyalty of countries whom we consider(ed) allies.
- The economic aid sent by the US and also the spending habits of US businesses.
- My personal opinion that it is foolish to give means of support to countries that do not support your country.

I don't agree with everything the US has done in the past/or is doing now. To tell you the truth I would have done things somewhat differently... (Like I said earlier, I thought stern action needed to be taken in 1998 when weapons inspectors were first expelled from Iraq) However, this also moves away from the point at hand.

Also, like I said earlier, I don't believe anything in the world is free. Foreign trade and support exists to help both parties. If one side is getting a raw deal, it's up to them to negotiate a better deal. As a gambler, I look for "value". I don't think there is value sending support to nations that work against you. In addition I don't believe that buying their goods (in a indirect way, helping their economies) gives value either. I do believe in strategic trade with countries that you may not be the greatest of friends with... I just don't find value in helping countries working against you.

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