Tucker opening up a can of worms regarding 9/11. He knows the truth but also knows he cant just come out and say it.


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I was watching this and obviously its bullshit but something I didnt notice before.......watch the small puff that emanates from the bldg on the right hand side, near the edge of the building upon impact, about half an inch below the right wing on a vertical line and on the same horizontal line line as the right engine.....it doesnt even make sense....

Lets just suppose for fun that aluminum can cut through steel and an explosion takes place........how does a simultaneous explosion take place 5 stories down and probably 5-8 office spaces to the right of the impact...its just stupid because the fuel is stored in the wings, no way it could take place at the EXACT same time in a diffferent area of the building


Even the belivers of the fairy tales experience tremendous Cognitive Dissonace when seeing this , along with Bldg7

Their guts scream THIS IS INDEED BULLSHIT but their MINDS wont allow them to go further as that would mean everything they formerly belived gets called into question.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Trump said it..

The amount of force and energy they needed to knock these 3 buildings down would blow your mind.

Those who have researched know how they did it.

And those who don't know, well... Just like the PLANDEMIC. The "fully vaccinated" still don't know anything about that either.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Toasted" cars blocks away from Ground Zero.



Exactly the same as the Maui "fires"



Like I said, people are stupid.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Also toasted car at the Pentagon....trying to find more


Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Dark Leboosie

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Dont think people TRULY understand why Trump said it was the stongest stucture possible as they have convinced the general public that
an aluminum plane and jet fuel took down the Towers

If you want to understand how many people are in on it just Google that shit and site after site, even ones that seem legit are spewing bullshit.......
What does it matter if your title is Doctor, Scientist, Expert, or whatever IF all you are doing is lying to people and using your title as cover?

If people are going to accept lies and if you can profit off of then WHY NOT?
If I were evil I would say "These Dumbfks dont care about the truth anyway , why put myself in harms way by going against the narrative, might as well get paid like everyone else."

Im sure that MANY people who are NOT EVIL tried to tell the truth about events and eventually just gave up and realized it was easier to just go along than speak up.....Mark Twain anyone?

The Commission doenst even talk about these columns and instead wants you to be convinced of a hollow steel shaft core

Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 12-29-39 9_11 PLANES HOAX.png


Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 12-28-41 9_11 PLANES HOAX.png


Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 12-35-07 9_11 PLANES HOAX.png

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Look at this shit, you know its a fraction of something they have


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Firefighter Rudy Clark spoke up and tried to tell the world about the controlled demolition ......he died from 9/11 related illnesses in 2021

More info in this Twitter thread...including tesimony from Credible first responders that were left out of the commission report.
How can you say you know what happened when you have only seen one version of the "TRUTH"


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
9/11 Truth: Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Sheriff Joe

The story of how I became a "9/11 Truther" is somewhat unique. Some will recall how gung-ho I used to be pumping up the official story while advocating an aggressive militant FP in the middle east. It became known as, The Bush Doctrine: "Fight them over there, so we don't have to fight them back home!"

Makes sense, right? Or at least, it would have made sense if....ya know, "Al Qeada" was actually real. :rolleyes:

So what was it? Was it some previously undiscovered forensic evidence?

As they say, all roads lead to Obama and 9/11 is no exception.

Huh? Obama didn't get elected selected till 2008? Yes, but you'll recall Obama is the one who "killed the 9/11 mastermind" Osama bin Laden, the final chapter of this sordid Deep State fairytale that fooled so many for so long, including me.

Obama was MY "Great Awakening" - the point where I realized who the true enemy was, the scale of the enemy and what we were up against.

As some of you may remember, many Patriots were hot on the trail of the Kenyan's phony birth certificate, his hidden background, his well documented homosexual escapades and the fact his "wife" is a tranny. We had receipts, yet amazingly nobody would listen. The media wouldn't listen (many so-called "birthers" were blacklisted). Law Enforcement wouldn't listen. Congressmen wouldn't listen. Judges wouldn't listen. Every time we thought there was a breakthrough, we'd hit a brick wall. To his credit, Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his investigative team finally investigated the Kenyan Fraud, and wouldn't you know it, Hussein's birth certificate and the entire "Born in Hawaii" media fabrication turned FAKE, PHONY and FALSE. Unfortunately, nobody listened to that either, while the FAKE NEWS made us sound like Elvis conspiracy nutters...back when they still controlled the narrative.

As Q says, sometimes you have to SHOW the people. Well, THIS was MY "SHOW" - LIVING the resistance of this outrageous injustice from every angle, through every agency and institution was an eye-opener - a glimpse into how wide and deep "The Swamp" truly was (before I even understood what that was).

Nobody personifies "The Swamp" more than Obama. Why? Because Obama was groomed, created and protected by the Deep State. For cripes sake, his own mother was CIA. Obama is the Deep State CEO.

Then along came this character named Donald Trump announcing he was running for president. Unlike everyone else, Trump was a national celebrity, larger than life. He had the platform FAKE NEWS couldn't ignore. Trump began banging on about Obama's entire FAKE background, which the FAKE NEWS couldn't "debunk". NO matter how hard they tried, they couldn't shut him up. Within a couple weeks, Trump was doing what no "birther" could accomplish for years.

"I have investigators in Hawaii right now and you won't believe what they're finding", he boasted.

It turns out, those "investigators" were White Hat military intel. Unbeknownst to me at the time, they were already in full recruitment mode of the one who would become Q+. Yes, as far back as 2012, and for the same reasons I was beginning to slowly grasp.

"Finally!" - or so I thought. Trump had Hussein dancing like a monkey. So much so that Team Obama panicked and released another COMPLETELY FAKE PHOTOSHOPED "long form birth certificate" which nobody was allowed to inspect, but it didn't matter. Obama won the media narrative with that clown show. "We don't have time for carnival barkers...we have important things to do" he said glowingly knowing full well what would happen next.

Less than a week after that, Obama made world headlines announcing he "Captured bin Laden!" blowing the entire "Birth Certificate" narrative out of the water. That's right, The World's Most Wanted Man, who had miraculously alluded the Intelligence Clowns all those years :)an_laugh: :lie:) until they (the Deep State) needed to play that trump card (pun intended).

Timing is everything. What are the odds, right?

After all the walls, obstacles and frustration...the inability to touch "The Chosen One" capped off with the "killing of bin Laden", that's when it hit me 👉 THESE EVIL FUCKERS DID 9/11!!

Who had the power to do it and fool the Sheep (boxcutters using planes :an_laugh::lie:) AND keep the "9/11 mastermind" hidden all those years?

The CIA. Only the CIA.

Not to mention, the icing on the cake 👉 "Buried at Sea with no witnesses" ( :an_laugh::lie: ) and the BETRAYAL - murder!! - of Seal Team 6. Don't get me started on that, the military HATES Obama! TREASON!

Well, that was that. Trump bowed out of the race with a bizarre f-bomb-laced tirade and Hussein sailed straight through to his second term defeating limp-dicked Mister Controlled Opposition Mitt Romney.

MISSION ABORTED 👉 "They" (the military) pulled the plug informing Trump "The Plan" wasn't ready. Not the first time that happened.

To truly understand 9/11 and "connect the dots", first you have to grasp the scale of the institutional evil we're dealing with. Until then, you won't SEE anything, no matter how convincing the evidence.

Who did "Russian Collusion"? Rogue elements of our government. They just made it up. And whenever some annoying law prevented them from executing their plan, they simply worked around it outsourcing the illegal stuff to foreign intelligence. Remember the pee tape Steele Dossier by British Intelligence? Bingo!

Who did Covid? Rogue elements of our government in connivance with other rogue NWO elements. And when certain laws prevented them from conducting their evil Gain of Fiction experiments on US soil, what did they do? Simply outsourced the dirty lab work to Wuhan and Ukraine. Bingo!

Are you beginning to SEE the SCALE of what we're facing and how the "Deep State" works now?

So who did 9/11? Rogue elements of our government in connivance with rogue elements of other governments. That's how they do it - the pattern is so clear. Not to mention, pretty fucking untouchable and powerful given the weapons they needed to knock down those 3 towers and "blindside" the Pentagon.

Not only that, who had the power to carry the narrative AND cover it up? Pretty obvious. Exact same situation as the (ineligible) Kenyan.

Osama bin Laden...remember him? Groomed by the CIA - total fabrication and puppet villain for the Sheep. Remember when he was blowing up stuff all over the world and the Intelligence Clowns under Clinton couldn't find him? Yet, somehow CNN tracked him down in a cave for a TV interview? Amazing! What are the odds of that? Well, who the hell do you think CNN is? THE CIA!! CNN is CIA TV! CNN was created by the CIA to brainwash American Sheep! The CIA feeds CNN, Washington Post, NYTs etc. all the bullshit which they use to brainwash the Sheep :an_laugh: Al Qaeda monkey bars and bin Laden manifestos :lie:

We all lived through the bullshit playbook with "Russian Collusion"...and every other "Get Trump!" scam! Not AWAKE yet??

What about election fraud? Well, it's just like the "birthers" - hitting wall after wall of resistance. We The People controlling our government? Forget it! Congress, judges, Law Enforcement, media... All CORRUPT!

Now let's take this one step further. How do you stop this unfathomable evil? How do you defeat it?

Does the mafia investigate itself? It does not.

Can the Justice Dept investigate and prosecute the culprits of 9/11, including rogue FOREIGN intelligence agencies? It cannot.

Can Congress? It cannot. Ask me about the REAL story behind of Benghazi and why they ambushed the embassy. Hint: child trafficking.

The Courts? Nobody prosecuted, let alone convicted.

Presidents? Are you kidding? Look what they did (and keep doing) to Trump. Look what they did to Kennedy. Presidents are installed puppets - no match for what Eisenhower called, "the military industrial complex."

Do you SEE the problem now? Do you SEE how other people, perhaps in powerful positions, also SAW the problem with all the intel? And why they finally did something about it?

So what's the solution? What's the ONLY solution?

The Military 👉 Q lead by Q+ 👉 Historic MIL-CIV Alliance 👉 "The Plan"

Military is ONLY way. Military Intel knows exactly what happened on 9/11 👉WE HAVE IT ALL!

So does Trump.

So do I 👉 posted all the receipts.

Now you understand.

Oh, and one more thing...


Are you ready for the TRUTH?

Trust "The Plan"


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Remember that al-Qaeda The CIA wasn't even interviewed by the 9/11 Commission. The Deep State ran massive interference with that investigation too.

And remember...

They changed the protocols for hijacked planes months before 9/11. It was the military that would have scrambled fighter jets shooting down those alleged bin Laden "planes". Instead, that authority was removed and given to the highest political authority 👉 VP Dick Cheney. They had to, otherwise their whole "plane" illusion would have fallen apart. It wouldn't have worked.

Those planes were in the air for over a half hour. How did they not at least have jet fighter escorts beside them?

Only months before 9/11? Yes! Another amazing coincidence! What are the odds of that!

And speaking of Cheney..

Why did Liz Cheney have it so in for Trump? An irrelevant Republican Congresswoman hated The Boss like no other promising to expose and take him down! And why did the Deep State make her the Head of the Snake 👉 the Jan 6th Commission? And how did Liz get so flippin' rich so fast only after a few years in Congress?

Answer: 9/11 Truth!

To protect her father and his legacy.

Poor Dick in Drag...she thought Trump was her only threat. Take him down and it's over...smooth sailing.

Little did Dick in Drag know who was running Q+ behind the scenes and coming for ALL of them, one by one, including Dick in Drag herself for TREASON!


Liz Cheney Hanged at GITMO

Monday, April 24 2023

Standing atop the gallows with a braided rope around her neck, Liz Cheney devoted her final breaths to excoriate President Donald J. Trump—who was not present—and his “minions,” accusing them of collectively subverting the Constitution to enforce a “private brand of justice.” Her eyes, open to narrow slits, like knife cuts, surveyed the officers who stood below and before her, as if memorizing faces for a future fight against them.

As is typical at hangings, a uniformed soldier tugged on the rope stretching from Cheney’s neck to a beam several feet above them, testing for slack and tension. He nodded at Vice Admiral Crandall, signaling his readiness to push the button.

A ruddy-cheeked Cheney rambled on about how Trump and Adm. Crandall would eventually face their own tribunals with a predetermined verdict of guilty. She said an ineluctable fate awaited them and their co-conspirators. She held Trump and the admiral responsible for her father’s death and said her “people” would behead them.

“You’re all doomed,” she said, shaking her shackled wrists, and she called Adm. Crandall an irritant, like a buzzing mosquito waiting to be squashed.

“This isn’t personal; I take no enjoyment in my responsibilities,” Vice Adm. Crandall said. “You took an oath to our country—let me correct myself. It’s not your country. It stopped being your country the moment you betrayed the Constitution. You’re un-American. You, your people, you stand up there holding yourself blameless, no misgivings for what you’ve done. I pity you; I really do.”

The admiral seemed uncharacteristically patient. He gave Cheney more latitude than he had previous Deep Staters on the gallows. His face was devoid of expression, but he seemed genuinely interested in what made people like Cheney tick—What drove them to value greed over charity? What compelling force stripped them of decency? His dispassionate look became one of puzzlement as he listened to Cheney’s hateful monologue, her tongue flicking like a snake’s as she cursed the admiral and his family.

“You murdered my father. You killed my friends. And for that you will die,” Cheney said.

Apparently the admiral had heard enough. He instructed the soldier on the platform to push the button, and a second later, Cheney was dangling in the wind. A Navy physician affirmed Cheney’s death and noted the time: 9:30 a.m., Monday, April 24.

Adm. Crandall had a busy schedule. He still had to oversee the hanging of two corrupt feds and then board one of several flights that would eventually carry him to Guam, where tribunals would be held for the foreseeable future.


Stick with me Patriots. You're going to love how this movie ends,


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Remember that al-Qaeda The CIA wasn't even interviewed by the 9/11 Commission. The Deep State ran massive interference with that investigation too.

And remember...

They changed the protocols for hijacked planes months before 9/11. It was the military that would have scrambled fighter jets shooting down those alleged bin Laden "planes". Instead, that authority was removed and given to the highest political authority 👉 VP Dick Cheney. They had to, otherwise their whole "plane" illusion would have fallen apart. It wouldn't have worked.

Those planes were in the air for over a half hour. How did they not at least have jet fighter escorts beside them?

Only months before 9/11? Yes! Another amazing coincidence! What are the odds of that!

And speaking of Cheney..

Why did Liz Cheney have it so in for Trump? An irrelevant Republican Congresswoman hated The Boss like no other promising to expose and take him down! And why did the Deep State make her the Head of the Snake 👉 the Jan 6th Commission? And how did Liz get so flippin' rich so fast only after a few years in Congress?

Answer: 9/11 Truth!

To protect her father and his legacy.

Poor Dick in Drag...she thought Trump was her only threat. Take him down and it's over...smooth sailing.

Little did Dick in Drag know who was running Q+ behind the scenes and coming for ALL of them, one by one, including Dick in Drag herself for TREASON!


Liz Cheney Hanged at GITMO

Monday, April 24 2023

Standing atop the gallows with a braided rope around her neck, Liz Cheney devoted her final breaths to excoriate President Donald J. Trump—who was not present—and his “minions,” accusing them of collectively subverting the Constitution to enforce a “private brand of justice.” Her eyes, open to narrow slits, like knife cuts, surveyed the officers who stood below and before her, as if memorizing faces for a future fight against them.

As is typical at hangings, a uniformed soldier tugged on the rope stretching from Cheney’s neck to a beam several feet above them, testing for slack and tension. He nodded at Vice Admiral Crandall, signaling his readiness to push the button.

A ruddy-cheeked Cheney rambled on about how Trump and Adm. Crandall would eventually face their own tribunals with a predetermined verdict of guilty. She said an ineluctable fate awaited them and their co-conspirators. She held Trump and the admiral responsible for her father’s death and said her “people” would behead them.

“You’re all doomed,” she said, shaking her shackled wrists, and she called Adm. Crandall an irritant, like a buzzing mosquito waiting to be squashed.

“This isn’t personal; I take no enjoyment in my responsibilities,” Vice Adm. Crandall said. “You took an oath to our country—let me correct myself. It’s not your country. It stopped being your country the moment you betrayed the Constitution. You’re un-American. You, your people, you stand up there holding yourself blameless, no misgivings for what you’ve done. I pity you; I really do.”

The admiral seemed uncharacteristically patient. He gave Cheney more latitude than he had previous Deep Staters on the gallows. His face was devoid of expression, but he seemed genuinely interested in what made people like Cheney tick—What drove them to value greed over charity? What compelling force stripped them of decency? His dispassionate look became one of puzzlement as he listened to Cheney’s hateful monologue, her tongue flicking like a snake’s as she cursed the admiral and his family.

“You murdered my father. You killed my friends. And for that you will die,” Cheney said.

Apparently the admiral had heard enough. He instructed the soldier on the platform to push the button, and a second later, Cheney was dangling in the wind. A Navy physician affirmed Cheney’s death and noted the time: 9:30 a.m., Monday, April 24.

Adm. Crandall had a busy schedule. He still had to oversee the hanging of two corrupt feds and then board one of several flights that would eventually carry him to Guam, where tribunals would be held for the foreseeable future.


Stick with me Patriots. You're going to love how this movie ends,

Great way to start my day with reads like this.

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