Grantt, it sounds like you live in this irrational cult of fear ... er, <culture> of fear.
Why is it so very hard for you to understand: guns exist. Guns ... exist. They ... are. They are tangible things. Three dimensions, mass, etc.
What they are not, is sentient. No gun has ever killed anyone, shitwit.
You are apalled by gun violence in America; I can understand being apalled at some of the tragic and often shocking acts which p-e-o-p-l-e who coincidentally have guns carry out. But your advocacy of gun control, or complete outlawing of guns, does not solve the problem. Most[/] (mind you, not all) gun violence is carried out by violent criminals. That's criminals ... who are violent ... they don't get the sort of press that a ten-year-old who blows his sister's brains out with his grandfather's rifle, because violent criminals are old news. But it is .. criminals ... who are violent ... and possess guns ... who commit most of the gun violence in this country.
You surely seem to be lacking in objective view-formation for a person who criticises others for being weaned on the glass teat that is American television, Grantt.
Regarding your statistics (for which you do not cite source) has it occurred to you that the numbers are meaningless if you do not figure them in the context of saturation? It's one thing to say Americans have 300,000 guns stolen per year; but in the same breath you say we own 250,000,000 guns. That amounts to 0.12 % .. not "twelve per cent" but "twelve per cent of one per cent" ... it really does not seem like a particularly staggering number of stolen guns, but given the seriousness of the issue I will sleep better knowing that there are 249,700,00 other guns out there being taken better care of than those 300k, some of which might well be responsible for blowing a potato-sized exit wound in the body of a gun thief about to shoot some innocent bystander.
But back to my core argument: in countries where guns are prohibited ... guns still exist. They just exist in the hands of violent criminals only, plus the occasional brave soul who defies the magistrate and carries for the defence of himself and his family. There is no such thing as "gun control" in the sense that you and other advocates of this perverse legal concept pursue ... all you can hope to accomplish is the control of those who comply ... that's called sheep herding, and you and your ilk are welcome to it.
One last thing: every time I cite some rational, verifiable information which seems to suport my argument for private gun ownership (as in the case in NY posted yesterday, or the discrepancies between crime rates in areas with strict gun control vs. lenient gun control the last time you went gun control happy) you seem to develop a blind spot. If you need the number of a good optometrist, Grantt, let me know.
Hey, since you sometimes seem intelligent enough to see a humourous point, isn't it almost laughably ironic that we argue even in a thread which started out with a post on which we are apparently in agreement?