You have to love when an economic illiterate takes to the Internet to pronounce federal spending as a % of GDP - a measure that is included in every OMB budget document & every CBO budget report, mind you - a "meaningless statistic"
You are making up numbers.
It's a meaningless statistic to know how much the government is actually spending, lol.
No I'm not.
You can see how the spending has increased in this chart that is published by the OMB.
They even helpfully have a whole section dedicated to 2005 dollars.
3,517,677 |
3,457,079 |
3,603,059 |
3,537,127 Last 4 years of spending |
Actually, no it isn't. As I said, you have no idea, none, what those numbers are or mean, or how they are put together.
But it is really useful to demonstrate how a particular administration sits in relation to others.
You have not one utter clue how the figures are derived.
The assertion that they "mean nothing" is comically ignorant.
Beyond parody.
According to the chart in 2012, spending(outlays) was $3537B. Total GDP for 2012 was $15547B. Now let's see, if I take 3537 and divide by 15547, I get 22.8%. Hey, low and behold, if you look at the outlays % of GDP on the chart it is 22.8%. WOW imagine that!!!
ok maybe I got lucky so let's try 2013.
outlays was 3685 and GDP was 16203 and if you divide them you get 22.7%. Ok let's check the chart and low and behold it's 22.7%.
You are right this "basic math" is very complicated.
Um, those aren't the inflation adjusted figures from Obama's first four years.
These are: