Tim this Cork guy is funny. He bitches at you for posting plays, than offers to split the picks of some thief masquerading as a handicapper in his very next post. There are VERY FEW people who can beat 11/10 over the long haul. With all the charges on his CC Cork probably lays an average of 130/100 on every bet and he will never win.
The plays of professional gamblers who actually bet the picks they release are never posted in the Service section. There are predominately two types of services posted here:
1) Those who scam and hype like Budin or Demarco, the latter who will make you milions by fading.
2 The low-key guys like PPP who don't hype, but don't win either.
It's ironic these types of posts that CAN ACTUALLY help people are relegated to sidebar discussion. But ain't my forum. The only reason I come here is when finish my own research is to make sure I don't bet a game, AND THEN find out Lang, Benton or Al Rolli DeMarco released the same side