All we get is name calling. Endless paragraphs of hate-filled gibberish and ignorance from people who live their lives blissfully unaware of anything remotely truthful...and don't care.Willy won't be able to for the reason that he can't. He has no evidence to refute anything you've posted. Without the boob tube telling him what to think, he's incapable of thinking at all. He's actually a mirror image of Salvage. The only difference is one gets his talking points from CNN, and the other from FOX News. Neither one is capable of an original thought.
Don't tell me he thinks the scamdemic was a real thing. At this late stage of the game, anyone who believes that is hopeless; hopeless beyond repair.I wonder which truth will hit WrongWayWillie the hardest.
1) Scamdemic
2) Sandy Hook
3) 9/11
Too many choices when your government is run by criminals.
After he created a thread announcing he had "tested positive" for "Covid", I remember asking him questions like..Don't tell me he thinks the scamdemic was a real thing. At this late stage of the game, anyone who believes that is hopeless; hopeless beyond repair.
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Willy won't be able to for the reason that he can't. He has no evidence to refute anything you've posted.
So there's this thing called evidence..Your logic path:
I could claim I banged Melania Trump last night, and you could call BS. Then I could say the burden of proof is on you to prove that I didn't bang Melania. Then when you can't, I would declare that it MUST be true that I banged Melania.
That is your logic path, and it is beyond fucked up
Really? Like the fact the whole town of Sandy Hook got FREE Houses that were paid off in 2009, almost 3 years before the Obama FF event?Of which you have none to support any of the lunatic theories you spew here
Just liars on the internet that suck gullible idiots like you in and profit off of
DACA was an executive actionAll we get is name calling. Endless paragraphs of hate-filled gibberish and ignorance from people who live their lives blissfully unaware of anything remotely truthful...and don't care.
And because the government doesn't bother THEM, they think this stuff isn't real. Until they end up on a FBI watchlist like I did for merely posting content that threatened the controlled "matrix". Until journalists are killed because, once again, their research and information threatens the regime.
That's how we know we're over the target. If we weren't, they wouldn't bother us.
Meanwhile, the sheep STILL think what they see on TV is real. DECADES and layers upon layers of brainwashing trusting "sources" that end up WRONG on EVERYTHING.
Sheep gonna sheep.
exactly these guys were all asmo'd back. It happensIn Q-Tardville
Sandy Hook, a section of Newtown, never happened.
Eyewitness accounts be damned, first hand experiences be dammed, even grieving parents and family and neighbors and friends be damned. Q-tards know know the truth, because their version of the Wizard of Oz told them so. Even the fact that one of their heros, Alex Jones, admits in court that he lied and that Newtown really happened
Just follow the yellow brick road, to Q-tardville, where they follow the ever powerful Q
The entire Akex Jones "trials" were yet another multilayered 5th Generation Psychological Operation to show the normies the type of LAWFARE that's been used against truth seeking journalists for decades.In Q-Tardville
Sandy Hook, a section of Newtown, never happened.
Eyewitness accounts be damned, first hand experiences be dammed, even grieving parents and family and neighbors and friends be damned. Q-tards know know the truth, because their version of the Wizard of Oz told them so. Even the fact that one of their heros, Alex Jones, admits in court that he lied and that Newtown really happened
Just follow the yellow brick road, to Q-tardville, where they follow the ever powerful Q
How was she?Your logic path:
I could claim I banged Melania Trump last night, and you could call BS. Then I could say the burden of proof is on you to prove that I didn't bang Melania. Then when you can't, I would declare that it MUST be true that I banged Melania.
That is your logic path, and it is beyond fucked up
This I would love. They have been the real threats to democracy all along.Want to know how President Trump, Alex Jones and many other Patriotic Americans are "entrapped" in Fraudulent LAWFARE?
Chuck Schumer laid it out: "Intelligence Agencies have 6 ways from Sunday of getting back at you…" -- Schumer describing the CIA/FBI/DOJ.
Every one of these Deep State CRIMINALS are going DOWN!