Oh, I see...
So the economy still sucks balls, but "doing nothing" would have been worse!
Just like we need more stimulus to make Keynesian magic budge the econ needle. And if that doesn't work, well, we can always use the same excuse over and over again: it wasn't enough!
See? Just like the Climate frauds, Keynesians are never wrong.
The problem is, your bullshit theories/models don't stand up to history - the greater the recession, the stronger the recovery.
Your dumb-ass spenda-holic cult just keeps making it up as you go along.
Lol, you can come up with any excuse you want. Economists say the stimulus caused the unemployment rate to be lower than it would have been without it.
Austerity sucks and never works. If we were more like big government Reagan or Bush, unemployment would be much lower and growth would be much higher.
I guess a survey you found on the Internet must be true.
Well it had many economists from very established schools. So I will believe their word more than yours, not going to lie.
You're a retard conservative. They are economists from schools like Yale, Harvard, MIT, etc. Sorry buddy, but your one of the least credible people I know.
We are not in "austerity"
The Obama government has spent more money than anyone could have dreamed of, passed a "stimulus" that didn't work, and adds more than a $1 billion dollars in debt per day because of the spending, yet fewer people are working.
You don't get it, either because you're dumb, or you have no capacity to examine your beliefs critically.
The data does not coincide with your theory. The government has cut more employees from their workforce than any President in the last 6 decades, the growth of spending is at the lowest it's been in over 6 decades. It's just not even close. This is the most austerity we've ever had in this country. And the results are obvious.